Imagine - Cas x Reader

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*AN: Why is it that when you're possessed you're always dating Cas?*

Kill Me

Sam is watching TV when something comes up, interrupting his show. He leans forward on the couch, catching a picture of you under the title Serial Killer on the Loose! He paused the picture and called Dean into the living room. "Dean! Come here!" He yelled hearing his brother walking down the hallway.

"What?" Dean asked, crossing his arms and leaning over the couch.

"Is that...?" Sam asks, pointing to the picture of you holding a crying little girl with a knife to her throat, smiling at the security camera.

"Woah," Dean walks around and sits next to his brother, "What the hell? Y/N? What's this picture from?"

"Um," Sam says growing very uncomfortable seeing their old friend looking psycho-killer crazy. Y/N, smiling? Holding knife to a child? "Well, there-there's a warrant of for her on murder charges. 'Serial Killer on the Loose'," Sam repeats.

"What the hell..." Dean trails off pulling his cell out and calling Castiel. "Hey Cas, have you seen this thing about your girlfriend? Yes, Y/N! Then get your ass down here!" Dean hung up on the angel. A second later Cas appeared behind the couch. Sam just replayed the clip they showed on the news. Castiel made a face of disgust, then confusion, then anger, then realization.

Castiel pulled out his own phone and dialed your number, putting the phone on speaker. 
What are you doing?" Sam asked, listening to the ringing.

"Calling Y/N," Castiel said, then the phone picked up and Y/N answered in a cheery voice. "Oh, hi, Castiel! Long time no see!" Everyone in the room visibly flinched. You sounded so weird, they didn't even sound like your voice. "Helloooooo...." You repeated in a sing-song when no one responded.

"Y/N?" Cas answered even though he already knew the answer.

"Oh, no," Y/N stayed at a constant high pitch, child-like voice. "Y/N isn't available at the moment, can I take a message?"

"Who the hell are you?" Sam raised his voice into the phone. 

"Sammy! Is Dean there too? I'd love to have a chat!"

"Present," Dean growled into the phone figuring out a demon is using your body to murder innocent people. 

"Oh, good! It's like a party," 'Y/N' giggled. 


"Oh, good!" It giggled, "It's like a party!" God you hated this. First a fucking demon possesses you, then it she uses you to murder innocent men, woman, and children and all for one reason. To lure the Winchesters and Castiel in. She wants them to kill you. She could definitely do it herself but she just wants the satisfaction of making your best friends do it. She found the angel blade Cas gave to you as a present a few year ago and is going to scare them with it. And to make it even worse than it is, if that's at all possible, is that she loves it. She thinks it's a damn game.

You heard Dean start to threaten the demon in you, "Listen here you sonofabitch, you better get out of Y/N right now we'll make you!" No, no, no, no, no, no, no- do not come here! 

"Y/N, if you're in there, we will save you," Cas tried reassuring you over the phone.

The demon giggled again and felt it turn into a laugh. "Oh, this will be so much fun," the demon said. The game was on. The demon hung up the phone and sat down on the huge, red love seat in the royal suite of some motel she transported you to. It's close enough for the boys to find it easily if you knew what you were looking for. She sighed, "Oh, Y/N, I know how hard this must be to have to do this to your friends," you feel your features turn into a small pout, "but really... I don't care!" She said before bursting out laughing, "Your poor, poor angel. And the two men who are basically your brothers, It's a shame they have to kill you."

If was about an hour before you heard the door behind kicked in. You couldn't look,the demon wouldn't let you turn your head. "Boys!" She shot up and spun around with a huge smile of your face.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" Dean asked raising the demon knife. The demon threw her head back laughing before turning to Dean. 

"Well of course she is, silly! Why would I kill her? That would be no fun," The demon said with a small pout and flung out your hand, summoning the angel blade. Cas took a step back from the blade.

"Oh Castiel, look at you... Scared on a little demon like me. Or maybe her?" She smirked and you could see the boys flinch. "Oh... And you two, I'm so glad you could make it."

"We're going to save Y/N," Sam growled, "and then we're going to send you back to hell."

Your smirk turned into a glare. You lunged at Castiel, barely missing the angel before turning around to see the boys walking slowly towards you. The demon made you jump at them as well, slicing across Dean's arm and Sam's shirt. The demon laughed when Dean winced and shook his arms, trying to ignore the pain. The demon snarled when the boys didn't move to get their weapons. It felt Castiel coming up behind you. You spun and punched the angel in the face, with your new demon strength, making him fall. You straddled him and grabbed his wrist, putting his hand next to your head.

"You know, there's a much easier to dispose of a demon, angel. Why not just save us all the trouble of sending me back to hell and smite me. Kill me. Kill her." The demon in your body begged. The demon pinned the boys to the wall behind you, so they couldn't interrupt her litte scene. "Or..." The demon slowly lent in and pulled the angel into a kiss, which he didn't respond to. You felt so weird doing that, kissing him but not kissing him. You mentally shivered and tried to pull away when the demon grabbed the back of Cas's head, kissing him harder.

To your disgust, Castiel started kissing you/it back and rolled you over so you were on the floor. He pinned you down, then pulled away, confusing the demon when he glared at it. He started speaking in Enochian. You don't know what he was saying but it hurt. You felt like your whole body was on fire and apparently the demon did too. You heard her scream and scream as Castiel didn't let up on the spell. You don't know whether it was you or the demon who started clawing at the man, trying to get away from him, trying to get away from the pain. The demon looked at the boys, standing there, helpless and tried to plead with them. 

"Please! Please help me! Help me!" She screamed, but they didn't budge. Castiel started chanting a different spell and you started to seize, instead of pain, you just felt numb until you passed out.

You opened your eyes to see you were back in your room at the bunker. Cas is sitting on the chair at your desk, reading one of your books. You tried to sit up but groaned, falling back. Your muscles were burning, probably because of the spell Cas screamed at the demon.

Cas shut the book and ran over to your side. "How are you feeling?" He asked, moving a strands of hair out of your face.

"Like I got hit by a bus," you tried to laugh, but It hurt to much.

"I know. I'm sorry you had to endure that. That was the only way I could kill the demon with it still in you while not killing you as well," he moved down and kissed your forehead, silently telling you how sorry he was.

"How long have I been out?" You asked, using Cas to pull yourself up.

"Surprisingly, only 20 hours. Usually one would need more than a day for their bodies to heal."

"Yeah, well, I guess my body still needs healing. I'm really sore," you shift, trying to get into a more comfortable position. He put his hand on the small of my back, helping to keep me upright. You sighed and just ended up leaning on the man, unable to find some way to be comfortable. "Ow," You deadpan when your boyfriend leans down on the bed, shifting you.

"I know," He rubbed your back. "I promise I will never let this happen again."

"What?" You tease, "Me getting possessed or me going off on my own?"

"Both," he replied and kissed your temple. "I'll never let you get hurt again."

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