Imagine - Sibling!Reader

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Batman to the Rescue

Inspired by some weechester fanart

Eight year old you is sitting cross legged on the lumpy motel bed, reading a book that Sam gave you. You had to sound out some of the really large words, but other than that, it was good. You look up from the book to see that it was raining outside. You never minded the rain, especially when you had to sleep in the car, it's rhythmic tapping never failed to help lull you to sleep. You bolt up straight when you see a bolt of lightning light up the sky. You liked rain, but you where afraid of thunder.


You jump under the covers, pulling them to your nose. Your older brother Dean and your father are on a hunt, and your other brother Sam is at a friend's house working on a school thing, probably sleeping over. That means you'd be all alone with the storm until Dean came home.


You pull the covers over your head, silent tears running down your face into the pillow. You pull out a flashlight and continue reading to try to distract yourself from the storm outside. You throw the book and flashlight out of your blanket bubble after the next  bolt of lightning hits, covering your ears just in time to muffle the sound of the thunder.

After a few more claps of thunder, you hear the motel room door open and close quickly, someone having entered. "Y/N? Sammy?" Your eldest brother Dean calls out, but you stay under the covers, hands clasped over ears. After a minute, you hear the footsteps of your brother walk over to the bed and sit down on the side. "Kiddo?" He asks softly and your poke your head out from under the blankets.

He pulls you up into his arms, hugging you. "I'm sorry I just got in. After the hunt, Dad had me drop him off somewhere. If I'd have known there would be a storm, I wouldn't have let Sam go to that sleepover."

"It's okay," you hug him back tightly, just relieved that he was there.

Dean pulls back and picks up the thrown book and flashlight off of the ground. "Did you eat dinner?"

"Sammy made me ramen noodles before he left," you answer.

"You hungry?" He asks and you smile back and nod. You follow him to the kitchen and watch him microwave chicken nuggets. The two of you sit at the small table and eat, you only jumping at the especially loud claps of thunder. After your late dinner, you were now tired, so Dean quickly showers and lays down, pulling you on top of him so you are laying on him chest. He grabs the book you had been reading and starts reading it out loud, changing his voice slightly for the different characters, making you giggle. Soon enough, you fall asleep, snuggling into your big brother. Dean continues reading silently until he too falls asleep.

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