Chapter 5.

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"Psst!" I opened my eyes and looked around. I sat in a familiar room. It was my bedroom in the Fairy Tree. "Psst." I looked at the door. "Airy, come", Nyx' voice sounded. "Nyx?", I asked confused. "Come on", she said excited. I stood up and followed her through the halls of the castle. "Where are we going?", I asked. "Outside." "I had a really strange dream", I said softly. She stopped walking and turned to me. "You always have weird dreams." "This was different. It felt so real." "We'll talk later about this, now come. I have to show you something", she giggled. We flew through the castle and left through the window in the right tower. We flew a familiar way. This way came past Pan's camp. "Nyx, Pan's camp", I said. "I know. There's something I need to show you", she said smiling. I nodded slowly and we landed in front of the entrance of his camp. I followed Nyx and entered the camp. "What did you want to show me?", I asked confused. "Look up in this tree", she said. It was the tree where Nyx got killed in my 'dream'. I slowly looked up and held my hands over my mouth. "What happened?", I whispered. Pan was hanging in the tree. "Who hang him up?", I asked. "I did", a voice behind me said. I turned around to see myself. "No", I whispered. A figure came out of the shadows. "Tink?", I asked confused. "I knew you can be evil", she said. "No", I said tears coming down my face. "Actually I didn't even hang him. He did. He cared for you and you broke his heart", the other me said. I turned back to his body and let myself fall on my knees and started crying.

"Wake up." I opened my eyes and looked into Pan's eyes. "Are you okay?", he asked softly. I shook my head and started crying. "Hey", he whispered and pulled me up and in his arms. He softly rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "Did you had a nightmare?", he asked. I nodded and pushed my face in his shirt. "I'm sorry", I sobbed. "For what?", he asked confused. I wasn't able to talk anymore and just kept crying. We sat there for maybe a few hours. I didn't know that Pan could be so sweet. He was really trying to calm me down and talk to me.

After a few hours of crying I calmed down and just lay in his arms now. "Pan", I said softly. "Hm?" "I'm sorry", I whispered. "For what?" "Will you kill me if I tell you?", I asked. He shook his head. "I promise I won't." "Tink and I had a plan to make you care for me and then I would break your heart", I said softly and looked at him. His look changed to an amused look. "But I had a nightmare and I don't want to do it anymore", I sobbed softly. "I don't want to be bad." Pan grinned and continued rubbing my back. "You're right love. You shouldn't be bad, because I am already the bad one and there can't be two bad people in a relation." I looked up at him with a confused and scared look on my face. "I'm just kidding", he answered. I lay my head back on his chest. "Peter?", I asked. "What did you call me?" "I mean Pan", I said quick. I heard him chuckle. "Don't worry love. You can always call me Peter." I smiled to myself. "So am I allowed to stay here?" Peter lay me down on bed and lay down next to me. "As long as you stay in the camp you're allowed to stay. If you leave I assume you're my enemy from then on." "And what if we leave together?", I asked. "Then it's with my permission, so that should be okay." I smiled and turned on my side to him. "You know", I said. He lifted his eyebrow. "You're okay when you're not killing fairies." He chuckled again. "And you're pretty cute when you're scared of me." "You're disgusting", I said giggling. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer. "Do you want to know what I think about you?" I shook my head. He grinned and let go of my wrists. I pushed Peter on his back and lay my head on his chest. I felt him holding his breath. "Do I make the mighty Pan uncomfortable?", I asked giggling. "Not at all", he said wrapping his arms around me. "Not too fast charmer." He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead. "You know", I said. "What now?" "You never asked my name, right?" "You're right. I never asked", he mumbled. He sounded really tired. I lay my head back down on the pillow and wanted to turn around on my other side, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What is your name then?", Peter asked. "Airy", I answered. "Sounds like fairy." "That's why my parents gave me that name." He nodded slowly. "Anyway goodnight", I said. "Goodnight, Airy."

The next morning I woke up in an empty bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and noticed I was still wearing my short blue dress. I forgot that I left my backpack back at the cave where I stayed with Tink. "Shit", I said to myself and stood up. I walked half stumbling outside and saw the boys practicing. Peter stood at the side line and looked them fight. I walked and stumbled with quick steps towards him. "Something wrong?", he asked when he saw I was walking pretty quick. "I left my backpack at Tink's cave", I said. "I'll get it for you in a few minutes, okay?" I nodded with a smile. "Thank you." "Told you that you were going to need me." I rolled my eyes. "Watch it", he said and pushed me away. I ended up on the ground. Someone pulled me up again and of course that was Peter. I turned to him and saw he had a cut in his cheek. He looked really pissed at the boys who were fighting. "Can't you even hit an arrow on your target? Is it that hard? Fools", he said pissed and pulled me behind him to his tent. "Peter, let me fix that for you", I said when we were in the tent. "Fine", he mumbled and sat down on the bed. I went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and walked back to Peter with it. I opened it up and grabbed a few tissues and disinfecting stuff to put on the tissues. "It will hurt a bit", I said and grabbed his face to prevent him from moving. I softly dabbed on the wound. He didn't show any mood changes on his face. He was just looking at the entrance of the tent. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and looked at me. "You know I can just heal myself, right?" "Ow yea, right." He grinned and let go of my arm. "That's so unfair", I mumbled. "Why is that unfair?" "Because I'm a girl and I have the need to take care of someone or something", I said crossing my arms over my chest still holding the tissues. "Okay fine then", he said with a little smile. I sat on my knees on the bed and continued dabbing his wound. "What if you're heavily injured? Can you still heal yourself?", I asked. "No, probably not." "So I need to learn how to bandage wounds so I can save your life with that, if it happens." He chuckled, probably at the idea of him getting heavily injured. "You would be the only one I would trust to do so."

After I finished disinfecting his wound I threw away the tissues and we just sat on the bed next to each other. Peter's breath was pretty heavy and he just looked in front of himself. "Peter?", I asked. He didn't react on it. "Peter?", I asked again waving my hand in front of his face. He looked slowly down at me and smiled. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine", he answered, but he looked really pale. I wouldn't expect that from the mighty Pan. "Lay down", I said pushing his chest down. Surprisingly he did as I said and lay down on the bed. "What's wrong?", I asked. He looked at me with less fire in his eyes than he usually had. "My head", he mumbled in the pillow. I went back to the bathroom and grabbed a wet washrag. When I came back Peter changed his clothes, probably with magic, and lay shivering on the bed. I pulled the blankets over him and he turned on his back to look at me. I lay down the washrag on his forehead. He forced a smile on his face. It was easy to see it was a fake smile. I sat down on the bed next to him and lay my hand in his neck. He looked confused at me. "I think you're just overstressed." He nodded slowly. "Go sleep. I'll watch over you", I said smiling. He smiled back and closed his eyes. "Thank you Airy."

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