Chapter 14.

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We sat all around the campfire eating our breakfast. I sat next to Peter and Felix. For some reason Peter wanted me to sit between him and Felix. I guess he just wanted to make sure I was safe.

"We're going to train a lot, because we're going to kill Hook", Peter said breaking the silence. Every boy looked up at him with a scared look in their faces. "Why can't we just live in peace with him?", Timo asked. Peter slowly turned his head to Timo with an angry look on his face. "Don't you remember what he did?"

Timo looked down at the ground. "What did he do?", I asked softly. Peter looked at me. "He killed my sister." A look of sadness shot through his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head, stood up and walked away. Felix wanted to go after him, but I pulled him back. "Maybe we should leave him for a moment." "Who's going to lead the training?", Hunter asked. I looked at Felix, but he looked unsure back at me. "Take your moment of shine", I said giggling. Felix stood up. "Let's go then!"

We followed him through the woods to our training spot. "Where are we going?", I asked. "We are going to play a game we didn't play in a long time." "What?" "Capture the Flag", Felix said with a grin. Every face lighted up of the idea. "Isn't that a shoot game?", I asked. Felix nodded. "With what are we going to shoot?" "Unpoisonend arrows." "Arrows? What if someone gets hurt or dies?" "We don't shoot on heart or head", he explained. "Do you mind if I don't play?", I asked. Felix nodded. "Would you like to play our healer, for if someone gets hurt." I rolled my eyes, but agreed on the idea.

Felix picked up two huge pieces of cloth. "Those are the flags. Hunter and Stewie are team captains and can make the teams." They both choose their team. Hunter's team was Daniel and Devin and Stewie's team was Timo and Felix. "If you get injured you come back here to get a heal from Airy and if you get hit you sit with her till one of the teams won the game. You have five minutes for placing your flag. Good luck", Felix said. The teams ran both into the woods, while I stayed behind alone.

Suddenly I heard a branch snap. It could be one of the boys, but out of reaction I looked around to make sure I was safe. Peter slowly walked out of the dark shadows of the trees. An arrow shot past his arm.

"Freaking idiots can't hit their arrows", he mumbled. "He actually did hit his target", I said when the blood slowly started dripping of his arm. Peter sat down next to me. "What do you think you're doing?" "Playing the healer in this game", I answered healing his arm. "Game? I told them to train", he said pissed. "They are training. Felix decided they could play capture the flag." "Stupid game. Let's end this", he said standing up. I grabbed his arm. "Peter, we can practice sword fighting if you want. Let them just play their game." "Fine, but it's the last time they play this fucking game." "Why are you against this game?", I asked. "It's not your business!"

I took a step back. "Airy", he said slowly. "The morning started so good. Why can't you just tell me what's on your mind?" "Good? I threw up on you. You call that good?" "It was my own decision to sleep with you and you fixed it in a cute way." "You don't understand, Airy", he said shaking his head. "Explain it to me. Is it that so hard? You can tell me anything." He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders. "It was Zyra's favourite game", he said softly. "Zyra?", I asked. "My sister."

"And because of that you didn't allow them to play this game?", I asked. "I told you, that you wouldn't understand." I grabbed his hand. He slowly let his fingers slide through mine. "Peter, please explain. Maybe I can help you?" He let out a sigh and nodded. "She died playing this game and the boys loved to play it. It was their favourite game and... she...", he stumbled over his words as he stared into my eyes.

I sat down on his lap and he held me close. "Hook shot her down while we played this game." My heart broke inside. Poor Peter. Suddenly Timo walked towards us. He had a whole in his leg and tears came down his face. "Hey Timo", I said standing up and kneeled down in front of him. "It hurts", he said breaking down and started to cry.

I waved my hand over his leg and it healed. "Come", I said and hugged him. I lifted him of the ground and sat down next to Peter with Timo on my lap. He lay his head against my chest and closed his eyes. "Are you tired?", I asked. He nodded and yawned. "Didn't you sleep tonight?" "Nightmare", he answered softly. I turned him around so he could see my face. "If there's something wrong, you can always come to me, okay?" He nodded with a smile and hugged me again, before laying his head back against my chest.

It didn't took long or Daniel came out of the forest with his hand on his arm. He slowly walked towards me and showed me his wound. I waved over it and it disappeared. "Thank you", he said and sat down next to me. He gave me a confused look. "Something wrong?", I asked. He shook his head, but looked past me at Peter. "What?", Peter said without even looking in his way.

I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Peter, it's okay to show your feelings", I said softly. "What if I don't want to?" Anger was mixed in his voice. "Airy?", Timo asked softly. "Yea?" "Aren't you afraid of him?" "Who?" "Peter." I looked confused and surprised at Timo. "Why would I?" Timo looked down. "I swear Timo one day the creatures of Neverland will eat you. Coward", Peter said pissed and he stood up.

Tears came down Timo's face again. "It's okay to be afraid, Timo", I whispered in his hair. "No, it's not okay. You're a Lost Boy. Lost Boys aren't afraid of anything. They don't miss their arrows and they don't cry!", Peter yelled. Timo held his face in my chest and cried softly, while I rubbed his back. "Peter", I said. It sounded more pissed then I wanted it to sound.

"Fine, you want me to leave?", he yelled. "No Peter, of course not." "Doesn't sound like you want me to stay here." "Okay, fine. Go away. Leave your boys alone. Leave me alone. I have forgiven you everything you did and this is how you thank me?!", I yelled. "Thank you? I took you in when everyone abandoned you!" I looked away. "How about you walk away this time?", he said turning his back towards me. "I don't want to make you my enemy." He slowly looked back over his shoulder.

I just hugged Timo, while tears slowly came down my cheeks. Peter walked back towards me. Timo tried to crawl closer to me. He was really scared and didn't like Peter at all. Peter kneeled down in front of me. "Airy, you're right. Being afraid is okay, but Lost Boys don't cry." "Says who?" Peter let out a sigh. "You know who." I'd put Timo down next to me and let myself fall in Peter's arms. "Is it okay if I cry?", I asked. "You're a girl." "Thank you", I mumbled. "Did I hurt someone?" I rolled my eyes and sat back on the log.

After a few minutes the other boys came out of the woods. Hunter's team won the game. We started the walk back to the camp. Timo fell asleep on my lap and Peter wanted to wake him up, but I didn't want him to. Peter got pissed again. He walked in the front and I walked in the back carrying Timo.

Hunter walked next to me. "You sure you don't want me to carry him?", he asked looking at me. He was the same height as I was. I shook my head. "I don't think Peter will be happy if I let you carry him." "What's up with him? He's so different since you've been sick." "I don't know", I said and let out a sigh. "Do you still love him?" I nodded. "With my whole heart. He's everything to me", I said softly with a little smile. "You're a strong girl, Airy." "No I'm not", I said looking down. "Believe me. I know you never met Zyra, but-" "We don't talk about my sister", Peter said. His eyes were as black as the night and he slowly walked towards us. "The rule was to never speak about her."

Hunter looked down at the ground. "He was just trying to help", I defended him. "Help with what?" "Peter, please. What's wrong with you? You can tell me anything. You know that", I said helpless. "You don't need to know." "I just want to help." "Go help your sweet baby boy, big Tootles", Peter said pissed and he walked back to the front. The rest of the way back to the camp it stayed silent. In the camp I went with Timo to my tent and lay him in my bed. If Peter didn't want me then I would sleep with Timo tonight. He could use it with his nightmares.

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