Chapter Twenty

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Dedicated to: @live_life_laughing

The Way by Ariana Grande


Louis' P.O.V.

I opened the door to find Hannah, my ex, standing there. Let me fill you in a little. Hannah Walker. We dated while I was on the X Factor. I liked her, she liked me. But then I caught her cheating. I broke up with her after that. 

"What do you want, Hannah?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to take me back, since you're with a slut now," she said.

My jaw dropped. This girl was so annoying.

"For your information, Eleanor is not a slut, and I would never take you back, even if we were the last two people on earth! Now leave!"

I shut the door on her. She didn't knock again, luckily. 


"Hey Eleanor, I'm running over to Starbucks, want something?" I asked the next morning.

"Sure, I'll have a vanilla latte," she replied.

I grabbed my keys, went into the garage, and got into my car. I got to Starbucks about 5 minutes later. After my car was parked, I went into Starbucks. I got a Vanilla Latte for Eleanor and a Half & Half coffee for me. After I had paid and gotten the coffees, I decided to take a little walk around the area.

"Hi Louis!" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Hannah there.

"What do you want Hannah?"

"Oh, you know what I want. I want to get back together with you."

She kissed me. I didn't kiss back and pulled away as quickly as possible. I hoped paparazzi didn't see that. 

"What the hell Hannah!?"

I left before she could say anything. I couldn't stand Hannah and her plans.


Ooh, did the paparazzi catch that fake kiss?

No hate to Hannah Walker. This is a work of fiction. Picture of her on the side.


Fast lanes, limousines

Baby there can be no gaurantees


Next update soon!

~Kate :)

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