Chapter 31

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After all the commotion from everything that happened we were standing right in front of her castle. There was dead trees surrounding it and the outside was black and grey. We all paused and looked at it. There was a black fence around the whole thing. I looked over at Derrick and he knew what to do. He walked up to the gate and melted the chains holding it together. He pushed it opened and we had Rayna go in first since she is her daughter. Her face was still black and blue but not as bad. Candace was still under the serum and Chase was watching her. Rayna timidly walked up their and they let her pass. We went around the back and climbed over the fence. Soon we were in her castle and Candace broke free. Chase ran after her and he pinned her to the ground but she got free. Then we heard a laugh which was Karma's then guards were circled around us. Candace. She was standing beside Karma with her arms crossed. Karma walked forward and stopped right in front of me. She wickedly smiled at me then said,"This made my job easier." 

She walked back to her original place then she threw Lydia at me. I hugged her very tightly then two guards came and grabbed her. They pried her out of my hand then I said,"What do you want?"

She laughed at me then said,"To kill you and your sister then the Moore's will be no more. Take them away."

We were all grabbed by one of the guards but Candace grabbed me. They dragged us to her basement and it was a prison. There were others in there mainly ice elementals but we were dragged to the very back. Our cell had freezing cold metal bars that no element could break. Trust me we tried. There was no place were could sit so we sat on the ground while some stood. There was water dripping from the ceiling created little puddles and that stupid sound of it falling. Our plan had ultimately failed. Soon Candace walked in and Camira jumped up. She ran to the bars waiting to see her but she forgot that Candace was still under the serum. Candace flared up her hand and threw a fire ball at Camira which made her fly to the back wall. She stood there laughing at us then said,"You will be facing your greatest fears."

I stood up and said,"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you will be facing your deepest darkest fears. Camira's is fighting her friend to the death. Travis' is losing respect from Timothy. Rayna's is Chase. Gracelynn's is killing her family and her childhood crush, Cole. Derrick's is having to destroy you. Chase, it took awhile but yours is being put back in prison because they found out what you did in the past. And you well they will find out soon enough because they will be there. Now get ready for your fears to become realized." she said while smiling.

We all looked at each other then back at Candace.

"Travis first, Camira, Gracelynn, Rayna, Derrick, Chase, then Emma or should I say Zoey will go last." she said.

"What about you because we both know that the real Candace is in there?" I asked.

"If Candace ever wakes up from the serum she will fight hers which is a secret so stay tuned. Tomorrow we will start. Get ready Travis." she said then walked out.

Looks like everybody knows my real name now so they secret is out but what would be mine. What was Chase's fear? And what did she mean by him going back to jail? What did he do? I though I knew everything about him. I guess not but why wouldn't he tell me. I studies him for awhile and he seemed distressed. Gracelynn ended up in a corner hugging her knees. Camira was still recovering from the fire blast but was almost in tears because she had to battle Candace. Travis leaned against one of the walls with no expression. Rayna sat down against a wall and just shook her head probably because we know that she was scared of Chase. Derrick sat beside me but was emotionless as well and I was nervous because I knew what mine was. One thing was sure we were all going to dread tomorrow. What did Karma want to accomplish by doing this? Did she want us to go crazy? I don't know anymore.

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