Chapter 21

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Hey guys thanks for reading. I hope you will stick around.


Christina Perri- Jar of Hearts


I went to Timothys house for the New Years party but I really wasn't looking forward to it because Chase would be there. If he kisses Rayna when the ball drops I am going to lose it. I wrote him a note just in case something happens. I really loved him but he obviously doesn't feel the same. One day he might look back and say what did I do? I really hope he does because I gave him all my heart and he has taken advantage of it every single time. I think I am completely done with Chase. Yep. Completely done.

I walked in his house with warm smiles and great food. He really knew how to throw a party. I saw everyone except for Chase and Rayna. Once I found Gracelynn I gave her the biggest hug. I haven't seen her in weeks and she is my best friend after all. He was as gorgeous as ever. She was wearing a sliver dress that came to upper thigh. I wore a gold dress. She had her hair in curls with red lipstick on and sliver eyeshadow. She also had black high heels.

"Hey, Its felt like I haven't seen you in two years." she said with a smile.

"I know. How was your Christmas?" I said.

"The usual presents, family, food, chaos. You?" she asked.

"Well kind of crazy. First my dad actually came when I haven't heard from him in seven years. The Rayna said that Chase kissed her and now Chase admits to it. So pretty crappy." I said.


"I know right but I don't want to see any of their faces today."

She looked frantic because she grabbed my shoulders and tried to keep me from moving.

"Um, lets go try the punch its really good." she said.

She walked me into their kitchen which was huge. It was the classic fruit punch but the had smoke coming from it which was really cool. He always made his parties grand. Someone tapped my shoulder and to my surprise it was Derrick.

"Hey princess," he said giving me a hug.

"Hey," I said hugging him back.

"Gracelynn told me about your crappy Christmas," he said filling his cup up.

He turned back to me and said,"Chase was an idiot to let you go and so was I."

When he said that it made me blush.

I looked down and said,"This isn't the first time."

"Don't let him win. Make him realize that he messed up when he gave you up. I know I did."

"You always know just what to say don't you."

"I guess."

I smiled then I drank some of my punch.

"It's only a few minutes till it drops, lets go." he said.

I followed him out the the kitchen and into the room where Chase and Rayna were at. I lost my breath and I could barley stand. Derrick must have figured it out because he was helping me walk. I am so stupid for letting him get to me like this.

10, 9, 8...

Chase was walking towards me.

7, 6, 5...

Now standing right beside me.

4, 3...

Turns to me.


Pulls me into him.

1...Happy New Years!!!

Plants his mouth into mine.

What was he doing to me? He said he wanted to date Rayna then he kisses me. What the hell! I couldn't do it. I pushed him off of me.

"Zoey?" he said.

"What wrong with you!" I yelled.

"Nothi- oh, what. I know I said that I liked her but I want you right now." he said

"Here!" I yelled while throwing the note at him.

The note explained how I felt with it written by my tears. I poured my heart and soul into it. I hope he understands what I meant by it. I ran out of his house and went home and just cried. Cried for hours.

~Chase POV~

I went in to kiss Zoey and I did but she pushed me off. I asked her why but she threw some sort of note at me. I went to go after her but Derrick held me back. I could've broken him but then she wouldn't talk to me ever. Everyone stared at me like I murder someone. I took off on my bike and stuffed the not in my pocket. Once I got home I opened it and the ring fell out that I gave her. She was pissed and serious about the ring. I picked it up from the floor and put it on my desk. The note read,

                 When you cried I was there to dry your tears. When you were down I made you smile. When you held my hand, I held yours back. When you kissed me it sent chills down my spine. I hugged you when nobody else did. I gave you attention when no one was there for you. When your day was grey I made it blue. How could you do this? I was your friend, baby, princess, and girlfriend. You said we were going to last forever but you blew that out of the water. All you said was lies and I believed them because I knew you wouldn't hurt me but I guess I was wrong. You were my umbrella in the rain but you floated away to another one. I remembered how your eyes lit up when you saw me but was that a lie too? You have taken my heart and broken it too many times. I loved you ever since I met you but you go around using me to get other girls and I am done. You will never be able to fix my broken heart this time. I have lost hope for us so you're free. I will not intervene with your life anymore. This might be the last time you hear from me but if you get things straightened out we could possibly start over but I am not making any promises and just be friends. Forever. I am left standing all alone in the wilderness. I hope you know that I loved you with all my heart but did you? I wish I could tell you face to face but I can't stand to be near you right now. We will still have the good memories. That's all. Goodbye Chase.

I couldn't believe it. She was finished with me. The only girl I have ever cared about just walked out of my life. I still love you. I kept repeating that in my mind. I wanted to tell her so bad but Rayna came. Damn. I wish it was just me and Zoey like it was before but that will never happen especially with Derrick and Rayna in the picture. I guess this is it for us. Bye Zoey.

~End of POV~

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