Chapter 8.

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I started walking back in the direction of the camp. When I finally got there everything was completely silence. There lay a few dead pirates on the ground. Felix sat on a log and I walked towards him. "What happened?", I asked. He looked surprised at me. "Pan thinks they've captured you. He's in his tent." "And Tink?" "I don't know. I haven't seen her." I nodded and walked towards the tent.

Peter lay on his bed. His body was shaking and he hid his face in the pillow I used to sleep on. I slowly walked towards him and sat down. I softly rubbed his back. "Go away", he said. "Alright, I'll leave." He looked up at me. "Airy?", he asked softly. "Yes?" A smile appeared on his face and he sat back up. "Are you so upset that I left you alone a few minutes?" He nodded. "I thought they had captured you. Suddenly you were gone." "Did you saw Tink?", I asked. He nodded. "She told me that a wolf jumped on top of you, but there are no wolves in Neverland and I thought that maybe it was part of your plan, but I realised you would never do that."

"What did you do to her?", I asked. "Nothing. Hook took her when I told her to leave." My mouth fell open. "We've got to get her back." "Can I have a hug first and after that you should practice some more if you want to stand a chance against the Pirates." I nodded and hugged him. "We've got to turn you into a killing machine, without the killing part", he mumbled with his face in my hair. "And you should teach me how to use magic", I said. "Magic?" "The wolf said I was able to use magic." "Wolf?" "I'll tell you later. First you have to teach me." He nodded and let go of me. "Let's get started then."

We left the tent and he pulled me behind him to the centre of the camp. "Lesson number one. Think of the place you want to go. We want to go to the grass field where we were when you got hurt." I nodded and closed my eyes while holding Peter's hands. I tried to remember what that place looked like. It was a lot of grass, but somewhere I saw a little flower. "Airy", Peter said. "Shht, I'm trying to concentrate", I said. "Airy", he said it as a sigh.

I opened my eyes. "Ow", I said when I saw we were already in the field. "Looks like your magic is pretty strong", Peter said. I smiled and gave him a hug. "No time for hugging. We have to train", he said pushing me away. I nodded a little disappointed.

"Fireball", Peter said. I held up my hand and concentrated as hard as I could. It didn't took long or there was a fireball in my hand. "Good job. Now healing." "Healing?", I asked. Peter pulled out his dagger and slit his wrist. "You think I can do that?", I asked. "I'm pretty sure that this is actually to easy for you." I held my hand above his cut and closed my eyes. "That's what I mean", Peter said. I opened my eyes again and saw his cut was gone. I looked at my hand and then back at his wrist. "Magic is way to easy for you. If you want something you just think about it and you have it." I closed my eyes and started thinking. "What are you doing?", Peter asked. "Thinking about you", I giggled. He pulled me in a hug. "I like your way of thinking", he said with a grin.

After that we practiced a few hours on the sword fighting. I started to get the hang of it, but of course I couldn't win from Peter. That was okay, because Hook can't win either. After those few hours Peter asked me to teleport us back to the camp and I did.

"Pan!" Felix walked towards us with a serious look on his face. "What's wrong?", Peter asked. Felix gave him a paper. "It's a letter from Hook."

Dear Mr. Pan and Mrs. Airy,
I have captured your friend Tinkerbell. If you ever want to see her back then you have to come to my ship tomorrow at sunrise. To get her back you have to trade Airy.

"No way. Not going to happen", Peter said abrupt and threw the paper away. "Peter. We can't let Tink die", I said. "I'm not going to trade you!" "Maybe there's something else in the letter", I said grabbing the letter again.

If you don't come at sunset we will kill Tinkerbell. If you do come and attack we will kill her too and as much as possible of your group of Lost Boys.
If you come and trade Airy they will both live and Airy will teleport us back out of Neverland and she is not allowed to ever go back, but she will live till she dies of old age.
Yours Sincerely
Captain Hook.

"No way. No, no, no!", Peter yelled and ripped the letter in two pieces. "Peter", I said grabbing his hand. "No!", he yelled. "Calm down a bit", I said and hugged him. "I don't want to lose you", he whispered. "We can't let Tink die and we can't fight them either." "You're not going to trade yourself away." "Yes I am. If you don't let me go then I'll go alone and that will make me your enemy", I said. "Airy, please", he sobbed.

I let go of him. "Peter, it's enough. It's because of me Nyx died and I'm not going to let Tink die too." "That wasn't because of you. I did that!" I grabbed Peter's chin and turned his face to mine. "Promise me you will never kill a fairy again and I'll be so proud of you, but there's no way you can keep me here." "Airy please. I beg you." I shook my head. "At least go together then", he said grabbing my arm. I smiled and nodded. "You've got to do the right thing Peter and now that's to let me go and save Tink." He slowly nodded and he pulled me to his tent. We lay down on bed and he pulled me in his arms. He held me close to him the rest of the day and night.

The next morning I woke up early. It was still dark, what was good. I changed myself in my training clothes with magic and packed my backpack. "I'm going to miss you a lot." I turned around and looked at Peter. He was leaning against the closet with his arms crossed over his chest. I smiled slowly. He walked towards me and hugged me. "I want you to know, that you don't break my heart with this. You just make me really sad", he said softly in my neck. He'd let go of me and smiled. "I'm proud of you, love."

We went outside and I said goodbye to all the Lost Boys and especially Felix. I saw he was having some trouble with it too. Peter and I walked towards the beach and we arrived at sunrise. We walked hand in hand over the plank to enter the ship. "So you have come", Hook said when he walked down the stairs. I looked at Peter. He smiled, but it was a fake smile. "Bring her!" Smee pushed Tink on the deck. She looked at me like I was the devil. "What are you doing?", she asked. "I don't want you to die." She smiled and Smee released her. "Get here ex-princess", Hook said. I kissed Peter for a few seconds. "You'll be fine", I said smiling. He nodded slowly. "I'm going to miss you, my Lost Fairy." I gave him a quick kiss and walked towards Hook. "Can I play something for him before we go?", I asked. "Go ahead", Hook answered. I blow on the flute that hang at the necklace around my neck.

"Run!!!", I yelled.

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