Chapter 15.

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Yes people I stole the picture from Roland from Once Upon A Time, but that was how I imagined Timo and Roland is freaking cute. Have fun reading ;).

It was in the middle of the night. "Airy?", someone was shaking my shoulder. I slowly turned my head in the direction of the sound. "Airy", Timo said again. "Hey Tootles", I whispered. "How did I get here?" "I lay you down in my bed." He smiled and lay back down next to me. "Thank you, Airy. I'm sorry that I'm giving you so much problems." "You don't Tootles. You don't." I wrapped my arms around him and he held his head against my chest. "It's okay to cry, Tootles." He slowly looked up at me from underneath the dark blankets. A tear reflecting the moonlight that fell inside through the small gap in the tent door. "Do you want to be my big sister?", he asked. "Always", I whispered smiling.

The next morning I woke up alone. What did all those boys have with leaving me alone in the morning? I slowly stood up and changed into my trainings cloths, because I had no idea what we would do today. I went outside to find the boys sitting on logs around the campfire. I sat down next to Felix and Devin. "Where's-?" "Peter? He's in his tent and he doesn't want to come out. He's still angry", Devin said cutting me off. "I'll try to talk to him", I said and stood up. "Airy, be careful", Felix said. I nodded and walked towards Peter's tent.

I kept listening for a few seconds before I entered. Peter lay on his stomach on the ground. "Peter!", I yelled. I sat down next to him and turned him on his back. "Airy?", he said softly. His face was pale and he had a red spot in his right eye. "What's wrong with you?", I asked softly. "My heart." It came out as a painful groan. "You should get back in bed." I stood up to get some help. "No!", he yelled. I turned back. "I can't do it alone", I said softly. He tried to get up, but he failed. I sat down next to him again. "I don't want them to see me like this." A sad smile appeared on my face. "You can teleport", he said softly. I nodded, grabbed his hand and I teleported us on the bed.

"What's happening to you?", I asked. He looked up at me with regret in his eyes. "Peter please, just talk to me." "It's because I'm holding everything back okay!", he yelled out of frustration. I sat down on his bed and lay my hand on his cheek. "Peter, please. I know you're having troubles with your sisters death, but why now? Is it because Felix played capture the flag?" "I'm not ready, Airy." I softly kissed him on his lips. As soon as I pulled back a smile appeared on his face. "You still love me?" "I will always love you", I whispered. A sigh of relieve left his mouth as he pulled me closer to him.

"Pan?", Felix's voice yelled. "Why now?", he mumbled. "You want me to send him away?", I asked. Peter let go of me and nodded slowly. I stood up and walked out of the tent to Felix. "Something wrong in there? I heard you scream." I shook my head. "No, I guess he just scared me for the fun", I lied. "Okay. So you don't need help?" I shook my head. Felix slowly walked of and I went back inside the tent.

I sat back down next to Peter on his bed. "What's up with your eye?", I asked while I let my fingers slide past his right eye. He turned away his head. "Peter, you really want to continue like this?" "I don't have another choice." "Of course you do", I said grabbing his face. "You always have a choice, Peter." He didn't react on it or look at me. He looked above me or next me, but not at me. "You want me to leave you alone?", I asked. He nodded without looking at me. "Try to sleep and take a lot of rest."

I left his tent and sat down next to Felix again. "Where's Pan?", he asked. "He wanted to be alone." "He's acting weird. He loves you, why is he acting like this?" "He's just upset. Do you know why he's so upset about his sister? Is it because she died around this time or something?" Felix looked at me. "I think she did." I nodded slowly. "He's holding back so much and he just doesn't want to tell me anything." "You know he's holding back a lot, Airy." I nodded. "But I just wished he would let his walls down, just for once." "You know he isn't the easiest boy, but if you get his walls down than he truly loves you." I nodded slowly. "I'll try." Felix smiled at me and stood up.

"What are we going to do today?", Hunter asked. Felix looked around the circle of boys. All boys looked bored and exhausted of life. "Maybe a rest day, would be a good idea", I suggested. The boys looked up, all with surprised faces. Felix looked in my way with a grin on his face. "Alright everyone for himself." "Aha", I said crossing my arms. "And herself", Felix continued.

Timo came towards me. "Shall we do something fun?", he asked looking up at me. "Of course, what would you like to do?" "Hug and cry", Timo answered softly. "Come", I said, grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me to my tent. We sat down on my bed together. Timo crawled close to me and put his thumb in his mouth. I wrapped my arm around him and lifted him on my lap. "Do you want to talk about something?", I asked him. He nodded slowly. "What is it?"

"I'm scared of Peter", he said softly. "I know, because he takes the things away you love?" Timo nodded slowly. "Ow Tootles", I said softly. "I miss my doll." Tears came down his face. "It's okay to miss something you love and it's okay to cry about it. Don't let Peter change your mind or who you are. Be strong Tootles. I know you can be." Tootles smiled at me while tears still came down his face. "I love you", he said softly. "I love you too little brother."

After that we went for a walk through the woods. Tootles explained me everything about berries. Which you could eat and which not. It was like an expansion on Tink's explanation. He usually went with Hunter in the woods for the food for the boys and me. We walked past Peter's Thinking Tree and I saw Tootles got scared. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Nothing", he said softly. I smiled. "Shall I show you the Fairy Tree?", I asked trying to calm his mind. He nodded and we walked to the tree, what wasn't far from Peter's tree.

When we arrived there I saw Kailen just entering the tree. "Kailen!", I yelled. He turned around, grew to a human size and pulled back his wings. "Nice to see you sister", he said smiling. "How is it going?", I asked. "Good, good and you?" I looked down at Tootles. "Could be better. This is Timo or I'd like to call him Tootles." Tootles looked up with a huge smile. "Is that my nickname like Hunter?", he asked.

I nodded and lifted him of the ground. Tootles wrapped his arms around me and put his thumb in his mouth again. He was so cute when he did that. "This is my new little brother." Kailen gave me a confused look. "Did you and Peter?" "No", I said laughing. "Anyway it was nice to see you again, but I have to meet someone. I'm sorry", he apologized. "No problem, nice to see you too." He smiled and continued flying to the tree.

Tootles and I walked back to the camp, where dinner was already waiting for us. "How was your day?", Felix asked when we arrived. "We had a lot of fun", I answered smiling. "Do you check on Pan after dinner?" I nodded and sat down. Tootles brought me a plate with an egg and some meat. He sat down next to me and he had only an egg. "Why don't you have meat?", I asked. "Peter doesn't want me to eat meat", he answered softly. I let out a sigh and gave him a piece of mine. "Really?" I nodded and he ate it with a huge smile on his face. This boy had such a big heart, but he was so scared of Peter. It didn't took long to finish my dinner and put my empty plate down on the other ones. "I'll go check on Peter", I said and walked to his tent.

When I entered something flew past my head. "Peter?", I asked confused. He turned towards me. I saw he literally threw the little table, what was next to his bed, at me. "If you want me to go you can just say that", I said. He let out a sigh and sat down on bed. I sat down next to him and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Did you sleep today?", I asked. He nodded slowly and lay his head on my shoulder. "Still don't want to talk?" He stood up and turned his back to me. "Why do you want me to talk about it?", he asked pissed. "Because maybe it will make you feel better to have someone who understands you." "You won't understand." "Not if you don't talk about it", I said standing up too and walking back to the entrance of the tent.

"Airy, I don't want to talk about it so stop asking." "Okay, fine. If you don't want to talk to me anymore than I'm wondering why you're still my boyfriend?", I asked. He turned back towards me. "Fine then you break up, if that's what you want?" "No of course that isn't what I want, but Peter you're hurting yourself don't you see that. I'm your girlfriend. You can trust me." He shook his head. "Just leave me alone." "Fine", I mumbled and left again. I went to bed immediately. Tootles wanted to sleep in his own tent, so tonight I would be completely alone.

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