You B****s Will Go Down

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~Niall's pov~ *two weeks later*

Louis is getting better now, we've been getting better. It's been more then two months Harry left and it still hurts if someone says his name.

Caroline and Liam have been really nice about everything. After not talking to them for over a month, they greet me with open arms. Andy doesn't though, said I needed to grow up. Aston followed with a sad look on his face. Love can do that to you I guess.

I still love Zayn, I don't care if he hurt me, that doesn't define the time we had. Zayn hasn't talked to me since then either, he always passes me and gives me A's even if hand in a blank piece of paper for homework. I think that t is his way of saying sorry. I just don't know f I will be able t truly forgive him for leaving me, leaving Louis at the time we needed him most.

~Zayn's pov~

Niall looks so sad. He doesn't talk to anyone nor do they talk to him. I want to help him, I want to take the awful things I did to him back, but I don't think I can. I've tried to ask about Louis, but Niall just got up and left, after that I gave up. I stopped caring, did what Niall was worried Louis would do, I gave into the numbness, and it feels so good. It's like a drug that couldn't get enough of, the only thing stronger then my love for Niall. Numbness is a good thing, but I fear one day it will swallow me whole.

~Niall's pov~ *Two weeks later*

Louis has gone back to work now, and he is better Or better enough not to break down whenever he see's someone close to what Harry looked like. When he gets back from work everyday we old each other and cry. This lasts until one of us falls asleep and needs to carry the other to our room. I have moved into Louis' room now, it seemed easier then one of us sneaking into the others room at night. Things will get better, I mean isn't that what they say, you'll find light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe I haven't reached the end and there is more in store for me. I have to hope don't I?

Today is the last day before school ends. I have only one more full day of school then a assembly tomorrow, then summer for two and a half months of no school, no Zayn. Louis takes me to school today, and tells me to wish him luck today. I ask why and he says that he has to go to a meet-and-greet with my teachers. That means that Louis and Zayn are going to be in the same room for two hours, that ought to be fun.

", and I wont embarrass you to badly." He says laughing

"Yeah, sure. Bye ou, love you!" I shout getting out of the car,

"Bye Ni, love you too!" He says driving to find a parking spot

I walk in to see kids laughing and pointing at some flyer

God I feel bad for however it is about, because these are tearing it to part.

"Hey Niall, did you know your best friend is a skank?" So guy on the football (soccer) shouts

"Niall, why don't you and Car-hoe-line go and tell Liam the truth?" A cheer leader asks

"Niall did you know about Caroline's stutty behavior? Who knew the good girl had a wild side!" Someone shouts behind me. I pick up a flyer to see it say;

Caroline the girl you thought you knew

our dear Caroline, better known for being co-captain of the cheer leading squad, has been found cheating on boyfriend Liam Payne with more then one boy. Caroline has been caught kissing and doing even more naughty things with boys on Liam's track teams. Liam is also known for having boyfriends in the past, so why Caroline? Maybe she was a beard for Liam and his friend Niall Horan who has been every close lately. Will the truth come out or will the lie go on to help to gay guys out?

Our love (Ziall, Larry Underage)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat