Chapter 20. (The End).

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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the birds sang there most beautiful song. Peter and I sat outside around the small campfire.

Peter was still sick, but he wanted to go outside instead of laying in his bed all day. What I'd understand of course. Peter sat on the log and I sat between his legs on the ground.

I stared into the flames while Peter was playing with my hair. "Airy", Peter said softly. I looked up at him. He shook his head. "What?" "Never mind." I turned around and sat on my knees in front of him. "What?", I asked again. "I just wished you found out your special power earlier, maybe you could have saved Tootles."

I sat down again between his legs. "Things happen for a reason, right?" "I guess so", Peter answered and let go of my hair again. "We've been through a lot together", I said and sat down on the log next to him. He nodded slowly looking at me.

"I'm proud of us", I said giggling. A grin appeared on his face. "I'm proud of you", he said wrapping his arm around me.

We heard a few sounds in the bushes and Felix and the boys entered the camp. They came back from hunting. "What did you catch?", I asked. "Swine", Hunter answered proud. "Looks like we have a party dinner tonight", Peter said grinning and stood up.

"What are you going to do?", I asked. Peter looked at me. "We're going somewhere special." "You're not fully healed yet." "Don't worry. I'll be fine with you." I rolled my eyes and followed Peter into the forest.

After a few minutes of walking we entered the field with all the flowers again. "Why didn't you just say we would go here?" "Because it was a surprise. This was Zyra's favourite place." I smiled. Peter sat down in the middle of the field. "Airy, there's something I want to tell you for a long time now." "And what's that?" "My past."

"Your past?" "About my parents. I've never told anyone before." I smiled and sat down next to him.

"A long time ago there was a woman that was unable to get pregnant, they thought. After years of trying she got older and older, but faith seemed to be on their side, because suddenly she was pregnant of a baby boy", he said and looked at his hands. "You?", I asked grabbing his hand. He shook his head. "My older brother and after him another brother. Then I came, than Zyra and than my youngest brother." "You had three brothers?", I asked surprised.

"Yes, but you better call them bullies. Anyway one day dad got sick and he died soon after that. I grew closer to Zyra, because she was really struggling with dad's death. A few months after dad died mom became ill too. She said it was just a cold, but I wasn't stupid and neither were my other brothers or Zyra." He lay his head down on my shoulder and squeezed my hand.

"Back then there was a play called Peter Pan and I wanted to go there with mom. She promised me we would go, my special activity with mom. We all could choose one thing we wanted to do with her to put us in the sunlight you know." "Did you saw the play?", I asked softly. He nodded slowly.

"Mom bought two tickets, because the others didn't want to see a stupid guy with the same first name as me. Mom was to sick to go with me. It broke me inside and Zyra saw it. I never had a great relationship with dad, but mom was my everything." "I'm sorry for you Peter", I said and kissed his cheek.

"Zyra came with me to make sure I saw that play, but I didn't want to go anymore. Mom said I had to go and when I came back I should tell her everything about it, but when we came back. She spoke her last words to us. 'Stay strong. Don't cry on me. I love all of you.' And after that she died." Tears slowly came down his cheeks.

"We got split except for me and Zyra. We all went to a different foster house. Zyra and I never reached the house. We escaped before they got us there and that was when someone on a market gave us a bean. It was an old lady and she told me to think about the place I wanted to go. And I thought about a land where no harm could be done to me or my sister, but Hook found out about the island."

"I'm so sorry for you Peter", I said and hugged him. "Actually I'm glad it ended this way. Otherwise I wouldn't have met you." "But actually I exist because of you?", I asked grinning. "Yea actually you do."

We sat there another few hours hugging and kissing. We watched the stunning sunset and after that it was time to head back to the camp.

"Before we go", Peter said pulling me back. "What?" "Count the stars." "They are uncountable." "As well is my love for you", he whispered. I smiled shyly. He gently kissed me on my lips. He searched for an entrance to my mouth and I let him through. After a few seconds he pulled back and leaned with his forehead against mine.

"You're the best thing that ever happened in my life. I love you, Airy."
"I love you too, Peter Pan."

Cliche end. But I'm not that good at writing endings and I didn't want them to suffer. Thanks for reading!

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