Chapter Twenty-Eight

669 11 4

Dedicated to: @LeslieBridgetAnzia

Best Song Ever by One Direction



Eleanor's P.O.V.

Louis was taking me to the London Eye. Niall and Lauren are coming as well. I got out of bed and put on red high-waisted shorts, a Union Jack tank top and black studded sandals. I put a Union Jack case on my iPhone and put it in my purse, along with my Ray Bans. Then I put on my infinity necklace. Louis, Niall and Lauren were waiting in the living room.

"Hey guys!"

"Ready to go?"


We went outside and got into Louis' car. He turned on the radio. Live While We're Young was on. Lauren and I laughed. Louis drove to the London Eye. He parked the car. Louis and Niall waited in line while Lauren and I got the tickets. We got into line with them. After 10 minutes, we were at the front of the line. Louis and I got into a cart. The operator closed and locked the door. Then Niall and Lauren got into a cart. The wheel went around a few times. We stopped at the top. My jaw dropped.

"The view is amazing up here!"

"Isn't it?"

"You can see for miles!"

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"We're going to the Olympics tomorrow with Liam and Danielle!"

"Awesome! Thanks Louis!"

"All of the performers for the closing ceremony got 2 tickets for any day of the Olympics. Liam and I picked tomorrow."


"Oh, and you and the girls all have a seat for the closing ceremony as well."

"Thank you so much Louis!"

"No problem."

I hugged him. The wheel started again. We got brought back down to the ground. We got out of the cart. Niall and Lauren were right behind us. 

"Did you guys have a good time?"

"Yep. How about you guys?"


I took out my phone. I was going to text Dani. The phone slipped out of my hands and hit the ground. I picked it up. The screen was completely shattered. Lauren gasped. I pressed the home button. Nothing. Then the power button. Nothing. 

"Um, I think I just killed my phone."

"Ooh, that's bad." Niall said.

"Did you back up your phone recently?" Lauren asked.

"Yep, last night. Thank god I didn't lose any of my pictures."

"I'll take you to get a new phone." Louis said.

"Thanks Louis."

We went back to the car. Louis dropped Lauren and Niall off. Then he drove to the phone place. We went inside and went up to the counter.

"Hi, I'd like to get the iPhone 5."

"White or black?"

"White if you have it."

The worker went to get the phone. He came back with the box.

"Could I see your current phone?"

I handed it to him. He took the SIM card out of it and put it into my new phone.

"That will be 200 pounds please."

I went to hand hand him my credit card, but Louis beat me to it. He swiped it and gave it back to Louis.

"Thank you."

We went back to the car. I opened the box. The phone was inside, along with instructions on how to set up the phone online. We got back to the flat about ten minutes later.

"I'm gonna go set up my phone."

I went into my room and took out my laptop. I plugged my phone in and opened iTunes. I clicked "Restore iPhone." After about 30 minutes, everything from my old phone was on my new phone. I closed my laptop. Then I thought to myself, "Shoot, I'm gonna need all new phone cases."

I called Dani.

"Hey El, what's up?"

"I just got the iPhone 5 because I dropped my old phone. I need you to help me find some cool new cases to order."

"I'll be right over."

About five minutes later there was a knock at the door. Dani came in. She came into my room.

"Let's look on Amazon."

I opened Amazon on my laptop. I searched "iPhone 5 cases." Lots of cool cases came up. We looked for about a half hour. In the end I ordered 25 cases. I got a sea view case, a bunny case, a green sparkly case, a popcorn case, a case with a number keypad, a Union Jack case, a Plaid case, a peace sign case, a studded case, a grey case, a blue case, a diamond case, an owl case, a polka dotted case, a Starbucks case, another bunny case, a beach case, a metallic case, an art case, a pink/purple case, a gold case, a striped case, a yellow case and a purply case.

"Thanks Dani!"

"No problem."


So, they went on the London Eye. And they're going to the Olympics! And Eleanor got a new phone. I have this fear that I'm going to drop my iPod and kill it like Eleanor did to her phone. 

Video: Best Song Ever

Picture: London Eye

External Link: Eleanor's Outfit and Phone Cases (They'e really cool, I recommend you look at them!)


'Cause with your hand in my hand, and a pocket full of soul

I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go

~Kate :)

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