Chapter 7.

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The next day I woke up alone again. Why did he leave me every morning? Probably because he didn't want to wake me up. I changed into my repaired blue dress and went outside. I saw that the boys were all looking at something that happened at the tree at the side of the camp. I slowly walked towards Felix. "What's wrong?" "Pan is a bit upset", Felix answered hesitating. I slowly pushed the boys aside and continued walking. I saw Peter squeezing the throat of one of the boys. "Peter!", I yelled pulling him back at his shoulder. I felt and now noticed that he was completely wet and soaked. He turned around so he could face me and probably yell at me. His eyes that were normally green were now black as the night. I lay my hand on his cheek and softly rubbed it with my thumb. "What happened?", I asked. "The fucking fool!", Peter yelled pulling at his hair and turning to the boy again. I grabbed his arms and pulled him behind me away from the group. I walked to the tree behind our tent. "I'm sorry, Airy", he mumbled when we stood there. "Peter, what happened?" "Balance practice at the river", he mumbled. "And you fell in?" "Of course not. He was doing stupid, stumbled, fell against me and that pushed me in the river." "And you thought it was necessary to kill him for that accident?" He looked at the ground and lifted his shoulders. "If I did. Would you try to kill me?" He looked back up at me and shook his head. "Try to keep yourself under control, okay?" He nodded slowly and kissed me. I saw him changing his cloths with magic, while we kissed. I broke the kiss and looked at him. "It was trainings day today, right?" He nodded with a grin. "But you shouldn't wear a dress." He waved over my body and my dress changed into leather pants, with boots and a shirt with a kind of body warmer over it. "Let the training begin", Peter said with a huge grin.

Peter called Felix and another boy named Devin to come with us to the river. He would first teach me about balance, because that was really important for your movement. Peter said that or maybe he just wanted to see me fail and fall into the water. When we arrived at the river Peter grabbed my hand and led me over the slippery stones. He stopped in the middle of the river on one stone. "Now find your balance", he said. I spread my legs a bit and made sure I didn't stood on a slippery place. "Ready?", Peter asked. "I think so." He pushed me, but I didn't move at all. "You're learning pretty quick", he said with a grin. "I have a good teacher." "Felix, give her a light sword." Felix slowly moved towards us over the rocks and gave me the sword. Peter pulled out his dagger. "Ready to start with some footwork?" I nodded.

We've practiced maybe hours on the footwork and I did fell in the river a thousand times. It was the same over and over again. I had to walk back and slipped on the stones. I knew that if I would attack, Peter had to walk back, but I couldn't really fight yet. This was only for the footwork, but after a few more minutes I started to know where I shouldn't step. After few times more I was so far back that I stumbled, because I was back on the land. Peter saw I was getting tired of doing it over and over again so we started at the actual sword fighting. He told me how to move my sword, how to hold it, block other swords and he'd let me fight against Devin. He won of course, but it was just my first time. After a few times of practicing I did beat him, but after I did he let me fight against Felix. Felix attacked first and I hooked him down. Felix looked at me with a surprised face, but in the end he won anyway. I couldn't keep him down on the ground and he pushed me of him.

It was already dark when we finished our training and I was pretty exhausted from all this training, jumping, fighting and falling in a river. I sat with Felix, Devin and Peter at the water to rest before walking back. "You did pretty good today", Peter said wrapping his arm around me. "Pan?", Devin asked. "Are you together?" Peter looked at him and nodded slowly. It almost looked like he felt ashamed, because of it. I lay my head against his chest and yawned. "We should go back", Peter said and stood up. The other boys stood up too. I wanted to stand up, but Peter carried me in bridal-style back to the camp. I probably fell asleep, because when I opened my eyes I lay in bed with Peter. I could tell at his breath that he wasn't sleeping. I turned on my side to him and crawled closer. "Airy", he whispered. "Yea." "Hook will come back for you." I slowly nodded. "I'm scared that I fail in protecting you." I smiled and lay my head against his chest. "It's okay if you do. I know you'll try your best." "Airy, I love you", he whispered. "I love you too, Peter Pan."

There next morning I woke up because of screaming people. I jumped out of bed and ran outside. "Look who we have here", the fat man with the red thing on his head said. "Who are you?", I asked. "I'm Mr. Smee and you are Miss?" "I'm Airy." Why was I having a talk with the enemy? I went back inside the tent and searched for my dagger in my backpack. I heard that Smee follow me. "You're not supposed to be here", I said and finally found my dagger. "I know Miss, but I have orders from the Captain to capture you", he said. I looked at him. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Mister, but I don't want you to die." He looked confused at me. "If you capture me Peter will kill you." "If I don't the Captain will kill me", he said. "Would you rather die quick or slow and painful?", I asked. "Quick." "Then I would go for Peter", I said smiling. He looked at the sack he was holding. "Maybe you can become one of us", I said. I wasn't even one of them, but okay. "You think so?" "I'm sure I can convince Peter", I said smiling. He nodded and lay the sack down. I didn't mind him being an idiot. It just saved my life. "Airy!", I heard Peter yell. That moment another pirate entered the tent. I looked at Smee. We both attacked the pirate. I hooked him down and Smee pushed his sword in his stomach. "Thank you so much", I said. Peter rushed into the tent. "Stay away from here, Smee", he yelled. I jumped in front of Smee. "It's fine. He is one of us. He killed that pirate", I said pointing at the pirate on the ground. "And still you can't trust him", Peter said pulling me behind him out of the tent.

The moment we left the tent I got a sack over my head. "Peter!", I yelled. I felt someone pulling me away from the fight. "No!", I screamed as hard as I could. Suddenly the pulling stopped and the sack got removed. I turned around to see Tinkerbell. "You should thank me", she said grinning. "Yea, thank you." Suddenly I heard a weird sound. "What's that?", I asked. Tink lifted her shoulders. Then something jumped on top of me. "What the..!", I heard Tink yell. I was struggling to break free. "Peter!", I yelled. The thing was pulling me over the ground and pretty fast too. Before I knew it we stood somewhere completely different. "Let me go", I cried. I felt that the thing did let go of me. I looked up to see what it actually was. A boy in black clothes stood in front of me. He had black hair and shining brown eyes. He had a scar over his cheek and smiled at me. "I'm sorry I took you away from there like that", he said helping me to get up again. "Who are you?", I asked confused. "I'm half wolf. I was born as a fairy, but got banned because of that half wolf thing." "How did you become half wolf?" "Curse of Tinkerbell. She fell in love with me, but I broke her heart and she cursed me." "Tink?", I asked confused. "She is dangerous, Airy." "How do you know my name?" "You were just a little baby when I got banned. The baby princess." "No princess anymore." "They should give you your wings back, because of you Pan stopped killing fairies." "That will continue if I don't get back to him really quick." "I know. I just wanted to give you this", he said giving me a necklace with a flute. "If you're stuck or in danger and Pan can't help you blow it and I will come." I nodded with a smile. "By the way you should be able to use magic too. You should ask Pan." I nodded again. "Thanks for your help." "No problem", he said and turned into a wolf. He disappeared into the woods.

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