Chapter 27

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Timothy called us all from our activities for a meeting. He invited Rayna to. It was clear the nobody liked her. Chase was here to along everybody else. We waited for awhile for him to make his grand appearance. Soon he walked in but he looked like he meant business. He nodded to a couple of people behind him and then two guys stood beside. Were they here to keep me from hurting someone. That hurts. I would never do that unless it was completely necessary. He crossed his arms and stood before us.

"Get ready to say your final goodbyes," he said.

I stood up and said,"What?"

"Zoey isn't doing too well and they are going to pull the plug tonight at six," he said staring straight at me.

The guards stood in front of me but I pushed them out of the way then I started to walk towards him.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"Calm..." he started.

"Don't tell me to calm down. They can't do this because there has to be some weaver signed." I yelled.

Timothy grabbed my by my shirt and dragged me out in the hallway.

He let and said in a low whisper,"Since she was never adopted her dad signed it and I know  you are going to ask about her grandparents but she ran away to them so her dad had custody and he signed them."

I rubbed my face then said,"This is complete shit. He doesn't even know her. If it was her grandparents I could probably understand it and I wouldn't be as mad as I am now. Her dad has not seen her since she was like seven and he dos this. I swear I am going to kill him."

"Derrick! There is still a chance that she'll wake up but it is more likely that she won't wake up."

I walked away as he said that. I am going to find her dad. I think he name was Dakota but I will find him and make sure he knows what he just did. I am pretty sure that he doesn't want any of family members living because right now he only has Lydia left. My hand started to heat up and soon a few trees were on fire. That never happens.

~Lydia P.O.V~

I was told earlier that Dakota signed the weaver. I really didn't understand what he was talking about until I heard Derrick screaming in the hallway. This has been really messed up. If she doesn't wake up I would have to take her place and battle Karma but my powers aren't as strong as Zoeys. I have been training a lot but it doesn't even compare. When she was at my age her powers was still stronger than mine. I hope that she will wake up.

~End P.O.V~

~Rayna P.O.V~

Well, I am pretty sure that the whole world hates me right now but nobody will believe. I know that it sounded like I was helping Karma but I wasn't. I did tell her that she was going to let me go with her but I was going to tell her a false route so that we could steer clear of her minions because that's who she was going to send. I was wanting to make it a one on one battle but with the help of friends on Zoeys side. If Zoey didn't come to the surface I would've gotten away with it. My whole plan is know ruined and nobody will even look at me. I tried talking to Chase but that didn't turn out will. I really never talked to Travis so there is no way. Candace will basically kill me and love it. She and I have never been on good terms. Camira was okay with me but now she hates me. Gracelynn is really sweet but she was the best friend of Zoey. Then there is Derrick and right now he hates everything except for Lydia. He is really my last resort hopefully he'll hear me out. I went to Timothy to go ask him where he went.

"So," I asked.

"Going to find her dad but Rayna you know he can get a bad temper when it comes to the ones he cares about." Timothy said.

"I know and thanks," I said.

I turned away and went to go find him. I knew Derrick pretty well considering we went out. That hurt. I know I really didn't like him before but I slowly feel for him and now I just don't know anymore. I walked through the woods then I saw it a couple of trees burning that's a good sign. Then I started to follow his footprints soon enough I found him. I caught up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and was surprised.

"Sorry. I just had to come and apologize." I said.

Then the unexpected happened he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back as well but really shocked. Once we let go he took a few steps back.

"Sorry, I am just glad that you didn't get hurt," he said.

"I thought you hated me," I said.

"No, I wasn't. I knew you didn't mean harm by doing that considering that you wanted to be best friends with her," he said with a reassuring smile.

"But you broke up with me and didn't even talk to me."

"Did I actually say I was breaking up with you and I was just really shocked. I didn't talk to anybody for awhile and then I have been taking care of Lydia."

"Well, you never said it."

"So, we never broke up except for that one time but we did get back together and still are."

"Can I help?" I asked.

"Sure. Do you know where her dad lives?" he said.

I guess that there was one person who didn't hate me. I relaxed a bit and led the way to her dads house.

~End P.O.V~

~Derrick P.O.V~

A few hours later we made it to his house. I told Rayna that I would handle this and she quietly agreed. I walked on his front porch and knocked on his door. His house was in bad condition. There was a few windows broken and the wood was rotting. Soon a man come to the door. I punched him in the face and he stumbled backwards. Then got up and walked towards me.

"Aren't you one Zoeys friends?" he said.

"Yea, and why did you sign the weaver?" I said.

"Because she isn't going to live." he spat.

"Is this what you do? Do you want to get rid of your family." I said.

His fists started to clench up. He grabbed my shirt and slammed me against a wall.

"What are you saying!" he yelled.

"First Alexa,now Zoey. Whose next Lydia." I said.

He slammed me against the wall a few more times to where I started getting a head ache. Rayna heard what was going on and she came in. Dakotas eyes turned over to her. I grabbed his wrist that still had my shirt and I burned it. He let me go and I fell to the ground. He started cursing then he recovered and walked towards Rayna. I got up and grabbed a golf club. I swung and it hit him on the head. Rayna ran out of the house. I threw it down and walked out of the house.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, but how are you." she said.

"Fine it's just a headache," I said.

She grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. I heard her gasp and she felt my head. I turned back around to face her and she stared at me with wide eyes. She raised her hand and there was blood on it. Then I felt the back of my had and felt it.

"Sit," she commanded me.

She had brought a first aid kit or something because she was fixing it. A few minutes later we started walking back. It was five. It was almost time for her to be unplugged. When we stepped out the elevator. Lydia ran up to me.

"She woke up," she said with a big smile.

She grabbed my hand and we ran to go see her. Rayna said she would come later. Lydia and I walked through the door and there she was. She broke out with a smile when she saw us. I ran towards her and gave her a hug and she squeezed back. Lydia hopped on the bed and gave her a hug. Zoey is awake. I knew she wouldn't give up. I kissed her on the forehead and sat on the other side of her. We still have a chance.  

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