30// Destined//

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 "The car engine has stopped." Ashton said slowly, not wanting them to panic out. Calum sighed, and Luke stopped eating. Michael stopped taking pictures and Ashton held the steering wheel so tight. He humped his head on the steering wheel and Calum was calmly shrugging off. 

The four lads are really exhausted from their one night gig. Nope. It don't happened at night. In Afternoon to be exact. Ashton decided to take some drive so that they can unwind from so much stress. And they just had rented a car so that they can never be followed by some fan girls. 

"What are we supposed to do?" Luke said.

 "Looks like we're driving the long way home," Michael said.

Calum looked at the guys in the back and he think of something great. "Why won't we start walking?" He started. "Looks like there's no harm at all... Come on guys. Gather all of your shits up and let's get outside," he said and he unbuckled his seatbelt and then he opened up the door. 

(Insert the venue of Amnesia) Calum got to see the beautiful blank cliff. Its covered with vines but not in a creepy way. Its beautiful and yet romantic.

 The lads started to follow Calum and they're pretty amazed too. The view here is pretty relaxing and the place that can take your problems away. 


 "So... This is the wishing well?" 

You wondered and then you started to look around it. Its so mysterious yet pretty adorable. It looks like you have something in your mouth that you can't spell out. 

The well was said that it always do some miracles for the ones who have a very clean heart. They say, the people that happened to wish just for fame or something just granted, but they already make it on worst. So everyone believe that the well doesn't fulfill any wishes. It just gives people false hope and loosing their mind waiting for that miracle to happen. 

"I won't wish for wealth. I won't wish for longer life. But I just wanted to wish what my heart really desires. I just wanted to see Calum Hood." You said as you threw the coin and you closed your eyes. 


 "So where are we going Hood?" Michael asked and he started to take some selfies with the vines.

 He put the vine in his head and he pretended that its like his wig. He looks stunning though. 

"Michael stop being so childish," Luke mumble and Michael looked at him. He just rolled his eyes and followed Calum.

 Ashton was left in the car, fixing the engine since he learned about it. He took some time to study how to fix the engine for emergencies and now, that's the time that they really need his powers. 

Calum was really spaced out, not minding the two sassy guys out in his left or right. He was just following the path that he thinks he was calling on. Looking like his name was already chanting by the well.

 He gracefully walked near the well and he saw you. He thought that you're a goddess. Your hair was really suiting you, your hands fits the bricks of the wall so perfectly and your aura was really nice. He absentmindedly walked near to you, because he thought, a girl like her was impossible to find. 

He started to poke your arms. Your clothes fluttered his fingers perfectly. Every silk that he's pointing was kissing his fingers softly, making him wanting to see you.

 His heartbeat beats rapidly, not stopping every little moment. 

He's tensed and so turmoiled about his feelings. You slowly turned to the one whose poking you, looking a bit irritated by interrupting your heart's request. You opened your alluring E/C and you're on the state of shock. Calum Thomas Hood. The one whose standing in front of you and he's freaking smiling. He is freaking beside you. 

You started to cry, happy tears overcome you. You tried to slap your cheeks but Calum held your arms and he started to hug you. 

"I don't know why.. But I think i'm connected with you," he said and you started to sob in his clothes and he smiled. 

"Are you a fan?" He asked and you rapidly nodded. Calum wiped your tears away.

 "I-is this really true? I-is this just a .. A dream?" You choked out and he suddenly let you saw his very beautiful smile. "No princess. I'm real. And this is really true." He said. 

"Calum?.... Calum?" You heard Luke started to call him and you had frowned. He's already leaving. Your heart felt like tearing apart and you wouldn't know what to do. He's really what your heart desired.

 "Thank you for granting my wishes. I was really looking forward for your concert but I really can't make it. I'm sorry but I really like to meet you. Because you're like.. You're like my idol and its my opportunity to see you. You guys saved me from drowning apart. Thank you so much," you said and then you felt like you're shedding another tear. He hugged you. .

 "Well, thank you for choosing me." He chuckled. "Can I have your Twitter account? Just if you like to.. So that you know... We can... We can chat or something," he said while smiling shyly and you found it so cute. "Here," you gave him your twitter account and then he smiled. 

"I'm honored to have a stunning fan girl like you." He said and then he waved goodbye. 


 Years from now on, Calum started to be talking to you regularly and now.

 "Y/N, will you honor me to be your boyfriend?" Calum asked in their second gig here in your country and he played the chords of Fall for you by secondhand serenade. 

"Yes Calum, I will." You said and you jumped all over just to let him see that you're not regretting anything. 

The gig went well,like your relationship. Always smooth sailing. And someday, with your fate, the ocean can be vast, but both of you can reach the shore again.  

(Okay hahahah. Thank you for reading! I love you guys!)

CALUM HOOD IMAGINES || (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz