"What are you two doing?" Eva asks with a giggle as she comes down from up stairs.

I sigh in relief when Wolf sits back against the couch. "I'm gonna go talk to your dad." Wolf says getting up I frown as he kisses me on the forehead and then walks to Dallas's open door.

They say something to each other and then Wolf enters the room shutting the door. "Wonder what that was all about?" Eva asks as she sits down on the couch beside me.

My frown still in place I look over at her. "I don't know."

"You two seem like your getting close."

I blush and nod my head quickly "We're dating."

Eva's eyes widen and then she giggles and says "Just kidding Avlon just told me."

"Gee." I complain because that woman probably told everyone on the farm but I think it's cute.

"She thinks Wolf is great for you. I do also." she states with a beaming smile and I beam right back at her. "Mark is going to bring over all of the baby stuff tomorrow and set it up for you."

"Thank you so much for giving it to me." I tell her with a smile because she didn't have to but she is such a sweet heart. "You didn't have to."

Eva scoffs and says "Non sense we were going to throw it out because I want different stuff for little Farmer." Farmer is Eva's baby boy that she is pregnant with now. I guess Farmer was her dad's or Mark's dads name and they liked it so their using it.

"Everything's white thought Mark wasn't really into the whole pink thing." she says with an eye roll making me chuckle at him. I'm sure if she would have told him she wanted pink he would have crumbles to her feet and gave her what he wanted. That's just how these cowboys are.


Footsteps sound on the stairs and I look over confused only to gas when I see Avlon making her way down. I stand as best I can and rush over to her. She's not supposed to be up so im freaking out because she could hurt herself. When she gasps my eyes widen larger and she smiles at me. "I'm fine Bray." I scowl at her because she knows that she shouldn't be up. Dallas isn't going to be to happy. "I'm tired of being in that bed."

I give her a small smile because I would have being in bed all of the tie also and Avlon is a mother figure to everyone so being in bed would be hard on her.

Wolf chuckles at her amused and she looks over at him beaming. I smile as I look back and forth between them happy that they get along so great. "Well hello Wolf. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine ma'am how are you feeling today." Wolf says politely. The frist time he did this I was shocked because he doenst look like he would have a nice bone in his body but im starting to realize that most bones in his body are nice.

"My baby's are kicking and the lord is my Shepard so I would say I am doing great." she says with a beam. Wolf rises off of the couch and comes to help her down the rest of the stairs and into the recliner. "What have you two been up to?" She asks as we take a seat on the couch.

"Sleeping." I tell her with a smile because I actually got a few hours of sleep in today.

"Is your back still messing with you?" she asks worriedly "Do we need to go back to the doctors?"

Sighing I shake my head "It's nto as bad I have been sleeping."

Avlon purses her lips at me in disbelief and asks "How many days have you actually slept?"

I look down at my hands not wanting to tell her that today was the only day I got a few hours and I deffanitly didn't want to have this conversation in front of Wolf. "Why hasn't she been sleeping?" Wolf asks worriedly and I sigh because I am in trouble now.

Avlon explains to him that the baby is to much on my back. I guess since im only sixteen my back isn't fully developed so its causing a lot of stress on my spine. "Why didn't you tell me?" Wolf demands sounding angry but also concerned "I wouldn't have taken you to the mall."

"I don't want to be treated fragile." I tell him truthfully because if I would have told him I was hurting he would have made me lay in bed all day. "I like going places with you." I whisper as tears start to fall from my eyes from the hormomnes again. I'm starting to curse them.

Wolf pulls me into his side soothing and hushing me as he runs his hands down my hair. "I like just being in your presence beautiful. I don't care what we do as long as i'm with you." I sniffle trying to get myself back together because I thought that he wouldn't want to stay with me. I cant go anywhere without hurting and I figured once he realized that he would leave me. "Tell me when your hurting." he pleads with me making my heart swell more because I am so in love with this man.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry beautiful. Just know i'm here for you and when you don't i'm not going anywhere." he vows seriously.

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