Chapter 5

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"Ha! Guys look what we found." the first girl said.

"It's a girl." the third girl said.

"Can we keep her?" the second girl said.

"Guys she isn't an animal." he said.

"Are you people gonna stand there like idiots or let me out." I said.

"Do you have a name?" the first girl said.

"Yea, it's Emma." I said.

"Emma, huh, well I'm Camira." the first girl said.

"Gracelynn." said the third.

"I'm Candace and don't get on my bad side." said the second.

"Travis." he said.

"Good for you now let me out." I said.

They all circled around me and cut the ropes down. When they did I started to fall but Travis caught me.

"Thanks now put me down." I said.

When he put me I took a run for it but I heard footsteps and people yelling at me to stop, I ignored them. I kept going until I reached my house and when I got there I shut the door and went to sleep so I could forget that it happened. I woke up the next day and went to work but when it got passed noon a girl with curly red hair and green eyes walked in. She kept walking around the store and looking at stuff then I realized it was one of the girls from last night. Then the two other girls walked in. The second had black just passed her waist and bright, blue eyes. The third girl had blonde hair with blue eyes. Soon they were all in a little group whispering and looking back at me every once in awhile so I got annoyed and put up a sign that said,

                                                                    BUY SOMETHING OR LEAVE!!!!

The first girl came up and said,"Don't you remember me because I remember you and I thought we were friends."

I looked at her friends then said,"Yes, and if I remember correctly y'all had me trapped inside a net. 

"Exactly." she said back.

"Your Candace." I said.

"Yep. The blonde is Camira and the black headed one is Gracelynn." she said.

"Now that we have role call out of the way can you tell why you all are here." I said.

"Sweetie we are elements to." Candace said.

"We are like you." Gracelynn said very shyly.

"Fire." Candace said.

"Air." Camira said.

"Water." Gracelynn said very timidly.

"That's nice." I said awkwardly.

"Before I give my big speech on why we are here any questions. No, well here we go so I hope you remember Derrick because he sent us here to talk to you. Derrick also told me you two had a thing going on but he broke that off because he had to train your sister or something so he told us all about you and we volunteered of course. We had to find your house which is in the middle of nowhere by the way so we looked all over the place until your fell into our net which was supposed to happen but it was really funny. Camira you take over." Candace said.

"Now we should tell her about training I guess. So when you start to train it's gonna be brutal so make sure you hydrate because they will work you and since your power is so strong you will be heading there soon. Gracelynn take it away." Camira said.

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