Imagine - Castiel x reader

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For SarahSmith200

Do you wanna build a snowman?

You are waken up by a knock at your door. "Y/N! Get up! It's snowing!" Dean yells through the door. When ever it snows, you and the guys always act like children. You get up and get out of bed. You walk out of your room to the kitchen to see that Dean's already made breakfast. He and Sam are already sitting at the table eating the pancakes and bacon. You take some out of the pan and put it on a plate and walk over and sit down next to Sam.

"So, how much is there?" You say.

"Almost three feet," Sam says excitedly and you smile.

"Is Cas around today?" You ask and Dean nods. "He's in his room." You finish up your breakfast and run to Cas's room.

You knock on the door rapidly. "Cas! Cas! Cas! Cas!" You yell. The door opens and you see the angel standing in front of the door.

"Come on, Cas. It snowed last night!" He tilts his head and you giggle in a childish way, too excited to care. This was your favorite time of the year and you were going to make the most of it. "Come on!" You say. "Let's go outside!"

"I don't under what is so exciting," Cas says and you look at Cas mischievously.

"Well that's going to change. Let me get dressed and then we can meet the boys outside!" You say and then you run back to your room. You open your closet and pick out a Rolling Stones T-shirt and some black sweatpants. You pull out your winter jacket, two hats, and gloves and run back to Cas's room, putting a hat and gloves on on the way. You knock on Cas's door once more and it opens. You put a hat on Cas's head and you smile.

"Let's go!" You say grabbing his hand and dragging him outside. You open the door easily as the snow was pushed out of the way by the boys. You see them throwing snowballs at each other and you laugh seeing them all out in their winter gear. They had hats with little pom-poms on the top as well as scarves wrapped around their necks and mittens and on top of that are some big-ass winter coats.

"Snow," Cas breaths out as he stares in fascination. You pull his over to Sam and Dean and they greet Cas. 

"Come on, Cas!" You say and pull him over to a patch of fresh snow. You giggle and fall backwards onto the snow. He takes on his trench coat and does the same, watching you make a snow angel. You call over Sam and make him pull you up, not wanting to ruin the creation you made by rolling out of it or standing in it. You reach out a hand to Cas and pull him up.

"These are snow angels. I know the name is silly but they kind of look like little cherubs," You explain before he can tell you about how angels look nothing like that and that it's a dumb name.

"They're very pretty," He says while you dust the snow off of his back.

"So..." You trail off looking up at him. "Want to build a snowman?"

"I- don't-" He says.

"You don't know how?" You ask and he shakes his head. "Do you want to learn?"

"Can you teach me?" He asks and you nod. You walk a little bit over and fall flat on your bottom, crossing your legs. You start to mold a snow ball, adding a little more onto the ball each time. You ask Cas to start making the next ball and he does so. You help him put his on top of yours and you run up behind Dean and take his scarf from him. You put the scarf on the snowman.

Then Dean throws a snowball at you.

You and Cas team up and Sam and Dean team up. You throw a snowball and it hits Sam in the face. He throws one back and it just misses you. You gasp,"This is war!" You yell and throw another snowball.

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