Chapter 12.

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"Explain. Fairies age. She will become queen when she hit eighteen", my father said. "She won't hit the eighteen. I will stop her aging. She has an enchanted bracelet." "Who will rule if we die?" "You banned her. I thought you had a plan for that?", Peter asked surprised of the question.

My father looked at my mother. "But because I'm in a good mood I fixed that problem too. If you want the solution", Peter said grinning. Felix stood back next to me again. A boy with black hair and dark brown eyes came out of the darkness of the night. I looked at Peter. The smartass wanted Kailen to rule the Fairy Tree so I could stay and I would stay princess anyway. My father looked down. "You want us to give both of them their wings back?" Peter nodded. "He will rule. He's a good leader and Airy will stay with me." My father let out a huge sigh. "Fine then, but then you have to do something too." Peter looked surprised. "That wasn't part of the deal."

"You have to kill Hook", my father said. "I don't mind doing that." Peter looked at me with a grin. "Are you ready?" I lifted my shoulders. "Don't tell me I did this for nothing", Peter said and squeezed my hand. "I'm just a bit scared", I said looking up at him. Peter smiled. "You'll be fine." I took a deep breath and nodded. My father waved with his sceptre. My sapphire blue wings appeared on my back. I would probably never use my small format ever again, but it could be nice sometimes.

Peter stood behind me and let his hand slide over my wings. My father held his breath. He was scared Peter would kill me anyway, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't. "You look beautiful", Peter whispered. I smiled and turned to him. "Thank you so much", I said tears coming down my face. "No problem, my Lost Fairy." He gave me a quick hug.

My father waved with his sceptre over my brother. His brown coloured wings appeared. He had beautiful wings. "We can break the curse", father said. Kailen shook his head. "It's who I am." My father pulled Kailen in his arms. It wasn't hard to see that my father still loved him. My father was most of the time the emotional one of our family, what I didn't mind. It made him really sweet and kind. "Peter", I said softly. "Wait a second." He was listening to the things my father was saying. My head started to hurt as hell. Getting your wings back was a huge impact on your body. All the energy goes to the my wings to make them normal and powerful again, so it sucked the energy of all the other parts of my body.

"Peter", I said pulling at his arm. "Please just shut up for a second." I started leaning against his arm. "Airy, what's wrong?", he asked pissed. Suddenly everything turned black and I didn't hear anything anymore.

I slowly opened up my eyes and saw Peter. "I'm so sorry", he said holding his hand on my cheek. I smiled as sign that it was okay. "You need to drink something", he said and helped me to sit up. He was holding a cup. "What's in it?", I asked softly. "A medicine. Your parents said it took a lot of energy for you to make your wings work, so the boys made something for you. It will give you extra energy, so you won't feel that bad." I nodded. "I understand it if you only say medicine", I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes and put the cup at my lips. I slowly drank it. It tasted disgusting, but medicine wasn't meant to taste good. Peter put down the cup on the table next to the bed. "What happened?", I asked still confused. "You passed out and I carried you back to the camp." "And Kailen?" "He lives in the Fairy Tree now." I nodded and lay back down. Peter lay down on his stomach next to me. "You need a lot of rest now." I nodded again. "The boys made this medicine for me right?" Peter nodded. "I don't even know half of them. I only know Devin and Felix." "Then you should meet them when you feel better." Peter had a grin on his face, like he was planning to do something evil. I know Peter was the jealous kind of guy, so of course he wasn't going to leave me alone with them. "Do I have to wait till I feel better?", I asked disappointed. "Airy, what do you want to do now? You're weak." I turned on my side away from Peter. "You know I didn't meant it that way", he said and lay his hand on my shoulder. "I know", saying it as a sigh.

"Airy." I turned on my back so I could look at him. "Are you mad?" I slowly smiled and pulled at his arm, what made him fell on his side. "I'm really mad", I said giggling. He rolled his eyes. "You'll feel better after a few days of rest, I promise." I let out a huge sigh.

I didn't like doing nothing and being stuck in one room. "Airy", Peter said grabbing my chin. "You're going to sleep, right now", he said sternly. I let out another sigh. "Airy, you're not funny anymore. Go sleep." "I'm not tired." "Airy, you are going to sleep, like it or not." I sat up and looked at him. "Why do you want me to sleep?" "I want you to get healthy again." "I'm fine." He wrapped his arm around me. "Sleep well, Airy." He held his hand in front of me and everything became black again.

Sorry for a shorter chapter. I still hope you guys liked it :3.

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