Chapter 24

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   I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Now,"he demanded.

I started to mentally prepare for how his reaction was going to be. I started to wring my hands once again. I had to tell him right here, right now.

~end of recap~

I started to open my mouth but Timothy came over. Thank God. I relaxed.

"Well, the seniors said that Karma has found our location but doesn't know how to get here." Timothy said.

Travis looked at me then stood up and said,"We have to relocate."

I joined into the conversation by saying,"If we relocate there is a higher chance that Karma will take someone elses powers and we can't risk that."

"She's right,"Timothy said.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Travis said while letting out a sound of frustration.

I looked away from Travis and back to Timothy,"Let me fight."

When I said that they were both staring at me. Travis was surprised but Timothy wasn't.

"If you don't she will find a way in here and destroy us all. I will take the strongest people I know, Timothy, I have to do this." I said.

Travis turned to me and said,"It's too dangerous."

Timothy nodded at Travis then said,"He is right and Emma you can't go because you're not emotionally ready."

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"Your sister has to come with you because she is the one Karma wants as well, as you." he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Karma is smart. She will set up a decoy then come here and kidnap Lydia. Taking her with you is the only way." he said.

"Fine. I'll take her." I said.

Travis and Timothy looked at each other then said in unison,"What!"

"I'll take her. Whatever it takes to destroy Karma," I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"You're crazy! A little eight year old girl can't do that." Travis said.

"Trust me we've been through worse and Travis you're coming too. Don't try to talk yourself out of it because you won't succeed." I said.

After I said that I walked off to tell Derrick. Finally everything was falling into place. I found Lydia and I told her that she was coming with me and she returned to her friends thinking nothing about it. I walked around this utility about five times then it hit me. He must have went to the surface. I am had to find the elevator thing that brought me her in the first place. When I found it, I faceplanted into it. It was invisible. I walked in and pressed the only button on it. The pressure of it going up made me fall down on the bottom of the elevator. I could barely manage to get back up on my feet. When the elevator came to a stop it made me jump. I walked out and I could smell the crispness of the air. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I missed this place. I started walking through the forest again. There a found a familiar rabbit. Thumper. He seemed quite content with himself. I petted him a while then I went back on the hunt. I heard someone talking so I followed the voice. I came upon the person but it was a girl so I hid behind a bush.

"You got her to let you come." a voice said.

"Yes, and I will lead the way." the other voice said.

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