Imagine - Sibling!Reader

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Just a short one

FBIs Most Wanted

Your silent class looks up from their books when the door opens and two men step in unannounced. Their eyes quickly find yours and you give them a quizzical look. They both ignore you and reach into their long suit coats, pulling out fake FBI badges that probably tricked the staff into letting your brothers in here, no questions asked.

"We're here for Y/N Winchester, she won't be in for the rest of the day." Everyone turns to you and starts whispering. Your teacher looks between you and these 'FBI agents' with uncertainty.

You look at your friend, Katie, the kid of another hunter who lives in the area, and knows that the men at the front are actually just your brothers. She winks at you then goes back to her work, a smirk on her face. You look back up to your brothers who look pretty serious, and if you didn't know them, you'd think that they were legit.  You roll your eyes and stand up dramatically, facing the 'agents'. 

"Well, you got me," you put your hands up, sighing, "take me away officers." Sam huffs and goes over to you and picks you up over his shoulder, while Dean grabs your backpack and books off of the desk. You wink at the class as your brothers carry you through the door way.  "Bye, Katie!" You yell. 

"Bye, Winchester! See you Saturday!" She yells back. As soon as the door closes behind you, you hear the class automatically start getting very loud, gossiping on how a quiet, reserved girl like you could've been arrested by the FBI.

Sam puts you down outside of the classroom and Dean drops your books into your arms. "The front desk knows that we're your brothers, you now that, right?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, but I have the right to be dramatic. You took me out right in the middle of my favorite class! Come on."

Dean scoffs and starts walking toward the entrance of the building, "Freakin' nerd," he mumbles and you put your hand over your heart, mock-offended.

"Don't bully me, Dean! Sam, tell Dean not to bully me!"

"Don't bully her, Dean," Sam says with a smile, following after Dean. You sigh and follow your brothers toward the car.

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