Phoebe's House

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~Niall's pov~

I miss Zayn so much. It's been two weeks and I can barely breathe. I almost never see Louis, he is almost always gone looking for jobs, and I am stuck and Phoebe's taking high school online. I never told Louis about breaking up with Zayn, and he hasn't asked. I think we both are just trying to pretend that Bradford never happened, but I cant forget about the people I love. Zayn and Harry are the only things that are keeping me from breaking down. I know Harry probably doesn't care about me now and Zayn probably hates me, but I just pretend that that they still love me. Lou doesn't take about Harry, I think he cant handle not seeing Harry. Every night I see him in his car looking ready to go, but he never does, Louis just sits in his car and cries. I wish I was that strong. Phoebe has had to drag me to my room and tell me to grow up multiple times. She more then less likely thinks I'm crazy, and maybe I am.

~Louis' pov~ *That Night* 

I start to head out the door when Lottie stops me.

"Lou, I know you miss them, but you are scaring me. Stay inside tonight please, please." She says tearing up

"No Lottie I need to, it helps, I promise it does. If I don't go out there, then I might do something worse and I don't want Niall to have to deal with that, okay? so please just let me go!" I yell the last part. She steps aside while crying. I walk past her and go to my car and sit there. Hours pass and I cry. I cry for Harry, scream my apologies to Niall, cry for Zayn, for my sister that has to deal with me, I cry for the fact that it easies the pain. I want to give up but I cant, I wont let myself for Niall. If I do then he wont have anyone, and I don't want him to make the choices I have made in my life.

*Next Day*

I go see Ni, for the first time since we got here. I walk up to his room, to find him crying. I run up to him and hold him. I just hold him. We sit like that for a few hours, until I see his face. It's so sunken in, so unhappy, not the Niall that I have made my lives work to make happy. I hold him tighter and cry. Now it's his time to hold me. I don't want to leave him and from the looks he doesn't want me to either but Phoebe calls us down. We hold each other as we walk down the stairs and see her crying.

"What's wrong Phoebe? Is someone hurt?" I ask like the good brother I am.

"Ni, Lou you have someone hear to see you." With that Zayn walks in. No Harry. Niall runs to him and jumps on top of him, making Zayn fall down.

"Zayn! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean what I said, I love you! Please forgive me, please! I love you so much!" Niall cries

 "Nialler I would never leave you, I promised remember? I said I would never leave you, we would always be together no matter what. I love you so much Ni." Zayn says hugging and kissing my brother.

"Um I hate to ruin things but I need to ask you something Zayn." I say clearing my throat

"Oh yeah, you probably have been wondering where he is, Harry get in here!" He yells out side

I wait to see the boy I love so much. I hear him coming, that giant dork almost falls a couple times coming in but he makes it. I see him for the first time in two weeks and I start crying again.

''Lou! I missed you so much! Never leave me again ok? Promise me, please just say you'll never leave." Harry begs

"I promise Hazza, I promise. I will never leave you again, I love you to much too." I say pulling him into a tight hug.

"I love you my little Nialler" I hear Zayn whisper

"I love you too Zaynie" Niall says with his voice shaking

"I love you LouLou" Harry says copying the other two

"I love you to the moon and back Hazz." I whisper pushing his curls back so I can kiss the top of his head.

"But I'd go even farther" He says

"Phoebe? Lottie? What made you change you mind?" I ask my sisters, who have come back in the room.

"Well, we know you to were hurting and Niall your boyfriend is very persuasive." They reply

"You did this Zayn?" I ask

"With the help of Harry" says then kisses Niall

"Thank you" I whisper to know one in particular

A/N Hi! Yay Larry and Ziall! So I am going to start writing the Styles quadruplet's story, so go check that out please! And thank you to caroline4ever for giving me a list of names, I picked one of those names, but I'm not going to tell you which, so go look at the story! Comment please! thank you! Vote also! Thank you guys so much for the 2,970 reads! And the 152 votes! Love you guys!

Our love (Ziall, Larry Underage)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora