Imagine - Charlie x Reader

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You walk around the bunker looking for Charlie. It's been 10 minutes before you realize that Charlie has been in the library reading some of the new novels you lent her. You run to the library and stop at the archway to catch your breath. After a minute you walk in and see Charlie sitting at the long table in the middle of the room reading.

"Hey Charlie! Whatcha reading?" You ask.

She looks up and smiles at you. "Just finished Mockingjay. The epilogue is so sweet!"

"Its one of my favorites. I knew you'd like it," you say. "Hey, Char. Can I ask you something?" You ask pulling out the chair next to hers and sitting down in it.

"Sure, Y/N. What's up?" She ask, putting her book down and looking at you. You take a deep breath and look at her. I'm so nervous. What if she doesn't like me? Shut up, Y/N. The worst thing that could happen is she says no. What if she says no... You think. You've liked girls, hooked up with some. Being a hunter you could never have an actual, stable relationship with anybody. But then Charlie moved in to the bunker with you guys and that all changed. You've never been nervous asking someone out before. Then again, you've never liked anyone as much as you like Charlie. You liked Charlie since you, Sam, and Dean broke into her apartment when she was unknowingly working for a leviathan.

You take another deep breath and look up at Charlie. "Would you like be my girlfriend?" You ask hopefully. She stares at you for a minute to try and see if you are joking. You just keep looking at her until she smiles at you and nods.

"Yes, I'd like to be your girlfriend." She says smiling. Let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding and smile relieved. She gives you a thumbs up and you give a small laugh at her. You kiss her on the cheek and run out of the library. You turn a corner and see Dean standing there with Sam behind him, both have a stupid smile plastered on their faces.

"Oh, shut up." You say, still smiling, not even attempting to look annoyed.

"Yeah?" Sam asks.

"Yeah," You say and Dean pats you on the back.

"Congrats, Kiddo." Dean smiles at you and walks to the library, likely to say the same to Charlie. Sam gives you a small hug. "Nice going, Y/N." Sam says, then follows after Dean.

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