A Fixed Friendship

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~Harry's pov~

The fact Niall can just barely look at me, makes me want to cry. We had such a good friendship before I had to ruin it. It's all my fault, I guess I understand why though, I hate myself even more then he does. I have to make it up to him.

"Hazza love, what are you thinking about?" Lou asks cutely

"I'm fine, I just was thinking about what I could do to fix my friendship with Niall." I say sadly

"Well take him out, Ni loves food more then anything else."

"Do you think that would work?" I question

"of course, I mean you already gave him the other thing he loves the most"

"So Zayn and food are his most favorite things in the world, and not you?"

"Well Niall and I have a bad past, with our parents, then my mum wanting me to move in with her but not Niall. Our sister said we could leave with her, but she has a family now and I wasn't close to her, Ni, was though, he got so mad at me for turning her down. We move so much anyways, we've moved to 10 different towns since Niall was eight. But we are good now, or at least better then we were." Louis says starting to cry

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm sure Niall loves you, I mean haven't you seen how he looks at you? Niall loves you and will always will." I say getting him to smile.

We cuddle for a while then I realize that it's after school now, (which I promptly skipped) and Niall and Zayn should be here by now. I also should be going but I don't want to ruin the moment.

"Harry! Look what time it is! You missed school, you need to get home! Come on go grab something of Niall's and I'll take you home." Lou shouts at me

I go to Niall's room and find something that I can fit into. Once I do I walk down stairs and see that Louis looks ready to go and has his keys in his hand.



I give him directions to my house, but tell him to drop me off a little ways from my house. I give him one last kiss before I head to my house. Once I get to the steps, the door opens and my very angry looking mother is standing there.

"Harold Styles! Why did the school call me saying you weren't there today?" She yells at me

"Mum I wasn't feeling good after last night so I stayed at Niall's and his mum took care of me." I say lying through my teeth.

"Is this true Harry? You aren't lying to me are you?" She says not believing me.

"Yes mom it is, and they want me to go to their house tonight for dinner if that is alright with you?" I say

"Who is they?"

"Niall, his mum, dad and his brother Louis" I say hoping she doesn't read into it.

"Well I guess then, your coming home tonight though, and don't even think about skipping school again, got it?"

"Yes mum, thank you!"

I go up to my room and text Niall to see when he will be home. Then I change out of his to small for me clothes and change into some of my own. Ding

From: Blondie

To: Hazza

I'm home now, why?

To: Blondie

From: Hazza

I want to take you out tonight, just as friends of course :)

From: Blondie

To Hazza

Fine be here in fifteen.

After waiting ten minutes I ask my mum for the keys to my car. I might not be fifteen, but they let me get my license anyways. No one but my family knows though, I am just to lazy to drive myself. I go to Niall's and open the door without out knocking.

"Loubear you here?" I shout

"Coming!" He shouts back

I hear running then Louis comes and jumps on me, thankfully I catch him. He kiss me then we hear a cough from behind us.

"So I hear that your stealing my boyfriend for the night?" Zayn asks while holding Niall in his arms protectively.

"Yep, but just for a hour then he's yours again." I direct towards Zayn

"Well lets get this over with then." Niall says with hate in his voice

We get out to my car and I see his mouth drop, it's funny really.

"You can drive?" Niall asks in amazement

"Yeah I got my license on my fifteenth birthday." I say knowingly

"Harry, I'm sorry I was so mean to you. You didn't mean what you did, and you brought Zayn back to me. I should be grateful to you not mean. I am truly sorry." Niall says

"It's fine Ni, I'm sorry too. Friends?"

"Friends. So where are we going anyways?" he asks

"To go get food." I say smiling

"Harry I love you!" He screams

A/N Hi! Yay Niall and Harry made up! Also cute little Larry moments in there! So thank you to those who commented on the last chapter! Two comments on this one maybe? Then a new chapter later today? Remember to COMMENT and vote!

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