Chapter 4.

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A few hours later we sat in the cave again eating berries. "So what's your plan?", Tink asked. "In the first place he isn't supposed to kill me, because then the plan failed", I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes. "I did understand that part." "Maybe if I'm hurt and just had a fight with my only friend Tinkerbell", I said grinning. A grin showed up on Tink her face. "So you want me to slap you?" "I rather hurt my feet", I answered giggling. "Okay, alright", she said and she stood up. "What are you going to do?", I asked standing up too. "I'm going to hurt your foot." "Uhm", I mumbled. "Follow." I did as she said and followed her outside. She started climbing the rock where our cave was in. "What are you going to do?", I asked again. "I told you", she yelled back and continued climbing. I let out a sigh and started climbing too.

After a few minutes we stood on top of the rock. "What now?", I asked. "This", she said and pushed me of the rock. I started yelling till I crashed into the ground. "Did it work?", Tink yelled. "I hate you!", I yelled back and stood up holding the rock wall. Tink climbed down the rock and looked at me. "Did it work or not?", she asked impatient. I stood only on my right foot and placed my left one on the ground, but pulled it back in when I felt the pain. "It did", I said. Tink grinned. "Let's see if you really can change a demon's mind." I nodded. "Get out of here you stupid princess!", Tink yelled with a smile on her face. "Fine I don't need you anyway!", I yelled back and stumbled away.

I tried to remember where Pan's camp was and I recognized a few things around here. Suddenly I heard voices. I forced tears in my eyes and entered stumbling the camp. I let myself fall on my knees and held my arms crossed over my stomach. "Look what we have here", I heard Pan's British voice say. He walked towards me, but I held my head down. "Pan?", one of the boys asked. "I said go hunt!", he yelled pissed. I heard the Lost Boys leave the camp. Now I was alone with the most feared boy on the island. Suddenly he lifted my chin. He had a different look on his face than usual. "Why are you crying?", he asked. I lifted my shoulders. "Why did you came here?", he asked letting go of my chin. "I don't want to live anymore", I sobbed. "If you want me to understand you than you have to be more specific." I looked at him and wondered why he didn't just kill me. "I'm not a princess. I'm useless. I'm hurt and I'm alone", I sobbed. Knowing that it was actually true. "Where are you hurt?", he asked. "My foot", I answered softly. He lifted me of the ground with a grin and carried me in bridal-style to a tent. "You're not going to kill me?", I asked softly. "If you're not a princess why would I?" He'd put me down on a bed and sat down next to me. We sat there a few minutes in silence.

"Why did your friend say you would be an awesome queen if you're not a princess?", he asked after a few minutes of silence. I slowly looked up at him. "Because after you killed her they banned me, because I was responsible." He had a strange look on his face. The grin he usually had was gone. I would almost think that he'd regret it that he killed Nyx. "Why did they punish you?" "I just said: because I was responsible", I answered pissed. I heard Pan letting out a sigh and he stood up. "Can you do me a favour?", I asked. "What?" "Kill me", I said. He looked confused. A grin appeared on his face. "I'm sorry, love", he said and walked around the corner to another room in the tent.

After a few minutes he came back with a first aid kit. "What are you going to do?", I asked. "Bandage your foot." I rolled my eyes. "You have magic. Why not heal it?" He looked up at me with a smirk. "I like to see people in pain", he answered and started bandaging my foot. I let out a sigh of boredom. "What now?", he asked. "Boring!" "You like playing around?", he asked with a grin and let go of my foot. "There you go love." "Why do you call me love?", I asked. "You're mine now, that's why."

After he said that it was silence again. "You're confusing me", I said after a few minutes. "I was trying to kill you, but now you're not a princess anymore. So I decided you're my prisoner now." "I rather get killed then", I said rolling my eyes. "Nope. I'm being so nice. I'm not even locking you up in a cage. At least as long as you stay in my camp", he said grinning. "Well Mister Pan. What am I supposed to do all day?", I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Keep me company", he answered grinning and stood up. I stood up too, but forgot that my left foot hurts. I pulled it back and stood on one foot again. There was a grin on Pan's face. "Guess you should stay inside." "You're just as horrible as my parents", I mumbled and sat down again. "Your parents?", he asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Did I confuse the mighty Pan?", I asked grinning. He sat down  next to me again. "Maybe you did." I rolled my eyes. "You really want to know?" "I would like to know everything about you", he answered with a huge grin. "You're disgusting", I said turning my head away from him. "Don't worry. You'll like me later. Especially the time that you're going to need me." I looked back at him. He had a weird look in his eyes. "Why would I need you?", I asked slowly. "You'll find out." "You're such a creep", I said standing up and stumbling out of the tent. "Where do you think you're going?", he asked. I ignored him and continued stumbling away. Suddenly I bumped into something and I looked up to see Pan stand in front of me. "I asked you something", he said grinning. "I just want to be alone", I said softly. Pan's face changed again. He had a straight and serious look on his face. "As long as you don't leave the camp", he answered. I let out a sigh and stumbled back to the tent.

Now I sat a few hours in the tent alone. I heard voices in the camp and didn't want to go outside anymore, because of that. I didn't want the Lost Boys to see me and accidently kill me or something like that. Would Pan really fall for me? After all I was just a girl. It started to get dark and I lay down on the bed that stood in the tent. I closed my eyes and slowly fell in a deep sleep.

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