Chapter 22

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The Lonely-Christina Perri
January 5, 2016. One day left before school. At my dorm putting my stuff back.

Why do guys mess with our hearts? It happens all the time!e but we don't notice unless we catch them. We refuse to believe anyone bit them and it's completely stupid. I am so done with this shit. Stress, sleepless nights, and crying the whole time basically. I just want to be alone for now. I am a completely new person and I love it. I needed to focus on Karma anyways.

Nobody was there yet so I had time to plot my revenge on her. Ever since she said that stuff about my mom I was even more angrier at than ever. Once I finished unpacking everything I went to the school library to find out more about her and most importantly her weaknesses. This is my destiny. To destroy her and nothing can stop me. I will put an end to Karma and the rest of her family, whoever they are but I will not stop this search. Karma this is your warning. Watch out.

I sat by myself for awhile but soon enough somebody showed up which no longer surprises me anymore because there is always someone here. This time it was Travis. He walked in sat beside me which was quite odd because he never liked to talk to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I said quickly.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"Nothing really."

"It looks like you are studying up on your rival."

"Smart boy."

"Smart girl."

"So, why are you acting all buddy buddy with me?"

"I was always wanting to be friends with you but Chase and Derrick always took your time so I just stayed out of the picture."

"I'm sorry but they won't be in my way no more because I called out of with Chase and Derrick is still seeing Rayna. So, right now I'm just trying to focus on what is important which is Karma."

"That's good," he said with a cheerful smile.

We sat there just reading our books then he stood up and we went to get some smoothies. He walked me back to my room and I thank him for taking me out. Nobody was here yet so it looks like I'm this is my room tonight. I took a shower and dried my hair and headed for bed. Time to start classes again. I made it through most of my classes fine then if was time for Derrick.

"Zoey, you good?" he asked.

"Yea,why I wouldn't I be." I said.

"Back at Timothy's party you seemed pretty upset at Chase," he said coming closer to me.

"It's nothing," I said.

"Yes, it is."

"I know you're protective over me but me and Chase are done."

"And what do you mean by done."

"We are not talking anymore right of now."

"Awe, I'm sorry Zo but I'm here for you." he said while rubbing the top of my head.

That's how he shows he affection for me and by giving me hugs.
When class was over we just spent the day has anything out but then the queen of the school has had to come check on her boyfriend. She was wearing the most expensive outfit she could possibly find and made sure to run it in my face. I get it you're a rich bitch now leave me alone. She took Derrick by the hand and I was left by myself once more so I pulled out my book and started to read it again. When he came back he seemed really upset about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked while putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Rayna," he said.

"What did she say?"

"That I can't hang out with you anymore."

"The hell why would she say that!"

"Calm down. It's because she thinks that I like you more than her and this is what I have to do to keep her."

"Do you like me more than her?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know," he said.

Hmm. We walked back to my dorm and there was an awkward silence between us then when I was about to open my door he pulled me into his embrace. Soon enough we were staring into each other eyes. When he smiled I smiled back. Then he leaned in and kissed me. We stood there for about five minutes just kissing each other. Once we let go he stood back and said, "I think I made my choice."

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. I felt a lot better now. I said to myself I love you. I still feel alone though because Rayna forbid me from seeing him. I was completely alone.

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