Chapter 18.

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Peter's P.O.V.

I rubbed the sand out of my eyes. Fucking Hook. "We'll shoot him down", Hunter said. "No, you can't risk to hit her", I said. "What now?", Felix asked. "Let's head back to the camp. From there we'll discuss further, if she isn't already back then."

And as I said we walked back to the camp. I was sure Airy was alright, till I felt the signal from her bracelet. "We need to hurry", I said. "Why didn't you just kill Hook?", Daniel asked. I ignored it and walked faster.

It didn't took long or we arrived in the camp. "Get new arrows and make them ready to fire them. I'll get something out my tent."

I entered my tent and went to the bathroom. I threw water in my face to get rid of the sand. Suddenly I saw a little bottle. There was a pink liquid inside and there hang a paper at the lid.

If something happened to me today, then drink this. It will help you find me again. Love Airy.

I opened the lid. A smell of roses filled my nose. I hesitated. It could be a trick, but who could possibly have put it here, but Airy. All the Pirates were dead. Hook ran off with Airy and when we walked towards the beach we saw no one.

I'd put the bottle at my lips and drank everything. It tasted weird, like... "Poison", I said and threw the bottle on the ground. I picked up the paper. It was really Airy's writing. Even with the heart on the I of her name.

I grabbed my head. "Fuck me", I mumbled and stumbled outside. "F-Felix", I mumbled and fell on the ground. "Pan!" The boys all ran up to me. "What happened?", Felix asked. My whole body started shivering and shaking. "Stewie, find out what poison it was and get a medicine. The other boys help me get him back in his bed", Felix commanded.

They dragged me to my bed and lay me down there. It didn't took long or I started throwing up blood. "Hunter and I will get Airy back", Felix said. "N-no", I tried. "Why not?" "Because she did this", Stewie said showing the paper. "And we don't have a medicine for this. I don't know what it is", he continued.

Pain shot through my heart. I loved that girl. Did she really do this, was this how she wanted to break my heart? "Peter!!" It was Airy. Felix went outside. The boys all left the tent after that, except Stewie. "Let me take a look", he said and checked everything he possibly could. "Blood poison. I'm sorry, I can't do anything about this", he said. "I-it's o-okay."

Airy entered the tent. She was completely pale and she sat down next to me. "Hey", she whispered. "G-go a-away." "Peter you're dying." "He thinks you did this", Felix said. She looked at me and lay her hand on my cheek. "Peter, believe me. I didn't do it. It was Tinkerbell. To revenge me, because I never broke your heart."

My eyes started to fill with tears. "I can heal you", she whispered. I shook my head. Pain shot through my heart again. She saw it and lay her hand on my heart. "It's okay. I'm here", she whispered softly rubbing my tears away with her thumb. "You're going to be fine." She started healing me. "N-no", I said pushing her away.

"Let me heal you", she said tears coming down her face. "Y-you think t-that I d-don't know w-what the p-price is?" She let herself fall on my chest and started crying. "They'll come for me if I'm not dead", she sobbed. I lay my hand on her back and took a deep breath.

"Airy, i-it's a-alright." She looked up at me. "Why are your tears black?", she asked rubbing her eyes. "B-because I'm e-evil." "Is that the only reason?" "T-the d-darkness c-comes out." Stewie gave me a look. I looked confused back. "Evil is in his blood. You are blood poisoned. I'm not sure if it works like that, but..." Airy looked at me. I let out a sigh. "You've got to cry", she said. "I-i know, but..." "Peter please", she said and lay her head back on my chest.

I closed my eyes. "Remember every sad moment of your life, every moment", she sobbed. I tried so hard to cry as hard as possible. Airy looked up and grabbed a dagger. "W-what?" "Motivation", she said and made a cut in her wrist. I shook my head. Tears coming down my face like a waterfall.

She made another cut next to it. I started to bit my lip, but she kept going and made another one. "Airy, please!", I yelled and burst out in tears. Airy pulled me up in her arms and hugged me. "It's okay Peter, let go of it." I wrapped my arms around her.

It was probably a few hours later and I was still crying, but I started to calm down. I listened to her heartbeat. Her breath in my neck while she held my head against her chest. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was a blur and at the end a white light.

This was it. Never expected it to end like this. At least it was in the arms of the person I love. "Airy, I love you", I whispered. Pain more horrible and more painful shot threw my heart. My eyes closed. It was really cold and I felt myself slipping away. This was it. This was the end.

Airy's P.O.V.
"Peter?", I said softly shaking him. I let him slide out of my arms and lay him back with his head on the pillow. He was really pale. His mouth still a bit open. I lay my head down on his chest, hoping he was just sleeping. I listened there for minutes, but there was no heartbeat.

"Nooo!", I yelled and started crying. Felix entered. "What happened?" "He's gone", I cried. Suddenly I realised something. I looked up and dried my tears. "Airy?" I healed my wounds and picked up the dagger. "Airy!", Felix said grabbing my arm. I looked at him, freed my self and left the tent.

I finally understood what Peter was feeling all the time. He wanted revenge on my parents, but because he couldn't get that he picked the fairies. "Airy?!", Felix yelled running after me. I spread my wings and flew up.

I landed in front of the cave. "Airy?", Tink asked grinning. "How's he doing?", Hook asked. "You know how he's doing", I said. "Now you're going to try and kill us?", Tink asked. "Yes, I'll find my Peter back and I rather die fighting than surrendering."

"You sure about that?" "More than sure about anything else", I said squeezing my dagger. "I love you Peter. I'll come to you", I whispered and ran towards them.

I slide past them and wanted Hook first, so I hooked him down. "I won't make the same mistake as Peter to let you live to long", I yelled and pushed my dagger through his face. "Disgusting", Tink said. The blood spat out of Hook's face.

"You're next, ex-fairy", I said and stood up. "Wow, Airy. Can we talk about this?", she asked with a nervous smile. "Yes, if there's a way to get someone back from the death than yes." "Uhm..", Tink stuttered. "No!", I yelled and jumped on top of her.

I threw my dagger in her stomach. "You." I pulled out my dagger and pushed it on another place in her stomach. "Took." Pulled it out, push it back. "My." Pull out, push back. "Boyfriend!" I pulled it out for one last time and pushed it back in her face. Out of frustration I started pulling at the dagger downwards, what made me almost separate her head in two pieces.

I continued harming her body for maybe another ten minutes before someone pulled me of. "It's okay, Airy", Felix whispered. I started crying. "I want him back", I sobbed. "I know. I know", he whispered rubbing my back.

"You took your revenge", he said after a few minutes. I looked up at him. "Hey, your tears are black", he said. I let out a giggle. "Looks like there are two evil people in a relation after all than." Felix shook his head and took me back to the camp after he cleaned me up from the blood.

I slept next to him that night and the next day I sat down next to Peter's dead body. It looked the same as when I left. It looked horrible, but I couldn't just leave him. I lay next to him, rubbing his cheek for hours. Till Felix told me to eat something. He had to keep me alive the next few ages.

Hey everyone I just wanted to say that we're getting close to the end again. This story has 20 chapters. I'll hope you like the story so far. And I'm really bad at writing endings, soo I hope I won't dissapoint you. ✌️

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