Chapter 2.

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I woke up pretty late in the morning. I pulled on my short blue dress and changed my normal elastic for my rose elastic. When I went downstairs my mom was already making lunch. I decided to skip breakfast and of course it didn't took long for Nyx was here again. She was a really good friend, but she didn't leave me alone. I sat down on one of the chairs at the wooden table. Nyx sat down next to me. "Good morning", she said smiling. "Hey", I mumbled. "What's wrong?", she asked disappointed. "Can you just leave me alone for a day?!", I yelled. She looked at me with huge eyes. "You could just ask", she said pissed and stood up. "I ask you all the time", I said crossing my arms over my chest. Nyx rolled her eyes and sat back down. "You need me", she said grinning. "Why would I?", I said uncrossing my arms again. "Because otherwise you're lonely", she giggled. "That's not true", I yelled protesting. She laughed. Mom put my plate down in front of me and I started eating. "Do you think I'm too fat?", I asked. "See that's what I mean. You need me", Nyx said grinning. I rolled my eyes. "No, you're not fat at all", she continued. "Meh", I mumbled. "Shut up", Nyx said as mom gave her a plate too. "I'm sorry. You're talking to the princess", I said laughing. I don't know how she did it, but she always knew how to make me laugh again.

After dinner we sat on my bed being bored again. "Shall we go outside?", I asked. "You're not allowed to", Nyx answered. "I don't care. I'm the princess." Nyx rolled her eyes saying: "Stop using that for those kind of things." "No I won't", I said and stood up. I opened the window and looked outside. "They didn't lock the window?", Nyx asked. "They don't expect me to fly away." "They trust you!" "You think? They don't care if something happens to me", I mumbled. "I do", Nyx said. "I know you do. That's why you're my best friend", I said smiling. "You sure?", she asked. I nodded. "What can go wrong?" Nyx nodded and we flew out of the window.

We flew through the woods just playing around a bit. We weren't that close to the Fairy Tree, because if we would we could get caught by my parents. "Nyx!", I yelled looking around. She looked laughing back at me. "We have to stop!", I yelled. "Why?", she asked flying back to me. "Pan's camp is close", I said and started to fly back. "Ow Airy, you can't scare me." I turned back. "I'm not trying to", I said serious. When she saw I had a serious look on my face her laugh disappeared. "Well, okay then", she mumbled. I turned back around, but heard Nyx yelp. "Nyx", I said turning around again. My mouth fell open as soon as I saw who was holding her. I grew to the size of a human and pulled my wings in. "Let her go", I said. "What are you going to do about it?" Pan was holding Nyx and he had a huge smirk on his face. "Please just let her go", I said begging. "Ow you care for her? That makes it more fun for me." "Nyx", I said softly. "It's okay", she said smiling. "I need you", I said tears coming down my face. "You'll be a perfect queen", she said. Pan ripped of her wings. "Queen?", he asked as he let Nyx' body fell on the ground. "Uhm", I stuttered. "Don't be so shy", he said walking closer to me. I took a step back every step he took towards me. "Ow common, this is no fun", he said and pushed me against a tree. "What do you want?", I asked. "I would love to kill a princess, so you better turn into your small self", he whispered in my ear. I pushed him of me and did as he said. I changed into my small self, but instead of getting captured I flew up in the tree.

"I'll get you princess. Peter Pan never fails!", he yelled. I didn't know why he didn't try to capture me anymore. He was able to fly too after all. Anyway, I didn't want to leave Nyx her body there, so I waited till Pan was gone. I flew down to her body and carried her to the Fairy Tree. When I arrived there everyone came to me immediately. My parents would be pretty pissed. I didn't know that it was that dangerous to just go outside. "What happened?", one of the guards asked. "Pan killed her", I said and started to cry. One of the pixie dust fairies came to me and hugged me. It was an old friend. We didn't saw each other that often anymore, because of his work. His name was Elvin, what meant friend of Elves. He was indeed friends with everyone in the Tree. He was really sweet and tried to calm me down a bit. Of course it didn't took long for my parents to see all the fairies and they came to look what had happened. "Airy?!", my mom yelled angry when she saw me. "I'm sorry", I cried. "I told you to stay at home and look what you did to Nyx!" For a moment I thought: why didn't I give up and let Pan kill me, that would have made everything easier. "I'm so sorry mom", I cried while Elvin still hugged me. "You're going to your room and you're going to sit there till we find a proper punishment for you. And you're going to sit there alone!", she yelled. Elvin hugged me one last time and smiled. "You'll be alright", he whispered and let go of me. I went without complaining to my room and lay down on bed there.

Something horrible happened today and mom was right. It was my fault. If I wouldn't have been so stubborn to go outside, this, this wouldn't have happened. We could have made more bouquets or play a game, but no I had to be reckless and go outside. Even though I knew Pan was dangerous. I didn't expect to bump into him and to kill Nyx. Tears came down my cheeks again. She was my best friend and I was so tired of her sometimes, but she meant so much to me and because of me she was dead. That was all what was going through my head. Nyx is dead and it's your fault. She's dead, your fault! My own head made me crazy. Whatever I was trying to think I just got back on you killed your friend. I tried to hide myself under the blankets away from everything. Away from being the princess, doing always everything wrong, from Nyx, from my parents, just everything. Of course that didn't work. Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door.

I opened up and Elvin was standing in front of me. "Hey", I said softly. "May I come in?", he asked. I nodded and let him pass. We sat down next to each other on the bed. "Want to talk about it?", he asked. I nodded slowly. "It's my fault", I mumbled. "You didn't know you would bump into Pan", Elvin said rubbing my arm. "My mom told me to stay inside, but I just couldn't listen", I said tears coming down my face again. "Airy, everyone makes mistakes. This one is just badly in your disadvantage." "Badly in my disadvantage? It isn't just badly in my disadvantage", I yelled of frustration. "Yea", he said rubbing the back of his head. "Nyx said it was okay, but it's just my head that keeps me reminding that I killed her." "You didn't. Pan did. He's a monster and yes you wasn't allowed to go outside, but if you were it could have happened too." "That's the point. It did happen when I wasn't allowed to. That makes everything even worse", I said and rubbed my tears away. "Airy. It wasn't your fault. I'm just saying this to calm your mind. It was Pan. It could have happened when you was allowed. It could have happened to anyone." I nodded slowly. "Thanks Elvin. You're the best", I smiled and hugged him. "You're going to be fine. We'll see each other again. I'll make time for you free. I promise", he said smiling. I nodded and he stood up. "Thanks for talking", I said. "No problem. Now remember my words when you feel bad about it, okay?" I nodded and he left the room. If Elvin wouldn't have talked me out of it would have gotten crazy, for sure. There wasn't a lot to do in my room without flowers, so I decided to just sleep through the rest of the day.

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