Chapter 10.

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Suddenly I fell on the ground. I was yellow glowing and Wendy entered the room. "Airy, you're wings!", she yelled. I looked at my back and a pair of wings appeared. I slowly spread my wings. "I healed myself", I mumbled thinking back at what Peter said. "Everything", I mumbled in myself. I stood up and flew a bit around before landing in front of Wendy. "Thank you for everything, but I think that I know my way back." She smiled and nodded. "Maybe we'll see each other again." I smiled and flew out of the window. I thought so badly at Peter that my head started to hurt again. Every moment we had together. Every kiss. Just everything and suddenly I flew above the island I've always loved and lived. I landed at the entrance of the camp and pulled my wings back in. I ran towards Peter's tent and entered it.

I saw him lying on the bed. He didn't move. He lay on his stomach with his arm around his face. I walked towards him and spread my wings again. "Peter?", I asked softly. He moaned softly, but that was all. "Peter?", I asked now louder. He looked up at me. "Hey", he said. "Hey", I said confused. "You don't have to tell me that you're dead. I already know", he said laying his head back down. "You're confusing me." He looked back up. "Don't tell me you're the real Airy. You can't be because you have wings." I smiled. "I healed myself." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Prove it." "You asked me to be your girlfriend at your Thinking Tree." "Something more specific." "That I will alway be your Lost Fairy", I said softly. He pulled me in his arms and started crying. I pulled my wings back in just preventing them from getting wet. "I missed you so much", he cried in my shoulder. "I missed you too", I whispered.

Suddenly I heard something snap and it felt like it was in my own head. I slowly saw a figure hanging above me. "Airy", I heard in the distance. "Airy, please wake up." It sounded like Peter. "She's waking up." My eyes were open, but it felt like they were still closed. I felt someone lifting me of the ground and I saw a lot of trees. "Peter", I moaned. "It's okay sweetie. You're going to be fine", he whispered. Behind us I heard pirates yelling and I saw Kailen walking next to us, if that was his real name. My eyes slowly closed again.

I opened them up and this time I was awake. I looked at Peter who sat next to me and he lay a wet washrag on my head. "Can't you heal me?", I groaned. "I healed your wound, but I can't heal your headache. Can't you?" I shook my head. "To much pain." He softly rubbed my stomach, not that I'd hurt there, but he was just doing it. "I had such a weird dream", I said softly, scared that this would be fake too. It was to good to be true, I couldn't get my wings back of course. "They'd hit you pretty hard. You were almost gone for real, but you were stronger." I looked at him. "No, our love was stronger", I said smiling. Peter smiled too and kissed me. "You came back for me?", I asked. He nodded. "Maybe I dreamt what would happen if you didn't." "What did you dream? And who's that wolf guy?", he asked laying down next to me.

After an explanation of what I dreamed Peter called wolf boy guy to come. He walked in with a smile on his face and sat down next to Peter on the bed. "How are you feeling?", he asked. "My head hurts, but what's your name?", I asked. "Kailen." My eyes grow and I looked at Peter. I did told him what I dreamed and we both looked confused at Kailen. "What?", he asked. "I dreamed your name", I said softly.

He smiled. "That's maybe because you heard Hook yell it?" "Did he yell it?", I asked. Kailen nodded. "Maybe that you heard it when you were gone and your head used it in your dream." "Maybe", I mumbled and turned around. "You're feeling really bad, are you?", Kailen asked. I nodded slowly and turned back on my back so I could look at both the boys. I now noticed that Kailen was something around the age of eighteen, but he looked way older. His black hair fell over his dark, brown eyes. He softly put a wisp of my hair back behind my ear.

Peter pulled Kailen of the bed and threw him on the ground. "What the?", Kailen mumbled while he stood up again. "Stay of my girlfriend", Peter said pissed. "Wow, I'm sorry. I won't come to save her again next time." I pulled the blankets over my head hoping they would stop arguing. "You didn't do anything!", Peter yelled. "Ow you think that? She told you to leave and called me!" "So you want to steal my girlfriend?" "Why would I want to steal her if she's my sister!", Kailen yelled and slapped his hands over his mouth. I slowly looked in their way. "Sister?", I asked confused.

Kailen let out a sigh and sat down again on the bed. Peter crawled behind me so I could lay my head down on his lap. "Thank you", I whispered. Peter smiled probably of his victory.

"It's because of me that our parents ban people that easy", Kailen started his story. "I got something with Tinkerbell and that wasn't a problem, but one day I left and I didn't come back in two months. I was in the human world, because fairies can fly to the normal world. Anyway when I came back Tink told me I broke her heart and she cursed me with the wolves curse, because of casting a curse Tink got banned and because I was half wolf they banned me too. Banning me made them heartless. I was their only son and the day before they banned me mom gave birth to you. After that day she banned me and I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be a good brother to you", he said softly and looked down.

I looked at him. "Is this the truth?" He nodded slowly. "I'm glad you told me", I said softly and smiled. He looked surprised at me. "You're not angry?" "I'm not that kind of person", I giggled. Peter lay my head back on the pillow, stood up and left the tent. "What's wrong with him?", Kailen asked. I lifted my shoulders. "He has changing moods."

My head still hurts like hell and Peter was gone. Kailen was the only one around me now and the complete camp was silent. The only sound we heard were birds. Suddenly we heard a cracking sound. "What's that?", Kailen asked. I lifted my shoulders. "Probably nothing." Suddenly Felix entered the tent. I looked at him. He had a confused look on his face and a fresh cut on his cheek.

"What happened?", I asked. "Pan. His mood changed. I didn't expect him to be so angry." I looked at Kailen. "Where did he go?", I asked. "SkullRock." I stood up and walked towards Felix. "Let's go then?" "You want to go there with your head like that?", Kailen asked. "I need to talk to him." "I'm coming too." "It's better you don't come. He doesn't really like you, you know." "What do you expect me to do?" "Stay here and wait, or not", I answered and left the tent with Felix.

"Can't you describe what it looks like?", I asked Felix. "Rocky and skull formed." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Felix. I concentrated and it didn't took long or I heard Peter yell and scream. There was a huge staircase in front of us. "Upstairs?" Felix nodded as answer and I started climbing the stairs. When we'd got up I saw Peter smashing the walls with his fists. He looked really angry, like he would kill everyone in his way. "Peter?", I asked softly. He turned to me his eyes as black as the night again. "You bitch! You're a fucking bitch!"

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