Confession Time

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~Niall's pov~

"Holy shit! I mean good to see you again Mr. Horan."

What the hell? Zayn is my IS teacher? How did this happen, how did I have sex with my teacher yesterday? I am so screwed, what if anyone finds out?

"Mr. Horan, Mr. Horan! Do you care to answer the question on the board?" Zayn I mean Mr. Malik says.

"Um no?"

"Is that a question or an answer Mr. Horan?"

Before I have any time to answer he hands me a detention slip.

"What is this for!" I half ask half yell.Mr. Malik just shakes his head at me. That's when I notice that there is a little arrow at the bottom. I turn the slip over and see that he has written a note for me;

"Niall I am sorry that I gave you detention but we need to talk. Don't be mad please. -Zayn"

Great so now I have to explain that I am only 15 to Mr. Malik and have to probably more than less likely beg him not to tell the school or worse my brother. Oh god, that would give Louis another reason to never trust me. Just great.

~Skip to end of class~

"Alright class, have a good rest of your day." Mr. Malik says

As soon as the last student has left, he is right in front of me.

"Niall what do you have to say for yourself?" Mr. Malik more accuses of me then asks.

"I should be the one asking you that! I didn't know you were going to be my teacher. Hell I thought I was never going to see you again." I say

"Are you kidding me! You are 15 at oldest, I thought you were 18. I took you to a bar, I got drunk with you, I had sex with you! Don't you know I could go to jail for any or all of those things?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Malik, I wasn't thinking about that."

"It's fine I guess. Oh and Niall? Please when we aren't in class, please call me Zayn."

"Okay I will, bye Mr. Mal- I mean Zayn." I stutter out like a complete idiot.

"Wait! Do you need a ride home?"

When we get to the parking lot, I don't wait for him to tell me which one is his since I was in it just yesterday. I tell him my address and after that we sit in awkward silence. What seems like ages until we pull up to my house.

"Goodbye Niall, I'll see you tomorrow. And if it is okay with you I think I might make it a little routine of mine to take you to school and bring you back." Zayn somewhat asks

"I don't mind Zayn, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning."

As I walk in I see that Harry had texted me asking what happened during detention. I reply back with a simple nothing it was boring.

"Louis I'm home"

"Oh good, come here I need to show you something."

As I walk into our living room I see that he put on one of our old home videos. It's of me on my 8TH birthday party, A happy yet mournful day for the both of us. That day marks the day that our parents left us. Louis being 23 tried to protect me from the whole thing while it was still my birthday. I hated that day and the week to follow, but still Louis had always been there for me.

"Niall, the reason I wanted to show you this is because I have to leave tomorrow for a month. I just want you to know that no matter what you are my brother and I love you." Louis says as he pulls me into a hug.

"I love you too."

A/N sorry guys, I know that was bad, but I'll to make the next chapter better. Also the Larry parts will be later when Louis gets back. Thanks for reading! and please comment on what you think I could do to make this better.

Our love (Ziall, Larry Underage)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora