Chapter 23

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Heroes(We could be)- Alesso ft. Tove Lo


 have been wasting more and more time. The year is almost over and I haven't gotten closer to find out who Karmas family is. By year, I mean school wise. I wonder if this is how my ancestors felt towards her which is complete hatred. Just the sound of her name makes my blood boil. Karma I will find you and destroy you even if it means hurting myself.

There was knock at my door and I completely forgot that we had school today but none of the girls were in the room. I opened the door and Travis walked in looking really pissed.

"Emma, you have to come with me now." he said.

I stood there looking very shocked then he grabbed my wrist and we walked out the the dorm. We really weren't walking it was more of a sprint. We took twists and turns until he pressed a few buttons and an elevator showed up. When did we get this? We walked in and he seemed lost in thought.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Timothy will explain it," he said.

"What about Gracelynn, Lydia, Camira, Candace, and Derrick? Are they okay?" I said sounding very worried.

"They are fine." he said.


Before I could finish he shushed me. I was really nervous now that I started wringing my hands. I only do that when I know something bad is going to happen. We dropped several feet into the ground. They had a secret building underground, This place held a lot more secrets than I thought. Travis walked over to me and out his hand on my shoulder then said,"Everything is fine."

That didn't reassure me at all. How can everything be fine when we are plummeting to the bottom of the earth. Finally we made it to our destination. The elevator doors opened and I saw a jumping Lydia. She ran to me and I ran to her. I swept her up in my arms and gave a gigantic hug. I put her back down and Timothy walked up to me. He had a folder filled with papers and he told Lydia to go play with her friends while he speaks to me.

"Karma is searching for you," he said.

"I understand," I said.

"No, you have no idea." he said.

"Then what's happening?" I asked.

"The search is draining her powers so if she sees an elemental, she will take their powers to claim as her own." he said.

"So, I have endangered everyone."

"Zoey, it's a bit more complicated than that."

"But I have. Haven't I?"

"Technically yes, you have but that should mean more to you to stop her."

"When can I go?" I asked.

"When you are ready." he said.

At that he turned and went his way. Damn it. I have endangered everyone I care about. Take a deep breath. I kept telling myself that. What did he mean by when you are ready. I have been training non-stop and then he says that I am not ready. What more could I do? If he wasn't going to let me battle her, I will take someone with me to go fight her. This can't go on anymore. I had to grab someone from each element and I knew just the people. Gracelynn from water. Candace and Derrick from fire. Camira from wind. This last person was going to be the hardest to agree with me but it is Travis from earth. I don't know any ice or darkness elements. The only animal element that I know is Lydia but I can't take her. No, I won't endanger my little sister like that. We will just have to do without her powers. The first one on my search that will be easy to go along with me is Gracelynn. I started to search for her and I found her sitting on one of the beds reading her book.

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