Chapter Three

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Eleanor's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the couch, bored as can be, when I came up with an idea.


"SURE," Harry yelled back.

He and Louis came in.

"So, what movie are we gonna watch?" Louis asked.

"Can we watch Pitch Perfect?" I asked.

"No way," said Harry.

"I don't care what movie we watch," replied Louis.

I gave Harry a pouty face.

"Okay, fine," he said.

"Yay!" I yelled.

I saw Louis smile at me. I smiled back.

"I'm in charge of this movie night" I said.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed popcorn and then I grabbed my phone.

"What kind of pizza do you guys want," I asked them.

"Cheese," answered Louis.

I called the pizza place and got a large cheese pizza. About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I answered it to find the pizza guy there.

"How much?" I asked.

"Ten pounds," he replied, looking bored.

I handed him the money and he left. I set the pizza on the table and grabbed three plates. I put them on the table and then got three cans of Coke.

"Harry, get your butt over here," I said since Louis was already there.

We sat down and ate. We each had 2 slices. I put the leftover in the fridge and popped the popcorn.

"Where do you guys keep the ice-cream," I asked.

"I'll show you," replied Louis.

We went down to the basement and I noticed a ping-pong table.

"We should play ping-pong sometime soon!" I said.

"Yes, we should," he said.

Then he opened up the freezer.

"Holy crap!" I said, in awe of what I saw inside.

This freezer was like the kind you would find at an ice cream place! I quickly ran over to get mint chip.

"Hey, that's my favorite," Louis said, laughing.

"Mine too!" I said, "What's Harry's favorite flavor?"

"Orange sherbet."

We brought the two tubs of ice cream upstairs. I scoped the ice cream and put the bowls on the table. Then I got out sprinkles, chocolate sauce, and three cans of whipped cream. We all loaded our ice creams with sprinkles and chocolate sauce and each took our own can of whipped cream. By the time we were done, all three cans were empty. I put the popcorn into bowls and started the movie.

Louis’s P.O.V.

I was eating a lot of popcorn during the movie. It was quite funny and we were all laughing. By the end of the movie, our stomachs hurt from laughing. We sat there for about an hour after the movie ended. I noticed that Eleanor had fallen asleep. I carried her to her room and put her in her bed. "Goodnight Eleanor," I whispered. I think I'm going to ask her out tomorrow.


Hey guys! 

Sorry I took so long to update. I wrote this but then it didn't save. So I needed time to write it. Thanks again for 175 reads ❤  

-Kate ;)

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