Chapter 26

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Every time I close my eyes I saw every memory we had together. The one that haunted me the most was her dying in my arms. Don't go. Please don't go.

~End of recap~

I got no sleep last night all I could think about was Zoey. Chase had to have something to do with this. That's it I am going to find him so he could tell why he didn't bring her to Timothy. Yesterday he walked away without saying anything and you would figure that her best friend would go and see her but Chase was too good for that apparently.

All of her family came to see her like her grandparents and her dad(that was surprising). They all cried for her but she still has a chance. I will not give up on her. I love her.

I went to the surface to find out. I found him staring at a lake. This is it. Chase you are gonna pay. I started to walk towards him but he must've heard me because he turned around.

"What?" he said.

"Why didn't you take her to Timothy?" I asked.

"Because," he said.

"I will set you on fire..." Before I could finish he yelled,"I thought I could protect her!"

He turned back to the lake and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Looks like you were wrong," I said.

"You think I don't know that," he yelled.

I just shrugged my shoulders when he said that. There was a long awkward silence.

"I didn't want this for her. I kept her with me because I thought we could go back to the way things were before she met you and Karma. Before she left the adoption center." he said.

I was surprised by that. Zoey was a runaway. I put that thought in the back of my head then I said,"And have Karma take over the world and kill Zoey."

"It doesn't matter because she was going to die either way." he said.

"It does matter. Because of you and your idiotic choices, Zoey is on her deathbed. She had a strong chance on living but since you went ahead and did that she might not make it so good job Chase. You win the best friend of the year award." I yelled and I didn't care he infuriated me.

He turned around and punched me in the side of my face.

"If you're looking for a fight you got one," he said.

"Fine," I said while flaring up my hand.

He had no chance. I am a Fire Elemental after all. He had a weapon himself. It was a pocket knife. He made the first move and sliced my cheek. I felt the blood rolling down my face. I wiped it off with my hand. I threw a fireball at him which burned his arm and that made him drop his knife. He kicked me in the side which made me fall. He grabbed his knife and started walking over to where I was. He was going to stab me. Damn. I kicked him in the side which made him gasp for air. I got up and I was about to set him on fire but I saw a shadow of a little girl.

"Stop!" I yelled.

Chase crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"I saw Lydia," I said.

"Hmm. If this is your way of giving up then I am fine with that." he said.

I went off to go find her. I hope Karma isn't out searching for souls because she(right now) is the last Moore girl standing. I called her name out several times but didn't hear anything.

~Zoey P.O.V~

I am in my spirit form. I have seen everything that has happened well in this room. I keep drifting back and forth though. I have seen pretty astonishing things. Being hooked up to a ventilator surprised me. I saw Lydia crying for me and hugging me then it reminded me that I did the same thing but with my mom. Seeing Derrick saw that he still loved me made me smile. When my grandparents came it was hard because another family member fell at the hands of Karma. My dad came. He came and actually cried. I never saw him cry not even when my mom passed or it was behind closed doors. Gracelynn and Camira came in at the same time but ti was mainly tears. Travis came and said a few profound words then started to tear up. Candace praised me and said that she was glad to meet me. Timothy came and said that he still believed in me and he knew that I would recover from this. Rayna came in and apologized about five hundred times but I don't think she meant it. The one person I did not see was Chase but I really wanted to see him. I haven't decided if I will stay or not. If I do, I will have to train harder then ever but then there is the drama. If I don't I will be at peace but I would have to accept defeat and I don't like that. This was going to be hard.

~End of P.O.V~

It felt like hours before I found her and she was standing on the edge of a cliff. Lydia no. I ran over to her. She turned to me with tears rolling down her face. She stared at awhile and smiled.

"Lydia, please." I said.

"Mommy died. Daddy gone. Zoey is near death." she said turning back to the cliff.

"Lydia! I am here! Please don't!" I said.

She looked back at me then said,"Mommy said I was an angel and angels can fly."

Then she jumped.

"Lydia!" I yelled.

I ran to the edge and caught her just before she was out of reach.

"Don't give up," I said while cradling her in my arms.

She looked up at me and said,"Thanks for having hope."

I carried her back then when we were in the building I put her down. She held on to my hand though and really tight. Zoey we need you. I just couldn't believe that she was going to kill herself then I thought about it. She thought nobody cared for her anymore. She had no one. She needs someone and I will be that person. If Zoey never wakes up, I will take care of her. Zoey, if you can hear me I will take care of her. I promise. I kept saying that in my mind hoping that I had telepathy or something but I knew it didn't work. We walked into her room to visit Zoey but Chase was there. It got really awkward.

"Um, I will leave." he said.

"No. I will go wait outside," I said.

~Chase P.O.V~

Derrick was oddly nice considering we just had a fight. Whatever. I was left in the room with Lydia and she went on the bed with Zoey. She cradled right next to her side. I wonder how she is taking this. I cam here because Timothy said that she was doing well. They said that they were gonna pull the plug in two days. I sighed and rubbed the back off my neck. Soon Lydia was asleep. I still had the ring she threw at me. I walked over to where she was and slipped the ring on her hand. I am not a good talker so I left her a note. I left the room and went to the service where a voice said,"Chase, do you know who you are?"

I ignored it and kept walking but then Karma was standing in front of me.

"You have been lied to." she said.

"What," I said.

"You are Zoeys guardian." she said.

I ignored her and walked off. Soon enough a familiar burnette walked up towards me.

"Chase, they won't listen." she said.

"What am I supposed to do?" I said.

"Tell them to listen," she said.

"Rayna, you can't come to me with all your problems and expect me to solve them because you did betray us," I said.

"I was trying to..."

Before she finished I said,"No. You were saying how you were going to lead her to Karma like a lamb to the slaughter but this lamb has friends with powers who will do anything to protect her."

I saw the hurt in her eyes but I didn't care. She hung her head low and walked off. Face it Rayna we know why you were here.

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