Chapter 14

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I came out of the shower and sat on my bed. I was wearing Aero sweatpants and an oversized shirt. I finished my homework for the first time, usually I get it from someone else but I actually tried. Soon enough there was a knock at my door. I thought it was Rayna so I went to go open it but to my surprise it was Derrick. He seemed really upset and he doesn't get upset easily.

"Zoey, I can't do it anymore." he said while pacing back and forth.

"Derrick, what happened?" I asked trying to calm him down.

"Rayna came up to me and was saying that I still loved you and that I only dated her because I wanted to get you back." he said.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Zo, I have told you a million times that I do." he said.

"Did you really only date her for that reason. To get back at me?" I said.

"At first yes but then I really started to like her." he said.

"Then go to her. Derrick, we both know that me and you didn't work."

"I know." he said.

He looked like he was about to cry so I gave him a hug and he would not let go. I felt bad for him but I knew if he wanted to still date Rayna that he has to go to her. After a few minutes we let go. He seemed a little bit better so I told to go talk to Rayna to work things out. He wanted me to go with I obliged but I would stay a few feet away. He grabbed my hand and we started walking to where Rayna usually goes. I got Travis to tell me. I realized that I looked like crap but I didn't care I was too busy playing cupid. Someone give me one of those bow and arrows because I have to mend a relationship. He squeezed my hand a couple of times and that meant he was nervous I reassured him like he did to me once. We made and Rayna was sitting by herself under a dead tree. I had to pry my hand out of his and push him to go talk to her. He walked to her very timidly.

"Rayna. I love you very much even more than Emma." he said.

"Stop lying to me and I know that her name is Zoey." she said.

How did she know my real name because I have told nobody.

"You are right. I do love her but I want to be with you." he said.

"Really?" she said enthusiastically.

"Definitely." he said with a smile.

My work here is done. The last bit I saw was that they were hugging. I fixed the problem guys. Your welcome. I started to walk back to the dorm then Chase jumped down right in front of me.

"Chase! You scared the crap out of me." I said while punching him in the arm.

"You should be used to it now, sweetheart." he said with a smirk.

"Well, I'm not and are you gonna walk me back to my room or not." I said.

"Sure lets go." he said.

Chase and I took off into the night once more. It reminded me of when we were dating. He would always sneak me out of my room. We made it to the school where we found Rayna and Derrick. Chase looked at Derrick with disgust and before I knew it we were over there with them. Soon me and Rayna were standing by each other while Derrick and Chase fought. I didn't know who would win. Chase has been in many fights before but Derrick is fire and he can pull his flames out at any time. Soon they were both on the ground rolling around in dirt. I saw enough of it. I had to step in so I caused an earthquake which got them to stop. They stood back and starred at me like I was Hitler. 

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled in their faces.

They stood there like they had no idea what I was saying. I glared at both of them. I walked up to Chase and said,"What happened?"

"I saw what he did to Rayna and I didn't like it." he said.

That was not the answer I was expecting from him. Derrick looked shocked as well. Rayna stepped in and said,"Chase, I decided to give Derrick another chance. Sorry."

Did they have a thing going on or something? Great another question. Chase didn't say another word and he just disappeared into the night like he always does. I ran over to see if Derrick was okay. I helped him up to his feet and saw that he had a few cuts. I patched him up and walked him to his dorm while Rayna called her dad to pick her up. Once I got passed the girls dorm he was passed out and I knew I couldn't carry him all the way back to his room so he would have to stay the night with us. Once I got there the girls looked shocked. They asked what happened and I explained it to them. They all felt bad for him except for Candace she said she knew something bad was gonna happen. I made a little bed for him on the couch we had and put him in it. Then I was exhausted from carrying him all this way so I passed out as well but I knew what everyone will be talking about tomorrow. 

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