Chapter 6

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He led me through the halls until we got to a room which was an office. We went in and the room was very bland. The walls were bare except for  a few pictures and there was a shelf filled with family pictures. There was a desk with a chair, two other chairs, a computer, and a bowl of mints.

"Sit." he said.

I sat down and Timothy came in. He sat down and said,"Travis, who is this?"

"This is Emma and she was roaming through the halls when she isn't a student here." he said.

"I know and thank you Travis. You may go." Timothy said.

Travis left and Timothy and I sat there staring at each other then he said,"Zoey, why did you call yourself Emma?"

"Because people are looking for me in the next town." I said.

"Why are you here?" he said.

I didn't want to tell him the real reason why I was here so I said,"To check out the school since I might be coming here."

"Is that the only reason?"

"Totally." I said with a fake smile.

"Okay then, you may go." he said.

I got up and walked out of the room. I looked around and saw Travis. He stood there with his arms crossed. I didn't stop to talk to him and kept going walking  but I ran into a brunette about my height. I walked right pass her and went to the training room to brush up my skills for my audition for the school or something like that. I was in there for about three hours or so. Then Candace walked in and trained right beside me. She was fire, so I had to take a few steps to the left or my face would be burned off and I didn't want that. I stayed in there for about another hour then I decided to walk back to my house and had dinner. I woke up the next morning fine then I looked at the calendar and realized that today was the day that I had to show my skills. Nanna walked in my room and said,"Sweetie, you should wear your mom did when she had to do this."

"Yeah, what was it?" I asked.

She walked over to the hope chest and started pulling out a whole bunch of my moms old things. There was a photo album, mine and Lydias baby shoes, her locket, a veil, her wedding dress, her baby shoes, yearbooks,  old birthday cards, stuffed animals, and her prom dress. She kept pulling out stuff until a black  latex jumpsuit came out.

"Here try it on. You and your mom were about the same size."she said.

I took it into the bathroom and changed into it. I looked in the mirror and I actually looked like her for once. It was very slimming, tight, and black with a green circle around a green tree of life. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and then I saw more of my mom. I came outside of the bathroom and it looked like Nanna was about to cry. She walked over and gave me hug.

"You look so much like your mother." she cried.

"Thanks." I said.

"Well you should go." she said.

I went back to where I first meet Timothy and all the chairs were filled with people. There was other people back in the room where I was put, so I figured they were trying to get in as well. There was a big screen in the room, mini-fridge, a couch, and some chairs. The tv was to see the competition compete. There was a total of ten but only four would get in. Timothy went on the screen and explained what we were supposed to do.

"It is a great honor for these kids to be here and now on the screen you will see the order they will go on. Now with all of this said, let us watch!" he said.

All of us sat there waiting for the order on who will go first and everyone in the room was very tense. On the screen it showed the names and the powers.                                                1.Brittany Wood-Air                                                                                                                                                               2.Cameron Smith-Water                                                                                                                                                         3.Mary Gravette-Fire                                                                                                                                                               4.Carissa Hunt-Water                                                                                                                                                               5.Dylan Brooks-Fire                                                                                                                                                                   6.Emma Davidson-Earth                                                                                                                                                       7.Cole North-Water                                                                                                                                                               8.Destiny Grey-Fire                                                                                                                                                            9.Jackson Sneed-Earth                                                                                                                                               10.Thomas Green-Air   

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