Chapter 11.

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I looked confused at him. "What did I do wrong?" "You're going to leave with your stupid brother!" He slapped his fist in the stone wall. His fingers were covered in blood. "You're going to leave me", he said and fell on his knees. I walked towards him and kneeled down in front of him. He didn't look at me.

He tried to hide his true feeling, that he actually was able to care about someone. "Peter", I said softly and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Just go away", he said it as a sigh. "You sure?" "Leave the camp and don't come back." I looked at him with disbelieve. "Why do you want me to leave?", I asked tears coming down my face. "I don't want to see you or your stupid brother ever again!", he yelled and stood up. He stood in front of me with trying to scare me away. I shook my head slowly. "I thought you really cared for me. My plan to break your heart was so stupid, but now you broke mine." I turned around and walked towards Felix with tears in my eyes. He pulled me in his arms and I immediately collapsed in his arms.

He had to sit down with me or he would probably fall of the stairs. So now we sat there on the ground. I cried as hard as possible in the brown cloak he was wearing. "Take her away and make sure she never comes back", Peter said. "But", Felix stuttered. "Felix!", Peter yelled. "No", Felix said abruptly. "You can't break her heart like that. She was never going to leave you anyway and now you just want to get rid of the only love you had in your life?" I slowly looked up from the cloak so I could see what was happening. "She's like a sister to me", Felix said and rubbed my back. Peter looked down at me. His eyes were a green blur. "I'm not meant to love someone. She has a better chance without me."

I stood up again giving it another try to convince him that I needed him in my life. I walked towards him and grabbed his bloody hands. He looked away from me while he tried to break free. I pulled him closer and looked up at him. "Why do you think I would leave you alone?" "Because you forgive him so easily", he said softly, but he still didn't look at me. "Why would I leave? Where am I supposed to go? I want to stay with the one I love. I want to stay with you", I said pulling at his arms hoping he would finally look at me. "I don't want your stupid brother around us", he said softly and he finally turned his head to look at me. "That's okay", I said smiling. "Give me your flute", he said holding his hand in front of me. "What if something happens?" "Goodbye", he said and turned around. I pulled the necklace from my neck and pushed it in his hands. He turned back towards me and he changed the flute into a bracelet. He kneeled down in front of me and hang the bracelet around my wrist. "It will let me know when you're in danger or when you're hurt." I nodded and hugged him. "Now give me your hands." Peter gave me his hands and I waved with my hand over his. The wounds disappeared. "Thank you, my Lost Fairy", he whispered.

It was already dark when we walked back to the camp. I walked hand in hand with Peter while Felix walked awkwardly next me. "How are you going to tell him to leave?", I asked Peter. "I just tell him and if he doesn't listen..." I nodded slowly. "Try to let him live."

Peter poked in my belly. "Stop joking about that." "You know", I said looking up at him. "Are you starting again?" "Sometimes I miss your ego that faded away, because of me", I said giggling. "You just changed my heart into a better one." I looked down and thought about what he just said. Did I really do that?

After he said that it stayed silent. I didn't know how to react on that. Felix softly touched my hand. I looked confused up at him. He just smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked back where I was walking. "This isn't the way to the camp, is it?", I asked a bit confused. "Nope", Peter said grinning. I had to admit that I was happy his old grin was back. "Where are we going?", I asked curious. "That's a surprise." I looked at Felix to see if he knew something, but he clearly didn't know anything either, because he lifted his shoulders.

Slowly I started to recognize the path. This was the path to the Fairy Tree. I abruptly stopped walking. "What's wrong?", Peter asked. "Are we going to the Fairy Tree?", I asked. "Maybe." "This is not funny", I said. Peter let out a sigh and kneeled down in front of me. "Yes, we're going to the Fairy Tree." "Why?" "Because you deserve to have your wings", he said. "I don't need them. I have you right?" He stood up again and grinned. "Of course, but you deserve it and I'm just going to ask. I'll try to control myself if they say no. That's why Felix is here."

I looked at Felix. "I just came with you to bring you to Skull Rock", he said holding his hands in the air. Peter continued walking and I followed. "My parents aren't the nicest so don't expect them to say yes", I said grabbing Peter's hand again. "I'm not the nicest either", Peter said with a serious look on his face. I giggled. He looked down at me. "You think that's funny?" "I have to admit that I didn't think you could be such a sweet boy when I first saw you." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. "I didn't think you could be so brave." I held the hand of his arm he wrapped around me. "But you're right. I'm just amazing", Peter said looking down at me with a huge grin. I rolled my eyes. "You're right Peter. You're absolutely right."

The Fairy Tree was the light in the darkness. It looked exactly the same as it used to look. It was a normal sized tree with little houses in the tree. The castle was inside the tree, with the two towers outside it. I remember the beautiful view on the lagoon from my window. I remember how Peter killed Warren there and how Peter had changed for me. How hard he tried to not like me, but failed in doing that. "Airy?", Peter whispered. I looked up from my thoughts. "Are you ready?" I nodded slowly. "King and Queen of the Fairies. Show yourselves", Peter spoke loud. Two little lights flew down and grew in size of my familiar parents. "Airy", my dad said softly. He probably thought he captured me. Well, he captured my heart. "I want to make a deal", Peter said with an evil grin. "We don't want to make a deal with a monster", my mom said pissed. Peter turned his head. "Unfortunately for you." "For us?", my father asked. "Are you interested?" My father nodded shortly. I had my curiosity from him.

"We can't make a deal with him", my mom said softly towards my dad. "What if he's going to kill Airy?", I heard him ask and he turned back to us. "Speak", my father said. Peter grinned. "Tell me, if I would say I won't kill fairies anymore, wouldn't that sound as music in your ears?" My father nodded slowly. Peter looked at me with a grin. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?", my mom said. "All I want is: that you give Airy her wings back." "So you can rip them off?", my father asked angry walking closer towards Peter.

I saw him lifting the sceptre he was always holding. He controlled his magic with that sceptre and I knew he was going to hurt Peter. I jumped in front of Peter. My father let his sceptre down again. "Airy?", he asked confused. Sometimes my father was the emotional one in our family instead of my mom, because mothers were in the most families.

"Dad", I said smiling. Peter let his fingers slide through mine while I stood in front of him. "I love him", I said looking up at Peter. My mom her mouth fell open literally. Peter's evil grin turned into a sweet smile. The one he kept hidden from everyone and everything and now he showed them for my parents, for me.

My father looked at my mom. They turned around and the only thing we could hear were soft whispers. I turned to Peter. "If I get my wings back. I have to go back to the tree to rule, when I get eighteen." Peter's face turned to a grin. "You know that fairies age normally right? Even though they're in Neverland."

"I can make you stop aging. That bracelet you're wearing stops your aging. You don't have to become a queen and you can stay with me, so don't be scared about that." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "You're truly amazing", I giggled. My parents turned back to us and I stood next to Peter again. My father took a deep breath. "What if we say no?", my mom asked. Peter lifted his shoulders.

"I don't mind, but I truly hope that you will see how happy your daughter is with me. Even without wings, but I think she deserves it. After all she made me stop killing fairies." My father had a little smile on his face. "We will give you your wings back." My mom's mouth fell open again. She clearly didn't want me to get my wings back.

"What?", my mom said. "She can't be a ruler." "She isn't going to be a ruler", Peter said. My father looked confused at us. Peter turned to Felix. "You know what you have to do." Felix nodded and walked away. There was a concerned look on my father's face. "Are you going to give them back or not?"

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