Chapter 3.

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I woke up again, because of someone knocking on my door. I opened up and my mom and dad stood in front of me. Ow gosh, my punishment. If my dad was here it was going to be really bad. I probably was locked up for the rest of my life. "Sit down", my mom said. I did as she said and sat down on my bed. My dad sat down on my right side and my mom at my left side. I started to get nervous. This couldn't be good. "Sweetie, we have talked and we decided your punishment", mom said. I nodded slowly. "It isn't that bad right?", I asked softly. My mom shook her head. "I think you'll actually like it more than this life." "Okay, tell me", I said. "We're taking away your wings and you're banned from the Fairy Tree", dad said abruptly. My mouth fell open. They thought I liked that more than living here? "We thought you would like it more, so you don't have to become a princess", mom explained. "You knew that?", I asked softly. Mom nodded. "You thought I would like it to wander around through Neverland while Pan is hunting me down to kill me?", I asked angry. "Hunting you down?", dad asked confused. "When he killed Nyx he told me he wasn't going to rest till he got me", I answered. "You got yourself into it", mom said abrupt. My mouth fell open. "Well, I guess I leave then", I said pissed and pushed my important stuff in a leaf backpack. "You can say goodbye to everyone", dad mumbled. "I only have to say goodbye to Elvin", I answered and walked past him. I hang my backpack on my back and flew to the dust fountain.

"Elvin!", I yelled. He looked around the corner. "You're out of your room?", he asked smiling. I nodded. "That's because I'm allowed to say goodbye to you", I answered. He looked confused. "I'm banned", I said softly. He gave me a hug. "You'll be fine." "Pan will find me and will kill me", I whispered. He rubbed my back. "You're smarter than he is", Elvin said letting go of me again. "You think so?", I asked. "I'm sure of it." I nodded slowly. "Thank you", I said. Elvin smiled. "Goodbye", he said. "Goodbye." "Airy." I turned around and saw my parents again. "Time to take your wings", dad said. I nodded and we went to the edge of the fairy tree and I grew to human size. "Are you ready for it?", mom asked. "Of course not", I mumbled. Dad waved with his hand and my wings disappeared, but now forever. I let out a sigh and looked down. "Farewell", I said and turned around. "Goodbye", I heard my dad say, but my mom didn't say anything. She didn't care for me anyways. I walked through the woods and looked around. I didn't realise that Neverland could be so beautiful. I felt something cold on my face and looked up at the sky. "Rain", I mumbled and started running. I looked around to find a cave I could hide, but I was having bad luck again.

After a few minutes of running I finally found a cave and entered it. I sat down on the ground andjust looked outside. "Hey", someone said. I jumped up, pulling a dagger out ofmy backpack. I better hold this thing close to me, just to be sure. "Who'sthere?", I asked. A girl with dirty, blond hair and a green dress came out of the shadows. "I'm Tinkerbell", she said and smiled. "I've heard of you", I said softly. "Heard of me?" "You lost your wings right?", I asked. "How do you knowthat and know me?", she asked back. "My parents told me about it", I answered."Who are your parents?" "The king and the queen", I mumbled. "You're the princess?", she asked. "I was", I corrected her. "Was?" "I'm banned." "How can you get banned by your own parents?", she asked confused. "Not listening, go outside with a friend and come back with a dead friend", I answered and sat down again. "I'm sorry for you", she said sitting down next to me. "Pan killed her", I said and looked outside again. "He's a monster", Tink said. I looked at her. "They said you were his friend." "I was, a long time ago", she answered. I nodded slowly. "Here", Tink said giving me a bowl with berries. "Thank you", I said and ate a few berries, before giving it back. "How long do you live here now?", I asked. "I think almost a year now." "That's pretty long", I said softly. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it", she said smiling. "I think I don't get the chance to get used to it. Pan said is going to hunt me down and kill me. I'm not that hard of a target anymore", I said softly. "Don't worry about it. We can stick together", Tink said smiling. I nodded with a smile. "You can teach me the hidden stuff of the jungle", I said laughing. Tink grinned as she threw a berry at me. "Starting with searching the right berries", she said.

We walked through the jungle looking for berries. Tink told me that we should not eat the blue ones. As we walked through the forest we talked a bit about nothing. Just about basic stuff. Most of the time how it was when we still lived at the Fairy Tree. "Look who we have here", a voice behind us said. We both turned around to see Pan stand there leaning against a tree. He had a huge smirk on his face. "So you joined each other?", he asked walking towards us. I took a step back. "What do you want Pan?", Tink asked. "I want the little princess", he said grinning. "I'm not a princess", I mumbled pissed. "You sure about that?", he asked and he suddenly stood in front of me. I gasped of him standing that close to me. "Did I scare you?" He pushed me against a tree and looked down at me. "I'm not a princess", I said looking away. He grabbed my face and turned it back, so I had to look at him. "Don't lie to me", he said shaking his head. "I'm not", I said softly. Tink pulled at Pan's shoulder and threw dust in his face. He fell unconscious on the ground. I looked at Tink. "What did you do?", I asked confused. "Sleep powder." I nodded slowly. "Let's kill him", she said softly. "What?" "He's dangerous. We can kill him", she said. "No. We are not going to kill him." "Why wouldn't we?", she asked pissed. "I've seen enough people die." "And that won't stop till he's dead. You think you can change his mind?", she asked with a sarcastic laugh. "Yes", I answered. She looked surprised at me. "You were his friend. Why can't I be?" "You think he cares about anyone?" "He is a human he has to care about something." "The only thing he cares about is magic and power", Tink said and pulled her dagger. "He killed all those fairies. Why not make him suffer and take away what he loves most. Power and magic", I said. "How do you want to do that?", she asked rolling her eyes. "My parents have magic for that." "Your parents aren't going to let us in again, remember?" I let out a sigh. She was right on that point, but even though he killed all those fairies. We couldn't just kill him, that would be to easy. I looked down at his body. He actually looked really peaceful in his sleep. "You really think you can change his mind?", Tink asked. I nodded. "Maybe if I play like I care for him and he starts to care about me." "And then what?", Tink asked. "Then I break his heart", I said looking at her. "You're having more evil in you than I thought", Tink said grinning.

The Lost Fairy.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora