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I was tagged by mrs__allen (who you totally need to go check out, go follow her and whatnot)

Da rulez:

1) The title must be "Lit".
2) You can't refuse.
3) Tag must be done within a week or you have to post a video of yourself singing.
4) Tag 15 people. (do I even know 15 people?)
5) You can't reply to the comments
6) State 13 facts about yourself 

Thirteen totally super not boring facts about me:

1) My favorite love song is "Tear In My Heart" by Twenty One Pilots.

2) Twenty One Pilots also happen to be my favorite band.

3) In October 2016, I broke my foot jumping off the diving board in swim class at school. As you can tell I'm totally the athletic type.

4) My favorite book series is Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.

5) I'm currently fluent in two languages, English and Sarcasm, but am learning Spanish and ASL.

6) I think numbers look better written as words.

7) I have two modes when writing. One, being this, writing properly and making myself seem literate, and two being "lol same" "me" "fight me m8".

8) When I get excited or talk fast, my natural Boston accent comes out.

9) I'm an army brat.

10) I'm a literal trash can.

11) I want to travel the world one day.

12) I want to have tons of tattoos and piercings.

13) |-/











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