Chapter 8

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Carrie Underwood-Blown Away


When that class was over I managed to leave before Derrick could say another thing. My next class was French because I all ready knew Spanish because at my middle school we had to learn another language. I walked in and Camira was in my class. 

"Burn marks. Candace." she said.

"Exactly." I said.

She put her books down and sat in the desk next to me. She had her pristine blonde hair in a high pony. She grabbed my arm to see how bad the damage was. She grabbed her bag and put this jelly type stuff on it and it healed instantly. I wondered at how quickly it healed and how did she know how to do that? I looked up at her and she saw the amazement in my eyes.

"What? This isn't my first time taking care of burns from fire elementals." she said.

"Has Candace burned you before?" I asked.

"No, she wouldn't do that. She is my best friend." she said.

"Then who has?"

"I don't feel like discussing this here." she said.

When she said that the teacher came in and said we will be only speaking French in this class blah, blah, and some more blah. I couldn't think of anything else but what Camira said. Has she told anybody. She probably told Candace. I feel bad for her now and I want her to tell me. I will ask her after class or when we are in our room but I am going to find out no matter what it takes. My mind was drifting on and off not paying attention at all which is what I do a lot. How could I get her to open up? Hmm. The teacher handed us some worksheet and everybody moaned. A worksheet on the first day who does this. Well, I know who isn't gonna win the greatest teacher award. Every once in awhile I would get help from Camira she was a genius in this type of stuff. Where I fail at but nobody is perfect so what are you gonna do. The bell finally rang and I caught up to Camira in the hallway.

"So?" I asked.

"My dad." she said.

"He abused you." I said.

"Only when he was drunk which was all the time but I avoided him. He would find me though." she said.

"What about your mom?"

"She um, died."

"How long did you live with him?"

"Not long because I ran away to here when I was four and I kept this gel just in case anybody needed it. Looks like I was right." she said.

I felt sorry for her. Her situation was far worse than mine. No wonder she stays with Candace. Candace protects her and now she doesn't seem so bad. I couldn't believe she seemed like she had her whole life together but she had a broken past. Maybe I shouldn't get into peoples business but it's my curiosity that gets me into trouble. I'm basically the modern Alice. It was time for lunch and I met up with Gracelynn. We went to Chick-fil-A and we saw Cole so this is where he comes to eat. He nodded at her than sat down in our booth.

"Hey, Gracelynn." he said.

"Hey." she said.

"Long time no seek huh." he said.

"Yeah, what have you been up to?"

"Just missing my best friend."

"Still the same."

"Yeah but you aren't you grew up on me." he said with a smile.

She smiled and laughed about that.

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