Imagine - TFW x Reader pt 2

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The Weapon pt. 2

For StacyWrect

"The spell I cast should've turned her full demon right away, but-"

"Wait, full demon?" Crowley asked, his eyes squinted. "What do you mean, 'full demon'?"

"I used a curse, it turns the human into a demon, well it should, right away! It didn't work, she just passed out."

"That's because, Mother, she's half angel! She's not going to turn into a demon right away!" Crowley shouted before taking a breath and sitting back down.

"I'll find a way to get her on our side," Rowena vowed.

"I'm sure you will, now, I'm sure you had a reason for that little suicide run of yours?"

"The best reason!"

"What is that?"

"You!" Rowena told him "We need her so much that I thought if I got-"

"I know what you thought... I appreciate that but- she's not here is she?" He asked.

"That angel of hers, he's protecting her. He's not going to let her out of his sight now." Rowena exclaimed.

"Well who's fault is that?" Crowley asked, taking a sip of his whiskey. "Yours."

"Cas!" Dean yelled, running into the bunker, his brother following suit.

"Cas, where are you?" Sam yelled.

"Y/N's room!" They heard the angel yell back. They took off to your room, getting there in just under a minute. 

"What happened?" Dean asked, going up to your bedside. You've been unconscious for almost 5 hours and Castiel has been sitting next to you the whole time, waiting for you to wake up.

"Rowena put a spell on her. I don't know what it was but before I came, I felt intense pain before she passed out. I got there just in time to see Rowena disappear. As I said, I feel much power coming off of her. I don't know what Rowena did, but..."

"She's not waking up?" Sam guessed. Castiel nodded in responce, looking back to you. "Well, we can look at some spells, but there's nothing else we can really do."

Cas looked up at the two men, standing on the other side of the bed before nodding. "Okay, I guess the only think we can do it look for the spell." He gave your hand a squeeze before standing up and following the boys out of your room.


"Okay, you know what?" Dean asked, closing the spell book, " I've read every spell in every book we have, and I still can't find a spell that would match up. "I think we just need to wait for Y/N to wake up."

Cas stood up, looking Dean in the eyes, "We don't know when of If she will wake up. It could be months."

"It's the only think I can think of, Cas," Dean sighed. "I'm going to go check on her. I think there might be one more book that we can look through, but I don't know." 

Dean stood up and walked out of the library. A minute later Dean ran back, almost running into the table. "Y/N's gone! She wasn't in her room and the door was open!" Both Sam and Castiel shot up and ran over to Dean.

"Are you positive?" Cas asked.

"Yes, Cas! I'm pretty positive that Y/N isn't in her room!" Dean ran his fingers through his hair, "You think someone took her?"

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