Imagine - TFW x Reader

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For The NerdyFangirl9807

Welcome Back

Y/BF/N means Best Friend's Name, also I'm using they/them as your partner can be a boy or girl.

"Y/F/N! Your phone's ringing!" You yell at the bathroom door. You got to the hotel a little over half an hour ago and your friend called dibs on the shower first.

"Could you get it?" They yell back and you sigh and walk over to the small kitchen table and grab their phone.

"Y/BF/N's phone." You answer into the phone. 

"Um, is Y/BF/N there" A man says into the phone, confused.

"Who is this" You ask like you were taught, not giving your name first.

"Um, this is Sam Winchester," The man answers. You smile into the phone hearing your old friends voice.

"They're in the shower. Miss you though, Sammy," You tease.

"Y/N?" Sam asks sounding surprised. "Y/N Y/L/N? God, it's good to hear you! Where the hell have you been?" 

"I've been around," You answer. "How are you and your brother?"

"We're good! Just been doing some hunting," Sam says. "I actually called to see if Y/BF/N could come down and help us on a hunt, but since you're there, could you both come?"

You smile and answer quickly. "Yeah, we'd love too! I need to see you guys, it's been forever."

"Awesome!" Sam exclaimed. "I'll text you the address where we are and we'll see you guys soon." Sam said and hung up. You smile and sit down at the table. You haven't see the guys for a few years. After Bobby, the man who basically raised you your whole life, was killed, you went out of your own and left your old friends in the dust. You reconnected with your old friend and hunting partner, Y/BF/N later that year and have been hunting together since. Their phone buzzes with a text from Sam and you pick it up.

"The bunker?" You ask yourself. "What the hell is the bunker?" The bathroom door opens and your friend walks out, hair still wet from the shower. "Did you even bother drying off?" You ask sarcastically and they walk up to you and shake their head like a dog, spraying you with water. You scream and laugh. "Dude, what the hell!" You laugh. 

You get up and walk over to the little kitchenette and grab a towel to dry yourself off. "What was that?"

"Nothin'" They say nonchalantly as though they didn't just attack you with shower water. 

"Oh, by the way, Sam Winchester called," You inform your friend. "He wanted us to help the guys with a hunt and I agreed."

"Are you sure?" Your friend asks. "I mean, seeing the guys?"

"Of course I'm sure!" You say defensively. "What, you don't think I can handle a few days with Sam, Dean, and Cas?"

"Of course you can handle it!" Your friend retorts. "I was just trying to say are you sure you want to? You didn't necessarily leave on a good note."

"Yeah," you sigh. You know that they're right. After Bobby died, you left only saying that you'd be back. They send their angel after you more than a few times, but you always sent him away. You used hunting as a coping mechanism, mindless killing of terrors in the night, emotionless. Revenge. Revenge of the man who took care of you since you were a kid. Revenge for Sam and Dean for their family too. Sam and Dean were actually the ones who sent Y/BF/N after you. Cas told them about you and how bad everything's been with you and they found Y/BF/N and sent them after you. You started getting better after you had someone with you, to keep you grounded. The companion to your Doctor. "Yeah. I need to see my boys again."

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