A Winter Romance Pt.3

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I want to tell you a story kids, of the time your father and I got married. It was the winter of 2013, and I was short on cash.

With barely any money in the bank and no support from our homophobic families, we didn't have enough money for a wedding. We'd been engaged for a year, though, and I was desperate to tie the knot. It was 2am when I had my brilliant idea.

Phil agreed that I was a genius, and we called the people who ran the competition. We found out that they had gone out of business a few months earlier, and for whatever reason, were looking to get rid of the cabin. Nobody wanted it, though, since it was deserted in the middle of nowhere. I grinned at Phil, and we made our plans.

A week later, the two of us, our friends PJ, Chris, Louis and Tyler, and a priest journeyed up to the cabin. Your father and I got ready in the oh so familiar bedroom while the others decorated and prepared for the ceremony.

The balcony was covered in fairy lights, and snow was gently falling to the ground as I watched your father walk towards me. He looked gorgeous, but when doesn't he? I took his hands as we stood in front of our friends, ready to make this official.

"Dan, from the first second I met you, I wanted to make you smile. That winter, my main goal was to make you smile as much as I could, each and every day. You're not that sad, lonely kid anymore, but all I want in life is to make you smile. Your smile is gorgeous, no matter what you might think. I promise to make you smile, every day for the rest of our lives. I love you Dan. More than life itself."

"Phil, when I first met you, you annoyed the hell out of me. You were always so happy, and I was jealous of that. But then you taught me to be happy, you shared your happiness with me, and I've always loved you so much for that. You saved my life, and I don't know where I'd be without you. I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me."

I became Dan Lester, opting to take his last name. I wanted to show everyone I was his. I wanted to be his forever. Phil was the love of my life. He was my everything.

That was the happiest day of my life kids, other than your birth of course. I'll get to that though. I'll get to it.

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