Dean x Reader

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//A/N// so this is the first book I've published I hope you like it, Requests are open. I encourage constructive criticism. If there is anything I can do to make it better please tell me. Just a side note I don't do smut.//
You sighed as you walked into your small bathroom at the bunker, you heard the boys walk into the kitchen and winced as you heard Sam pop Deans shoulder back into place. One of the Vamps had rushed him knocking him into a jagged rock causing his shoulder to dislocate. After changing into more comfy and less bloody clothes you planned on walking to the kitchen to make tea, but instead took a detour to the library after hearing mumbling.

   "Why can't I just tell her? I'm so pathetic. How could she even love me back, after all the mistakes I've made, and all the mistakes I've done." Dean cringed and brought his beer to his lips. "No, she shouldn't ever love me." He said thoughtfully before sipping the frothy alcohol again.
    You knew what he was thinking, that he wasn't good enough, that he had made to many mistakes, that he couldn't danger you like that. You knew because you felt most of that too. You loved him, but telling him was a different story. It ate you alive when he would take another chick to his motel room, or flirt relentlessly with a bartender. Sometimes even when Cas would visit you got jealous. Sam knew too, you would always cry to him when you felt Dean was being a jackass. You never seemed to do much about it though.

    "She probably only thinks of me as a brother." He thought aloud. He started to stand up from the table, presumably to throw away the now empty beer. When he got up he saw you leaning on one of the long tables, smugly smiling.
    "H-how," he started then cleared his throat,"Long have you been standing there?" He asked.
    "Long enough." You answered softly.

      "Dean, I love you too."
      "(Y/N) I,"

   Both of you started at the same time but it was him who answered first.
    "Wait you love me too?"

  "Yeah" you replied. He got closer and closer, so close there was barely any space between you.

  "Good, then I can do this" he said then leaned in his lips skimming yours. Your breath hitched as he closed the little space that was left between you.
//A/N// so I hope you liked it. again request are open just give a character and plot I will most likely do it also please remember I don't do smut. I plan to update twice a week//


Supernatural one shots, complete Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin