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Brian and I walk together in the café to see Richard sitting and sipping his coffee. He was dressed immaculately and looked like someone who's got his act straight. He looked absolutely yummy in that suit and when I saw his eyes and the way they sparkled, I remembered why I fell in love with him.

"Hey baby!" He tries to embrace me and peck my cheek but I stop him midway. Damn he's such a fucking beast.

"And you're Brian. Nice to meet you." Richard tries to shake his hand but he doesn't and we sit down.

"Why the fuck are you following me Richard?", I say, "You know I'd get you arrested you asshole?"

"I'm fine too baby. How's your fiancé Salvatore? Where is he?", he asks sarcastically.

"It doesn't fucking concern you Richard. What do you want?", I say. I am getting so sick of his shit.

"I just wanted to see you and your fiancé but I see you prefer to hang out with your side piece. I wonder what the Montgomeries would think of this?", he said very calmly. I forget that he's a psychopath.

"Listen asshole, I am not anyone's side piece. You better watch your fucking mouth or I'll punch that beautiful face of yours.", Brian muttered.
"So says the side piece. Hahaha", he laughed gesturing the waiter who brought two coffees. "Drink up you guys", he said chuckling.

"Richard Vernon, what the fuck is wrong with you? You have a girlfriend, remember?  The skank you left me for? The one you knocked up? Why don't you go back to her?" I am actually concerned about Freya. She may be the biggest whore in the world but no one deserves to be knocked up and left to dry. Oh who am I kidding, I want her to feel what I felt, and no child deserves Richard as his father.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I broke up with her! You're such a bimbo. I want you. Oh so bad. It's making me mad baby!", he almost broke into that Beatles song.

"Are you high Richard? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I look at Brian and he so wide eyed. This is why I didn't tell Sal about anything.

"I may have done some teensy weensy nose candy. Nothing you don't know about. Oh Brian man you should have seen this one. She did enough coke to kill a rhino in ten minutes.", he said to Brian and laughed. I could feel that he was judging me.

"Richie! Aye! I am clean and sober for five years. You need to go to rehab. Get cleaned up for Freya and the kid. Why the fuck are you having me followed?" I am proud of my sobriety.

"Freya is a big girl. She doesn't care. She'll find another man. At least she isn't a killer like you!", he muttered.

"I had to abort the baby. I was 20. You don't get to judge me. What the fuck do you want?", I scream. Everyone is looking at me. Brian tries to calm me down.

"Do you need a cigarette baby?" Richard offers me one and I nod 'no'. He lights his and continues saying, "Suze. Baby. Sexy pants. I know you love me. Why are you fucking these toad people? You've downgraded. I'd actually understand if you brought Connor but Brian I don't get. You love him no?", he muttered. Brian and I look at each other. "Oh get a room", he said.

"Richard what the fuck do you want?", I say. "Out with it motherfucker!"

"Ooh colourful language! Vera would so totally keel over right now", he laughed. "Babe, since I can't have you", he tried to hold my hand but Brian stopped him so he continued saying, "I want ten million dollars. Cash."

Obviously. All Richard really ever loved was money.

"I don't have that kind of money Richard.", I say

"Obviously. Byron does. Get it babe." Richard said

"What if I don't?", I say

"You know Salvatore is such a nice guy. I wonder how would he feel about your extra curricular activities?", he shows me his phone. It's a video of me and Brian. Having sex. Brian throws it and stamps on it.

"You fucking caveman! I have multiple copies you idiot. Very fap worthy video babe. You're such a dynamite", he chuckles and I feel sick to my core. Brian hits him hard and they get into a fight.

I separate them and Richard says, "So about the money..." and I say, "You're not getting a single penny. Fuck off Richard. Nobody will ever trust you. Even your parents cut you off and they are biologically programmed to love you.", I say.

"So that's a no?!? Gee what do I do now!", he said in a mocking tone. He screamed, "Oh Sally boy", and out of nowhere Sal appeared. He looked so angry. He ran towards Quinn and punched his face.

"I am so sorry Sal", I say and he looks at me and says, "I don't even want to look at you. You're a liar and a cheat. With my best friend? How could you? Bitch!", and he keeps on hitting Quinn.

"Sal! Stop!", I run towards him but Richard stops me and says, "Look what you did sexy. You're trouble!", and laughs. What a sadistic asshole.

Brian turns and starts hitting Sal. The staff separates them and we're thrown out of the café. Sal looks me and screams, "I don't want to see you again. Ever. You have an hour to move out of the house and my life." He looked at Quinn amd said, "I hope you fucking die, you asshole" and Sal spat in his face and drove away.

I slapped Richard hard and he just laughed and said, "You know what maybe I should go back to Freya. Also the satisfaction of ruining your life is much better than ten million dollars. Burn in hell bitch! Arrivederci!!!", he blew me a kiss and drove away. I look at Quinn and he tries to say something but I can't even deal with him and I just drive away to pack up my stuff. Quinn tries to chase me but even he gives up and keeps calling me.

I light up a cigarette and keep driving. What the fuck did I do? When Vera and Byron will find out they'll be so embarrassed. Abby will kill me for sure. I call up Connor and tell him everything. He screams at me but finally decides to help me move my stuff back. Overwhelmed by this surge of emotions I stop my car in the middle of the road and start crying. I totally fucked up.

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE | SAL VULCANO/ BRIAN QUINNWhere stories live. Discover now