Chapter 19.

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After my meal I went back to Peter. I sat down next to him and looked at him. "You know", I said softly hoping there would come a response like: 'are you starting again?' But of course that didn't came.

"I should apologise. I could have killed Hook and ran back to you and it wouldn't have happened." I looked at the entrance of the tent for a second and then back at Peter. "I just wished I could see your grin or smile just for a last time", I said tears coming down my face. Black tears, just like Peter.

I sadly smiled in myself. "Guess that killing doesn't make people bad, but taking revenge does. They are dead, both of them. I hope you don't mind that I turned bad, because of that", I said softly. I held my fingers on his mouth and made him smile. "Airy, you're crazy", I said to myself.

Than something hit my. Like a brick. I pulled Peter's dead body up against the wall and let him lean on that. I sat down over his legs and looked at his face. I softly kissed him on his lips. They felt cold and dry. I softly bit his lip hoping he would do something back, but no.

"Peter, please", I whispered while kissing him. I didn't gave up after one kiss. I tried for minutes, till my black tears came streaming down my face again. I pulled back and looked at him. "Why doesn't true loves kiss work?", I said and grabbed Peter's chin. "Please, Peter I'm turning crazy. Give me a sign, a slap, a smile. Give me something!"

That was my real breakpoint. The point where you realise, yes I truly lost him. That moment that you can't stand anything anymore. That moment that your world looks like it will never be the same again, but eventually people move on. That moment of moving on seems so far away on that breakpoint.

I started crying and pulled Peter in my arms. "Come back, please. I can't live without you. I'll turn crazy." I continued crying, till it was night. Felix had to pull me of him and drag me down his tent. Felix commanded Hunter to lay Peter's body down again.

Now I lay in bed next to Felix. "Felix?", I whispered. "Hm?" "Don't you mis him? I mean you was his first man after all." "Of course, I mis him", he said rubbing my back. "You don't seem to." "Airy, Lost Boys just hide feelings." I looked up at him. "I want to talk about it. I don't want to make that mistake to hold everything back."

Suddenly the door opened. I let out a yell. A figure was leaning against the wall stumbling closer to us. "Airy?", Felix asked. I looked up at him. "Why are you yelling?" I looked back at the door. The door was closed and there was no one there. "Airy, you should go sleep", Felix said.

I jumped out of the bed and ran towards Peter's tent. Tears came down my face when I entered and crawled in bed next to him. I crawled close to his cold, dead body and held his lifeless hand.

Felix entered too. "Airy, you can't sleep here." "Yes I can!" Felix walked towards me and lifted me out of the bed. "Nooooooo!", I screamed and dragged Peter half over the bed. "Airy!", Felix yelled. I shook crying my head. He lay me back down and surrendered himself.

He sat down next to me and rubbed my back. "He's not coming back, Airy." I started to feel stronger. "There's no way to get death people back." I felt the magic in my vines. "Airy, common it's over", Felix whispered. I moved myself over Peter and held both my hands on his heart.

I let out all the sadness, memories and powers that I had out. There was so much power that everything blew away. There was a flash and after that I let my body fell next to his. I was completely exhausted, trying to catch my breath again. Felix crawled back on the bed. "What was that?", he asked. "Everything", I answered.

I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up of someone shaking my shoulder fast but gently. "Let me sleep, I'm finally sleeping", I mumbled. Suddenly I fell on the ground. "Auch", I said and looked up. Felix sat on his knees next to Peter. A tear fell down his face and he looked up at me.

"You did it", Felix said. "Did what? Make you cry?" "He's breathing", Felix said looking at me with huge eyes. I sat down next to Peter and lay my head on his chest. There sounded a heartbeat, a normal heartbeat. I looked at Peter's face. It wasn't as pale as it was before. His chest moved slowly up and down.

"Get some water for if he wakes up", I said. Felix nodded and ran out of the tent. I lay my hand on Peter's cheek and kissed him softly on his lips. When I pulled back he was looking at me. His forest green eyes. A small grin on his face, but pain in his eyes.

"Are you alive?", I asked softly. He nodded slowly. "You brought me back, didn't you?" His voice sounded soft. "I think I did." "Thirsty", he said softly. "Felix is taking care of that." When I said that he entered the tent and gave me a bottle. "After I finished this bottle I will ban all the bottles out of this camp or better of the island", Peter said with a smirk on his face.

"It's a clean one. I promise", I whispered. I put the bottle at his lips and he threw everything in. "Not so fast", I said and wanted to pull back, but it was already empty. Peter looked at me enjoying the taste of fresh water. "You're going to threw up again."

"He should, to get the rest of the poison out of his body. Most of it probably faded", Stewie said when he walked in. "I thought you said you were the creative one?", I asked. "And doctor, kind off." I nodded and let him look at Peter.

"He should be fine in a few days. With a lot of rest and water everything should be fine. Maybe you should let him drink till he throws up a few times."

I nodded and Felix started filling bottles while I helped Peter drink them.  It didn't took long or Peter started throwing up. First it was blood what came out, but after a few times it turned normal to yellow water, what you call normal of course.

Now I lay next to him hugging his arm. "I love you", he said suddenly. I smiled. "I love you too." "I told you", he said grinning. "What?" "That you had strong magic." I kissed his cheek. "You should sleep." "How can I sleep when I know Hook will come for you." I swallowed. "What?", he asked. I sat up with my back against the wall. Peter grabbed my hand. "You can tell me anything."

"I killed him and Tink too. I took revenge and it made me... Evil." Tears came down my cheeks. Peter grinned. "Is it funny?", I asked rubbing away my tears. "Hey, I told you when I said that there can't be two bad people in a relationship that I was joking." I looked at him and lay down again. "And if I wouldn't be my evil self, I wouldn't have been proud of you in one way. So I'll tell you this. I'm. Proud. Of. You."

I smiled and kissed him again. "Now you can go sleep", I said. He nodded and looked at me. He was still pale and weak, but he was going to be alright and that was what matters. "Sleep well, Airy." "You too, Peter Pan."

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