Chapter 9.

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"Run!!!", I yelled.

Tinkerbell didn't hesitate a moment and ran away, but Peter looked not understanding in my way. "Run, you fucking idiot!", I yelled. He looked down and disappeared into the nothing. A second later a black wolf jumped on the deck. I ran around Hook and pulled out his sword. "You stupid girl!" I laughed. Maybe my plan would actually work this time. I ran towards my wolf friend, I didn't even knew his name but okay, and took his back. I was lucky I had a good teacher for sword fighting, but suddenly something hit my head and I fell on the ground. I saw everything in a blur. I felt  little wolf paws on my back and everything changed into black.

I groaned as I opened my eyes. "Are you okay?", the wolf guy asked. "I would love to know your name, so I can yell something next time", I mumbled still confused. "Kailen." I nodded. "My head hurts", I said as answer on his question. "They knocked you out with something made of metal." I sat back up and looked at Kailen. "Where's Peter?", I asked. "Neverland", he answered. "We are in Neverland." "Not anymore." "What do you mean?!", I yelled panicking. "When you got knocked out I jumped on top of you to defend you and suddenly you teleported us away." I looked around.

We sat in a cave. A really familiar cave, but I didn't know from what. "You know to where?", he asked. I stood up and ignored the pain in my head. I walked to the exit of the cave. "I know where we are", I said. "Where?", he asked and walked towards me. "I think this is The Enchanted Forest." I left cave and walked to the road.

A man was walking away from me. "Excuse me?", I yelled and ran up to him. He turned around with a kind smile on his face. "Could you tell me where I am?", I asked. "You don't know? You're in England." "Okay thank you", I said and walked back to Kailen. "It's worse than The Enchanted Forest." "What?" "We're in the human world. There's no magic here."

I let myself fall on my knees. "Airy, your magic is strong. Maybe you can bring us back." "No I can't. No one is able too." I pulled up my knees and started crying. Kailen pulled me back to the cave and let me cry. I cried for hours and hours. Suddenly I looked up. A magic bean", I mumbled. I looked at my wrist. "Cut it open", I said. "What? Why?", he yelled. "Just do it." "I'm not going to kill you." "You won't. There's a magic bean in my wrist. As princess my parents put that in my wrist so I would be able to escape if I ended up in a situation like this." "You'll die", he said. "I can heal myself if we're fast enough."

I let him think a few minutes about it. "Okay", he mumbled and grabbed my dagger. He cut open my wrist and pulled out the bean. "You should know how badly I was against this idea", I said when he gave it to me. He ripped of his sleeve and wrapped it around my heavily bleeding wrist. I threw the bean on the ground and grabbed Kailen's hand. We jumped into the portal and fell on the beach. As fast as I could I healed my wrist. I let out a sigh of relieve. "Thank god. My parents did actually do something good." That moment I got pulled back. Pirates pulled me on their ship. "Go!", I yelled to Kailen and he did. Of course he did. I couldn't expect him to help me after this horror. "Look what we have here again", Hook said. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to teleport. I couldn't control it", I mumbled. "Don't worry. You're still going to bring us back to the normal world." "I just came back from there!" "Sad for you! You're going to do it or you'll die." I sat down on the ship and concentrated. "Deal is a deal", I mumbled when I teleported to complete ship back to the world I just came from.

I opened my eyes and the ship lay in a busy harbour. "You're free to go", Hook said. I nodded and stood up. I left the ship and walked through the streets. I had no idea where to go and I was really hungry. I grabbed my dagger and walked to a door.

I pushed my dagger in the lock and surprisingly the door opened. I slowly walked inside. I heard children yell upstairs. I searched for the kitchen and found some bread there. "Who are you?", a girls voice yelled. I turned around. "I'm sorry", I said softly laying the bread back down. "It's okay. You can eat it if you're hungry." I looked at her with a smile and started eating. "Thank you", I said softly. "Who are you?", she asked. "I'm Airy and you." "Wendy. Wendy Darling." I walked up to her to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you." "My parents aren't at home tonight, so if you want you can stay." "Really?" She nodded. "Thank you so much."

She introduced me to her two brothers, John and Michael. We had a lot of fun with the three of us. I was four years older than Wendy who was the oldest, but our believe in things made us really good friends. I stayed the night and when her parents got back she introduced me to them too. They were very nice people, so I was allowed to stay even longer in their family.

Wendy discovered me crying one night. They were really nice, but that didn't took away that I missed Peter a lot. I told Wendy everything what happened and how I'd got here. I thought she would think I would be crazy, but she believed me and we became even closer. They felt like family to me.

Every evening I told them a story about Neverland and what happened and they learned me things about their life. They told me that I actually had to go to school, but I refused. Lucky they didn't push me to hard. They gave me some time to think about it and still I was sixteen years behind in school now. Days flew by and everyday I sat at the window thinking about Peter.

One day I got really ill. I wasn't able to move or anything. I just lay in bed like I was dying. Wendy took care of me when she got home from school, but that one moment she was gone a light fell through the window. "Airy." It sounded like an older woman. I looked at the window. Suddenly my mom walked towards me. "What?", I asked confused. "Come with me." "To where?", I asked. "Heaven." "Am I dying?", I asked. She slowly nodded. "I don't want to come." "You don't have another choice." "You asked me", I cried. "Sweet girl", she said and lifted me of the bed. I looked at myself I was just a white figure now and my body was still laying on the bed. "You're going to like it there." I shook crying my head. "I want to see Peter", I cried. "I'm sorry."

The Lost Fairy.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang