Chapter 33

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We all woke up to the sound of my alarm clock after all we couldn't be late.  The other girls started to to get ready and I had the task of getting Lydia ready. I picked her up from the bed and had her stand so she would wake up and she did. I took a shower earlier so I sent Lydia her way while I started on my hair.  I braided my bangs back then I curled the rest of my hair and that's when Lydia came back onto the room. I grabbed a chair and motioned for her to sit down. I combed threw her hair and then dried it. When I finished her hair was in her natural curly state but they were more looser of that makes sense. I grabbed a red headband with a silk bow on it and place it on her head.

"There perfect," I said.

She stood up to see herself and smiled one of her prettiest smiles. She was now wearing a silk red dress and little black shoes.  I wore black heels with a teal dress on. I saw my moms necklace sitting on the dresser. I grabbed it and put it on my neck. I turned around and Rayna was standing there. She asked  if we could talk so I went out on the hallway with her.

"Yes?" I asked.  She was thinking on what she was going to say but I said,"Which one is it this time?"

"Both well, mainly Chase." she said.

"Don't forget that you are dating Derrick."

"I know that but..."

Before she could reply I said,"This isn't a game so you need to pick one and stay with that one because I am so sick and tired of all the crap that comes out of your mouth about boys. If you can't pick one then don't date them. Problem solved."

She sighed and walked back to her dorm. I don't have time for her crap besides I have to finish getting ready. It was almost time and soon everybody was in our room. I grabbed Lydia's hand and we went to the auditorium. We walked in and Timothy ushered us to sit on the stage so we all followed. A few minutes later the rest of the students walked in and sat. Timothy gave a speech like always then one by one the rest of us went. Lydia was finishing up and then it would be my turn. She sat down and I walked up. Once the clapping was over I cleared my throat.

"I was a normal girl before I came here but I can't imagine going back to my old life. When I met Derrick my world was flipped upside down and I didn't know how to handle it then Lydia was taken from me and I felt like I was going to die. I never knew that I had this power before like you guys have and when I discovered it I was scared. I came here and that is when I found out everything about my family that I didn't know. This was a whole new world to me but I've managed. No matter how long you live there will always be a problem in your way. My problem just happened to be Karma. All I know is that I couldn't have done it without these guys behind me. Someday everyone will be remembered for something but do you want it to be good or evil. I wanted to be remembered as a hero, I guess but I mainly did for my family and especially my mother. I promise you that this won't be the last time you see Zoey Moore."

When I said that last sentence there was some gasps but then they crowd erupted in cheers and claps. I turned from the crowd and saw the faces of my friends. Some were surprised because I didn't tell that many people but overall they were all smiling at me. Then Timothy took the stage once again.  I
still have to ask him about my mother and how she really died.

Well guys this was my first book ever on Wattpad so I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for sticking around until the very end but this is only the first book the second will be out soon. I would like to thank XxCoffeeKillerxX for helping me with the character of Rayna. I would also like to thank all my followers you guys are amazingly beautiful people. You can either hate it or love it but you can't really affect me because I don't know you and you don't know me so yeah. That's it for now guys but keep a lookout for the second book.

Love you guys,

Finding Zoey,the Elemental SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now