Chapter 13

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Centuries-Fall Out Boy


Students thank you all for attending the dance and congratulations are in order for Miss Gracelynn and Rayna. Congratulations to Mister Cole and Derrick. Now later if these students will come to my office during lunch will be great. I know you students have met Karma and keep in mind that the Moore girls are in safe hands. Remember that today you all have to attend to your training seminars and if you forget or decide not to come you will face many consequences. This is a serious matter that can not be ignored and I repeat can not be ignored. December is coming to a close and that means Christmas break but you can't miss your training seminars if you are not there we will expel you starting immediately. Thank you that is all.

I shivered when he said the 'Moore girls' because I am one of those girls but I am sitting here lying to everybody in this school except for the ones who know: Lydia, Chase, and Derrick. I can't trust anyone here except for the one person I can trust which is Derrick because Chase is like a ticking time bomb. You never know when he will explode and let every secret out. Lydia still calls me Zoey, but I have to reply to her. I sat there playing with my pencil and started doodling once again. Class after then lunch which I didn't sit with anybody because my friends had to go report to Timothy.

Photography once again. I sat in my usual sit like normal and Rayna came in and sat beside me like normal but today she wasn't talking as much. She has barely even said to words to me. Something is wrong because she usually tells me every detail that happened today. I was debating on whether I should ask her or not. I decided to ask her. I tapped her barely on the shoulder and she turned around giving me a face full of hair.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Did you hear?" she said.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"They are giving a seminar about Alexa and Karma. They call it the one hundred years rivalry." she said.

"Really?" I said in shock.

"Yep and it's mandatory."


"Yeah, it all started with their great-grandparents then it kept going and started a revolution. Now they are trying to figure out if Zoey and Lydia will finally destroy Karmas long line of power. They say even when the girls were younger they were mortal enemies." she said.

I was really amazed at how knowledgeable she was about Karma and my mom, maybe she wasn't so stupid after all. She kept listing off facts about her and mom. Some were true but some were false. Soon the bell sounded and we all had to report to the auditorium to listen to this seminar. I was actually excited to hear about this because I get to learn more about my family. Their strongest powers and their weakest powers. Same way with Karma which I will wipe out the entire blood line with my mothers powers. Timothy came onto the stage and everyone got quiet. We started out with a video then some speaker came to the stage.

"Let's start with Karmas' family. Her mother and father were Carol and Mark, grandparents were Mary and Greg, great-grandparents were Jane and George. Alexas' family members. Her parents Lucille and Jackson, grandparents Cathy and Jeff, great-grandparents Alice and Matthew. Both families were very strong and powerful but they knew that only one will prevail as the greatest family in all history. Since the beginning of time they had a rivalry it just got more public with their great-grandparents. Once the school was built their grandparents came. Jeff was named the strongest in the school but Mary was jealous and challenged him to a duel of elements. A few years later after Mary suffered her giant loss against Jeff she decided to marry Greg and they were a power couple. Soon Jeff got married to Cathy. This was the start of the new era of their families. When they had children tensions grew stronger. They both had sons and their names were Mark(Karma dad) and Jackson(Alexa dad). The boys dreamed of battling it out one day to finally declare that their family was the greatest but it ended with a tie. They married as well. Mark married Carol while Jackson married Lucille. They also had children but they were girls. Their names were Karma and Alexa. Since the girls were little they didn't care for each other. When they reached highschool they both fell in love with a man named Daniel but he rejected them. That filled them with anger and it just brought more hatred for the other ones family. They both married though. Alexa married Dakota Moore which brought us their children Zoey and Lydia. Karma married as well but we don't know who, she also had a child by which we don't know as well. Alexa died from a horrible sickness that was said to be from Karma. Her older daughter,Zoey, received powers from her which was put in a necklace. Zoey was only eight at that time. Her little sister,Lydia, was one years old but her power was inherited from her grandmother,Lucille. These girls powers are animal and earth. Karma is still doing her wicked deeds and Mistress of Darkness. Everyone hopes that one of the Moore girls will be able to stop it. The hundred year rivalry is still going." the speaker said.

Timothy came back to the stage and said,"There is good and there is bad in the world. We need to root out the evil starting with Karma. These families are ones that can never be forgotten. They are legends that will live on forever. Especially their family names. I hope you have enjoyed this seminar and now since this took longer than we thought, you may all go."

I learned so much from this seminar and I am glad that I went to it. I got to learn some family history. I was gonna go talk to Derrick but he was with Rayna. I guess they were going on a date. I walked back to my dorm and did my homework for once. One thing that I couldn't get out of my mind is that our families have been at war for ages. Since the beginning of time. That just blew my brain on how it was.

"Hey," Derrick said.

"Sup," I said.

"I was just out with Rayna, we had a pretty great date. Did you like your history lesson?" he asked.

"Loved it."

He walked over to my bed and sat down. We chatted for a little while then he had to go leave because Rayna texted him.

"I will be back." he said while giving me a hug.

A few hours later Rayna came into my room.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with Derrick." she said.

"Why?" I asked while putting my stuff away.

"Because he still loves you. I can tell by the way he looks at you and how he talks to you. Especially when he gives you a hug. There is the connection between you and him and he has a passion for you not me." she said.

"Rayna, he's crazy about you like when we talk he is always talking about you." I said.

"I don't know and there's another problem."


"I think I might like Chase."

"Rayna, are you serious."

"I'm not sure anymore. I will just have to go home and think about it."

"Well, Chase isn't the easiest person to date. Believe me. One day he will break your heart like he did to every single girl he has dated. He has also dated every type of girl there is believe me."

"Well, if you can tell who you like better it might help me make a decision."

"I love both of them very much. Chase, I grew up and with and fell in love but we weren't meant to be a couple. We still love each other though. Derrick, we fell in love but it didn't work out. There is no easy choice."

"Thanks I will go home and think about it." 

That concluded our conversation. She left my room and was contemplating on who will she choose. I hope she chooses for her not because on how I feel. She knows that this is gonna be hard because they are both great guys. Good luck Rayna.

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