Chapter 32

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It was all over and we conquered our fears. Once we all sat down Karma came out. She had her arms crossed and stared blankly at us. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop because we were all waiting for what she will say to us. The state lingered on for a few more seconds then she said,"Some of you are stronger than I thought and then there's the ones who are far weaker."

I knew exactly on what she meant by that. Gracelynn and Chase were the strongest out of us. Camera and I were weak. We couldn't even kill our loved ones in a damn simulation. Every time I close my eyes the whole scene replays in my mind. I looked back towards Karma and Candace was now by her side. She was our strongest member and now she is gone. We couldn't attack her because guards were all around but then Candace fell to her knees. Her eyes changed back to green. We all looked at each other and were confused by what was going on. Karma was shocked as well. Then the lights went out and the guards were knocked out when they came back on. Then Karma had some force field put around her. Lydia came through the doors with her bright smile.

"They don't have a tight security around here and Travis taught me how to hack into the computer database to turn Candace normal." Lydia said. She walked over to Candace and Candace looked at her for about a second then she bent her head back down. Lydia pulled something out of her shoulder and she held up with tweezers showing us that it was a chip. When Travis saw it he ran straight towards Lydia and grabbed the chip.

"This is amazing," he said examining the chip then ruffled her hair.

Derrick stood up and said," Karma snuck out while we were taking care of Candace but we need to get out of here today. Travis and Lydia go hack stuff. Camira, Candace, Gracelynn, Chase, and I will deal with the guards. Emma, you have to get to Karma."

We all nodded our heads in unison and stood up. We all walked out into the hallway. Timothy and Lydia went left while the rest of us took left. There was a few guards here and there but we took care of them easily.  We had to climb like ten million stairs then we made it to her floor. We looked through about every room except for two. One had to be Rayna's and the other Karma's.  We opened the door and peered in. They were both in here. There was no protective barrier thanks to Lydia and Travis.  Karma turned to greet us with a smile and then more guards appeared but they were stronger. The other ones were decoys to tire us out. The others started attacking them and Rayna started to help us but her mom pulled her back with her peers and tied her to a chair. I was standing in the middle of the room facing Karma. Our eyes met each others and hers said I know something you don't. That irritated the crap out of me. All I know is that our families don't get along and I know that she had to do something with my moms death. I feel it. She walked closer to me and said,"Lets go."

She pushed me back and I landed on my butt. Soon darkness was surrounding me and I couldn't see anything. Not even the fireballs being thrown. I was starting to get claustrophobic because it felt like I couldn't go anywhere and it kept getting smaller. Soon these demon like creatures came out and started to claw at me. I could feel the blood running down my face and I was gasping for air.   Whatever she was doing it was working.  Claustrophobia and shortage of breath plus these creatures clawing my skin. All I could do at that moment was to close my eyes. I focused all my energy to bring some light from my powers. I should be able to do something with the sun.  I opened my eyes and there was a little light showing. Yes. I sighed in relief and blasted the black walls enclosing on me. I only managed to make a small dent but at least I could see what was going on the outside. They all were still fighting. I can't give up. I stood up on my feet still wobbly but good enough to fight. One by one the creatures disappeared from the light that I created. Now I get to figure out a way out of this small box that is getting smaller every second. Once I got rid of the creatures more started to come along but I couldn't give into Karma. The only way I can get out of here is to blast these walls with a light source but I don't have any energy left. I closed my eyes and focused my energy again. I was feeling more weak than ever but o created enough light. I blasted the wall in front of me with my light and the wall disbursed. I got out of the enclosing black box. I fell to my knees but managed myself to get back up. I was face to face with Karma once again and she smiled at me.  She saw that I was at my weakest.

She started to take my soul like she did before but I resisted. She dropped me on the ground hard. I got back up and wiped the side of my face.  I blinded her with my light and she stumbled back. I made vines come from the ground and tied her arms and legs. She tried to break free but my power was too strong. I walked towards her. When I came towards her she said,"Do you know who really killed your mother?"

"Yes, I do and it was you." I said.

She laughed in my face then said,"It was the old leader. He did it right before he died. He feared that your mother was going to destroy us all so he had to get rid of her. One day while you were at school, your sister at daycare, and your father at work he came to your house and poisoned your mom with a very rare herb. So rare that even scientists do know what it is and once you touch it, you die. He slipped it into your mothers food and that next hour she became deathly sick. Still to this day they don't know what the herb is. He didn't help his side, he helped my side."

I didn't understand. Did this really happen? Was Karma telling the truth? No, she has been against my family for the longest time and she is a compulsive liar. I had to end it, all of it.

I made tree roots sprout from the earth to cover her body. Soon one came to her throat and suffocated her. Before she have her last breath she said," I was telling you the truth and if you don't believe me ask Timothy." Then after that last breath her body disappeared into thin air.  I ran over towards Rayna and untied her then the rest of the gang came over. All of them were exhausted and out of breath. Rayna thanked me and I nodded to her. The next thing we need to do is track down Lydia and Travis. I ran out of the room leaving the others behind. I ran downstairs and then I saw Lydia with all the ice and darkness elementals. She threw her little arms around my neck. I asked her where Travis was and she said that he was meeting up with the others. We all walked out of the black castle together. We all are exhausted but we are alive.

When we walked back Timothy greeted us with a smile along with the other students. He pulled me aside and said,"I knew you could do it. You will be remembered forever for destroying Karma."

I smiled at him and walked back towards the group. Derrick put his arm around my shoulder and we all walked back to our dorm.  Once we made it there I sat on my bed with Lydia on my lap and Derrick sitting beside me. Camira, Candace, and Travis all sat on one bed. Rayna, Chase, and Gracelynn sat on the other.

"What happened?" Derrick asked.

"What are you talking about," I asked.

"Karma said something to you before she died."

"It was nothing," I said nonchalantly.

But it was something. I had no idea what she meant by it and I didn't know who to ask about it. I will figure something out but for now I just wanna relax. Soon a familiar face walked through the door and it was Cole. Gracelynn ran up to him and gave him a hug and he hugged back. When they pulled apart he said,"Don't you ever do that again. If you didn't make I would have no idea what to do without you. Never do it. Promise me."

"I promise," Gracelynn said.

She walked back over to her bed and Cole followed. Timothy said that tomorrow he was going to hold a ceremony for us. Soon it was just me, Camira, Gracelynn, and Candace left in our room also Lydia. I told her that she could stay in my room with me until she felt better about this whole situation. Rayna came back into our room and said,"Can I stay her for awhile because of Karma being my mom and stuff?"

We all nodded our heads in unison and she camped out on our couch. Tomorrow is bigger day awaiting for us. All of us.

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