Chapter 16.

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I slowly woke up and heard someone walking through the camp. I jumped of my bed and pulled my dagger out of my boots where I used to hide it. I slowly left my tent and looked around. "Airy?", Tootles voice said. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Go back inside, Airy." "What why?", I asked confused. "I love you. You'll always be my sister. You were the one that made me happy", he said and started running. "Tootles come back!", I yelled and ran after him.

He was way faster than I thought he would be. I had no idea where he was going and I didn't care, I followed him through the woods. Of course he was faster. I was still in my sleeping dress and wasn't wearing any boots at all. What? Why was I so stupid? I spread my wings and flew after him, what made me way faster. "Tootles what are you doing?", I yelled. "Airy, please."

I saw Felix running behind us, followed by the other boys. That moment of distraction was fatal for me and Tootles. I heard splash and looked back at where Tootles was. I landed down at the side of the Mermaid Lagoon.

"Tootles!", I yelled. Tears came down my cheeks. Mermaids dived down to drown him. "Aren't you the princess?", one of the mermaids asked. I looked up at her. It was the mermaid I saw with Nyx. "Not anymore, but can you please get him up for me", I begged her. "He's already dead." "His body then, just please", I said and started to cry.

She dived down and it didn't took long or Tootles body appeared on the surface. Hunter pulled him out of the water, while Felix pulled me in his arms. I started crying as hard as I possibly could.

"We need to get her back to the camp", Felix said. My wings fell down and disappeared. I saw everything in a blur, because of my tears. I felt Felix lifting me of the ground and carrying me in bridal-style. I hang half over his shoulder just crying and sobbing. My little brother killed himself. Now I felt the sadness Peter must have felt when his sister died and Tootles wasn't even my real brother.

"Peter", Felix yelled when he entered the tent. "What", Peter said angry. "She needs you." I felt that Felix lay me down on Peter's bed. I slowly looked at Peter with tears in my eyes. "What happened?", he asked softly. I shook my head and continued crying. Peter pulled me against him and lay the blankets over me. "It's okay. I'll be here", he whispered. My eyes started to close, while I got tired of crying. "Go sleep, Airy", I heard Peter whisper and slowly fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again all the memories flashed through my head. "It's okay. I'm here", Peter whispered rubbing my back. "What happened?" "Tootles-", I sobbed. "What's wrong with Timo?" "He-", I couldn't find the words to tell him. "He what, Airy?" "I'm sorry", I sobbed. "It's okay", he said and kissed my forehead. "He killed himself." "Ow, Airy." He rubbed my back and pulled me close to him. "You're going to be fine", he whispered. "Peter", I sobbed. "Shht." He softly kissed my cheek trying to calm me down. I shook my head. "I tried to stop him. I tried as hard as I could." "I know, Airy. I know."

The tent lighted up, because the sun was rising. "Airy, I need to show you something." I slowly looked up at him. "It's important." I nodded. Peter stood up and carried me out of the tent. "Felix?", Peter asked out loud. Felix walked towards us. "I'm going to show Airy something. If we're not back in before sunset something happened to us okay?" Felix nodded.

Peter teleported to a beautiful place. It was a cave with flowers everywhere and there were beautiful crystals in the walls of the cave. "I can walk", I said softly. Peter nodded and put me back on my feet. He grabbed my hand and continued walking. There were drawings everywhere on the walls. "What is this place?", I asked softly. "This is the place that made me sick the past few days." "Your heart?", I asked. "Not literally", he said rolling his eyes.

At the end of the cave was a little waterfall and in front of the waterfall a huge stone with 'Rip Zyra. May you always be with us.' Peter sat down on a rock at the side of the cave and I sat down next to him. "It's beautiful", I said softly. "I'm sorry I've been holding back everything." I smiled. "It's okay." A sad smile appeared on his face, but it faded away pretty quick.

We sat there few minutes in silence before Peter took a deep breath to start his story. I just held his hand tight, trying to make him feel more comfortable. "You have changed me, Airy", he said softly. I smiled and moved closer to him, so I could lay my head against his arm. "Timo will be buried here next to my sister." I smiled again.

"That's perfect." "They liked each other a lot. Timo had a lot of problems with her death to, but I got jealous of the help he got from everyone and they just left me alone. They loved each other like you loved him and now they died on the same date." "Same date?", I asked. "My sister died on this day a year ago, because of Hook. She played with a fairy called Cassandra. Cassandra led her to Hooks ship and he killed her there. That's why I used to kill fairies." "Cassandra", I said softly. "You know that fairy?!", he yelled and jumped up. There was anger and sadness in his eyes. "Peter", I said. "I'll kill that fairy!" "You can't. You made a deal... With her." Peter's eyes grew. "Cassandra is your mother?" I nodded slowly and looked down. He grabbed my shoulder. "We'll forget about it." I smiled and hugged him. "Peter, continue your story."

We sat down again, ready to continue talking. "I don't know what's left to tell you", he said. "There's enough left to tell me. Throw everything out." He looked down at me and pulled me on his lap. "I don't know, Airy." "What did she look like? What did she like to do? Who where her friends? What did you do together? What was her personality like?" He wrapped his arms around me. "She had gold, brown, long hair and ocean green, blue eyes. Every day she asked me if they were allowed to play capture the flag, but one day Cassandra had to ruin our lives. She took Zyra to Hooks ship. She told Zyra their flag was there and she trusted her, after that Hook saw her and killed her. Timo found her and ran back to us. I didn't believe him at first, but when we followed him because he was really upset we saw it was true. Since then I've been blaming him for Zyra's dead. I'm sorry, Airy. Because of me he killed himself."

"You can't blame yourself, Peter. You were upset and I should have been there for you. I could have stopped him." Tears came down my cheeks. Peter wiped them away with his thumb. "You really think it's wrong to cry?", I asked. "Lost Boys don't cry, but you can Airy. You're my Lost Fairy." "Peter, continue your story about your sister."

"So she liked to play capture the flag and she loved to be with Felix. They were the perfect couple, but they were both too scared to ask. She died before Felix asked it. I bet you two could be best friends. You're a lot alike." "In what way?" "You both love to hug, right?" I nodded and kissed Peter on his cheek. "She was always in for an adventure. She didn't had magic powers though. The funny thing is that she was my sister, but our interests were completely different. She was more of the animals and I chose the flowers, that kind of stuff."

"Was she often angry?", I asked. "No not at all. She always had a smile on her face." "Something else you want to tell me?" Peter shook his head. "I think that was it", he said letting it out as a sigh. "I think there's one thing", I said slowly. "What?" "You're scared, but of what?" It stayed silence for a few minutes.

"Losing you." I felt something cold in my neck and turned around to look at Peter's face. A black tear came down his cheek. "Let go Peter", I whispered. Another black tear came out the corner of his eye. "I don't want to lose you", he whispered. "You won't." Peter took a deep breath. "Don't hold it back, Peter." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. He held his hand in my hair and pushed his face in my neck. "I love you", he whispered and after that he let go of everything. Tears came down his face like a waterfall, but he didn't make any sound. "I'm sure your sister would be proud of you Peter." Peter's shoulders shocked up and down. "She always wanted me to find love", he sobbed. I kissed his cheek again. "And I love you so much."

We sat there maybe for a few hours in silence while Peter hugged me. Peter finally let go of everything he was keeping inside. "Peter?", I asked. He looked up with a little smile on his face. "Feeling better?" He nodded slowly. "Shall we go for a walk?" "Sure", Peter answered and we stood up. He grabbed my hand and let his fingers slide through mine.

We followed the path through the woods. "I would like to show you something else", Peter said smiling. "You're really feeling better?" His old familiar smirk appeared on his face. "You should have talked to me earlier." He rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should have never told you." My mouth fell open. "I'm just kidding", he said grinning. "I missed your ego. I'm glad it's back." "I missed you. I'm sorry I was such an asshole." "Don't worry. I can handle it." "That's because you're a strong girl." With that said we continued our walk in silence.

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